Recently, parents often face sharp pains in the abdomen of their child. It is impossible to independently establish the cause of pain. Many children are unable to explain the pain that worries them. For the correct diagnosis of the disease, it is necessary to establish the exact cause of such pain in the lower abdomen in a child. Read more below.

Colics mainly appear in newborns due to increased gas formation. Dysbacteriosis in older children is manifested against the background of stressful situations, when eating harmful foods, taking antibiotics. During this period, there is a loss of weight, appetite. There is bloating, loose stools, heartburn, a taste of bitterness in the oral cavity. Constipation occurs on the basis of psychological discomfort or fiber deficiency in the body.
Any infection affects all internal organs. The presence of an infectious disease is characterized by a high temperature of the child, sharp pains in the abdomen, vomiting, coughing. Pain in the lower abdomen in a child on the rightindicate manifestations of appendicitis. Inflammation occurs due to food allergies and the presence of intestinal bacteria. Also, if the right side of the lower abdomen hurts in a child, and the pain is accompanied by allergic reactions, then these may be parasites in the body. The baby has increased weakness, loose stools, dizziness, skin rashes, profuse tearing of the eyes. Violation of the gastrointestinal tract is accompanied by heaviness in the stomach, bouts of vomiting and pain in the lower abdomen.
Inflammation of the abdominal cavity causes pain in the lower abdomen when the child moves Children at this moment begin to lose consciousness and experience acute pain of a different nature. Quite often, they have infectious inflammation of the genitourinary system, characterized by high fever and pain in the lower abdomen. Pancreatitis is one of the causes of such manifestations. Children during this period lie motionless in one position. The stomach hurts at the bottom left of the child, swells, tenses, and the child experiences a state of shock.
Gastritis indicates inflammation in the lower abdomen. The disease in the advanced stage is characterized by dull pains. The child feels acid and heaviness in the stomach. Kidney problems also cause inflammation in the abdomen. The main signs include: swelling of the body, weakness, aching pain in the lower abdomen, difficulty urinating. Regular treatment with strong drugs, nervous breakdown, increased anxiety, childhood fear. Injury to the peritoneum quite often causes pain in the lower abdomen, whichaccompanied by discomfort and discomfort.

Other factors
The main causes of pain in the lower abdomen in children are also: disruption of the intestines, inflammation in the abdominal cavity, gastric bleeding, diseases of the cardiovascular system. Pain that appears in the lower abdomen may indicate the appearance of various pathologies of the internal organs. Any changes in the functioning of the body cause discomfort in the abdomen. Diagnosis should only be carried out by a specialist.

The first signs indicate the presence of infection in the body. In the affected areas, a sharp pain is felt. Over time, the discomfort increases, the diseased area of the body swells and becomes hot. The skin has a red tint. The inflammatory process raises the body temperature. In rare cases, chills are felt. The condition of patients is deteriorating rapidly.
Dizziness, weakness, malaise appear. In some cases, dermatitis and profuse itching appear. In the acute form of the disease, Quincke's edema and paroxysmal cough can be observed. The child refuses to eat food, is naughty, lame, refuses to move. If you have symptoms, you should visit a specialist and undergo a full examination.

The specialist prescribes a biochemical and general blood test. Examines the lower abdomen andconducts a special survey. X-rays and ultrasounds are taken. The presence of the disease is characterized by blood counts.
Treatment methods
The right approach of a specialist allows you to cure the patient in a short time. To eliminate inflammatory processes, it is recommended to take acetylsalicylic acid. The antibiotic "Amoxicillin" or "Erythromycin" is mandatory. The course of treatment is 7 days.
Non-hormonal drugs are prescribed for the development of intestinal infections. Application is recommended until the complete disappearance of inflammatory processes in the abdominal cavity. To eliminate the symptoms, antiallergic drugs are also prescribed: Diazolin, Suprastin, Tavegil. You can add folk remedies to the main treatment. Anti-inflammatory ointments, creams and tinctures will complement the main treatment based on medications. These include: "Dolgit", "Cinepar", "Ketonal". To stop the inflammatory process, you need to use Ibuprofen, Indomethacin.
In the acute form of the disease, physiotherapy is prescribed. The technique allows you to prevent pain, reduce pain and bring the intestinal flora back to normal. It is allowed to use ultrasound and magnetic therapy. The method improves blood circulation, normalizes metabolic processes in the body, restores the functions of internal organs. Children are prescribed electrophoresis using drugs and enzymes. Proceduresare carried out on the basis of ozocerite and paraffin. Treatments restore blood flow and instantly remove toxins from cells.

Massage and gymnastics
In the process of treatment, it is necessary to use special massage and gymnastics. Preschool children are recommended to conduct complex exercises. Older children are prescribed physiotherapy exercises. The duration of therapeutic methods depends on the form of the disease. All procedures are carried out under the supervision of a doctor.

The main preventive measures include hardening. The body in this mode is resistant to infections and allergens of various origins. It is recommended to avoid hypothermia. Otherwise, the risk of viral and infectious diseases increases. Keep your feet warm in winter.
You should take vitamins in unlimited quantities. Vitamin deficiency leads to a weakened immune system. If suspicious symptoms are found, it is worth immediately undergoing a full diagnosis. Children should strengthen the immune system, eat right, exercise. You should rinse your mouth regularly. It is forbidden to self-administer injections to eliminate pain. Injections are performed only by a specialist in compliance with antiseptic requirements.

Consequences and complications
Pain in the lower abdomen in children can be seriouscomplications and consequences. Ignoring the first signs of the disease and lost time can lead to serious consequences. In the presence of the disease in children, complications of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems appear. Irregular systematic therapeutic measures lead to the development of serious pathologies. As a result, a specialist can detect a whole range of other diseases. Proper timely treatment by a qualified doctor will help to avoid serious complications. Be sure to follow the treatment prescribed by the doctor. In case of severe pain, you must call an ambulance.
Parents need to remember that if a child complains of pain in the lower abdomen, it must be urgently shown to the doctor. Such a pathology can be a harbinger of dangerous diseases that are not always treatable in advanced stages.