Brucellosis - what is it?

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Brucellosis - what is it?
Brucellosis - what is it?

Video: Brucellosis - what is it?

Video: Brucellosis - what is it?
Video: The real reason American health care is so expensive 2024, October

Every person eats milk, cheeses, meat. Some part of the population keeps pets: as friends or as future food. In any status, such animals are carriers of dangerous infectious diseases that can be transmitted to humans.

At the same time, they can cause many complications, which ultimately can lead to rather sad consequences. Brucellosis is one such lesion.

Description of the disease

Brucellosis is an infectious disease transmitted from pets to humans. It is characterized by lesions of the central nervous system, bone and joint apparatus, as well as detrimental effects on the heart and blood vessels.

The source of this disease is Brucella - microorganisms that are highly resistant to certain environmental influences: high humidity or low temperature.

response to brucellosis
response to brucellosis

Their penetration into the human body occurs through the mucous membranes or the skin. Then they connect with cells and intensively develop in them, after which they spread through the lymph nodes and blood vessels throughoutthroughout the body.

When ingested into the bone marrow, spleen, liver or other organs, brucella contributes to infection, which further leads to the formation of reactive-allergic changes. When infected with other viruses during the period of this disease, there is a high probability of exacerbation and chronicization of the process.

Brucellosis: types of pathogens

At the moment, there are six main types of pathogens of the disease in question:

  1. Brucellosis MRS (small cattle) is caused by the pathogen Br. Melitensis and Br. Ovis - for sheep separately.
  2. brucellosis in cattle
    brucellosis in cattle
  3. Br. abortus suis is inherent in pigs.
  4. For cattle is a detrimental bacterium species Br. abortus bovis.
  5. Br. neotomae - for desert bush rats. This species is non-pathogenic to humans.
  6. Br. canis - for dogs.

In their morphological structure, these bacteria do not differ too much from each other. Usually these microorganisms are characterized by:

  • round or oval with sizes ranging from 0.3 to 0.6 microns;
  • Gram-negative and able to grow on normal nutrient media;
  • at the first inoculation from the body, pathogens are formed more slowly than at subsequent ones;
  • under the influence of antibiotics, brucella can transform into L-forms;
  • for such bacteria is a typical ability to penetrate the cell and parasitize there;
  • what is remarkable, when they are destroyed, there isrelease of endotoxin.

Infection can be destroyed if kept for 30 minutes at 60 degrees. When boiled, they die immediately. Also, for Brucella, sunlight and substances that are used for disinfection are detrimental. But at low temperatures, they exist for a long time.

Possible routes of infection

Brucella are microscopic in size and have strong penetrating properties, allowing them to enter the body through skin that is not even blemished. Infection of the body is carried out in the following ways:

  • by direct contact with infected animals;
  • when eating unprocessed meat and dairy products that contain bacteria;
  • when making things from wool and animal skin;
  • airborne;
  • in addition, living organisms, with their feces, pollute the surface with which a person then interacts, resulting in an increased risk of disease.
  • acute brucellosis
    acute brucellosis

When considering the causes of infection, we can conclude that brucellosis is an occupational disease of people who work with livestock: shepherds, livestock specialists, veterinarians. The greatest likelihood of infection is observed when assisting an animal during the birth process.

Remarkably, bovine brucellosis can be transmitted to another animal or person. But among people, this disease is not transmitted.

Disease forms

The value of the incubation periodunder normal conditions does not exceed 30 days, with the formation of a latent version of the disease - up to 90 days.

There are 4 forms of brucellosis:

  1. Spicy. It is characterized by headaches and muscle pains, problems with appetite and sleep, high temperature, which fluctuates greatly in a short period of time. Acute brucellosis occurs much more rapidly at a young age than at an old age.
  2. Subacute. In addition to the above signs, there are problems with the joints and muscles, with stools, and an allergic rash is also possible. This form is characterized by periodic febrile states. The patient may experience constant mood swings, pain in the joints and muscle tissue.
  3. Chronic. The nervous system is strongly affected by the disease. As a result, the normal activity of hearing, vision, body sensitivity may be disturbed. In addition, the musculoskeletal system and the genitourinary system suffer.
  4. Residual. Differs in violations of a functional nature. In particular, it adversely affects the heart and blood vessels, causing various complications over a long period of time.

Phases of infection

Bacteria after entering the body are captured by macrophages, they develop in them and go to the lymph nodes, from where they are distributed throughout the body.

In connection with this activity of Brucella, 5 phases of the infection can be distinguished:

  1. Lymphogenic. Corresponds to the incubation period. Pathogens can stay in the human body for a long time withoutwhile showing himself.
  2. Hematogenous. After the accumulation of significant proportions of Brucella in the lymph nodes, the infection begins to appear throughout the body.
  3. Phase of polyfocal localizations. Pathogen cells are captured by phagocytes of individual organs, resulting in the formation of foci of infection.
  4. Phase of exo-focal seeding. Multiple dissemination of Brucella is carried out with the formation of changes of a reactive-allergic nature.
  5. Phase of metamorphosis. At this stage, either complete resorption of the infection occurs, or the development of persistent cicatricial lesions in painful organs.

Brucellosis: symptoms in humans, photos of lesions

Every infection has symptoms. And if you know and distinguish the necessary symptoms, you can avoid various complications.

  1. It is very difficult to diagnose at an early stage of the disease, as the reaction to brucellosis converges with the symptoms of influenza or other viral diseases: high fever, which can reach 40 degrees, headache, loss of appetite and weight, weakness.
  2. Depending on the type of pathogen, other signs may appear: vomiting, diarrhea, development of abscesses in various organs.
  3. suffers from bruculosis
    suffers from bruculosis
  4. With the further course of the disease, there is constant apathy, increasing weakness, pain in the joints. All this is accompanied by fluctuations in body temperature, which contributes to fever and chills.
  5. In the acute form, fibrositis and cellulite in the muscles, allergicreactions, rash, dermatitis, disorders in the vascular system. This phase is especially dangerous for pregnant women, as the disease affects the genitals, which can lead to premature birth or miscarriage.
  6. forms of brucellosis
    forms of brucellosis
  7. The chronic form is characterized by significant detrimental changes in the human body, causing great problems with the joints, the genitourinary system, and the body's immunity.

So, this disease is very difficult - brucellosis. Symptoms in a person, a photo and a general description of the state of the body, allow you to immediately calculate the infection to prevent an exacerbation or transition to a chronic stage.


For the timely detection of the disease, the following methods of diagnosing brucellosis are used:

  1. Analysis of the statistics of cases in this region, the figures of which must be confirmed by the fact of eating meat and dairy products from infected animals.
  2. Take an anamnesis of complaints, which should reflect the symptoms of infection.
  3. Analysis of blood, urine, cerebrospinal and joint fluid for separate nutrient media. If specific bacteria form on them, then this is a confirmation of the infection.
  4. Checking for sensitivity to certain categories of antibiotics.
  5. Wright's reaction. This method is useful in that it is possible to determine the presence of the disease in the first days. The technology is as follows: the blood serum of the infected and dead Brucella cells are added to the test tube. If flakes form, the diagnosis is positive.
  6. Brunet test. Protein injected under the skinpathogen and the degree of reddening of the area is assessed.
  7. Method of polymerase chain reaction. Detects Brucella DNA in body fluids.
  8. brucellosis is
    brucellosis is
  9. Coombs test. It is used to determine the chronic form. A blood test is carried out on the infected person to detect certain antibodies that correspond to the disease.

How to treat brucellosis?

The main task in the treatment of brucellosis is to ensure timely prevention of further spread of the disease and the reduction or elimination of symptoms.

At the first manifestations of infection, immediate hospitalization is necessary. Treatment should be carried out under close medical supervision.

Initially, a course of antibiotics is prescribed: you will need to take "Rifampicin" and "Doxycycline". In some cases, the use of anti-inflammatory drugs is necessary.

In order to maintain the immune system at the proper level during an illness, medicines are prescribed that help increase the body's defenses.

All actions of the treating specialist depend on the stage of the infection and on the individual characteristics of the activity of the human body.

brucellosis species
brucellosis species

In the chronic form, the use of ultra-high frequency therapy and paraffin application becomes relevant. A similar method involves the patient being in a spa treatment.


To avoid brucellosis, or at least to some extentreduce the risk of disease, special preventive measures must be followed.

The following actions are primarily aimed at preventing infection of farm animals:

  • continuous inspection of livestock condition;
  • timely isolation of infected individuals;
  • systematic vaccination;
  • periodic disinfection of premises.

Risk group - people who often come into contact with animals and their products. This is especially true for veterinarians. To reduce the risk of infection, you need to:

  • follow the sanitary and epidemiological requirements at the enterprise;
  • strictly follow the rules of hygiene: use gloves, respirators, disinfectants, keep the habitats of individuals clean;
  • vaccination required every two years;
  • protect yourself from eating raw dairy products, as well as those animal products that were purchased from hand.

Consequences and complications

Brucellosis is the cause of lesions of the reproductive organs, central nervous system, liver and other important parts of the human body.

Among the likely negative consequences are:

  1. Endocarditis. One of the main factors that leads to the death of patients with brucellosis. Adversely affects the activity of the heart valve.
  2. Arthritis. Joint disease. Inflammation from the infection causes pain, swelling and reduced movement.
  3. Infection can affect andtesticles, causing epididymo-orchitis with discomfort in the groin area and problems with urination.
  4. When an infection affects the liver and spleen, they increase in size, which is accompanied by pain.
  5. If the bacterium has touched the central nervous system, then meningitis and encephalitis, inflammatory processes in the meninges, may appear. As a result - partial or complete loss of vision.
  6. If a pregnant woman is sick with brucellosis, then there is a high risk of miscarriage, premature birth, abnormal fetal development.

Those who have had an infection may have residual symptoms: increased sweating, increased irritability, joint pain and deformity, which may require surgery to correct.

Death directly from brucellosis is not too common. In most cases, the sad result comes from the developed complications.

Brucellosis is an infectious disease that is quite a strong threat to human he alth and life. It is dangerous due to the fact that there are no effective means to combat it - you can only stop the symptoms.

The segment of the population that is in close contact with animals is most susceptible to it. Men and women predominate among those infected with the infection, but even children often get sick.