Many diseases have their own psychosomatics. Cough is no exception. Sometimes even people with "iron" he alth have this disease. Moreover, it is impossible to cure it at all. Then they make a diagnosis similar to "chronic cough". In fact, this is a wrong conclusion. If the cough does not go away for a long time, and also appears for no apparent reason, then the problem lies precisely in the psychosomatic origin of the disease. But why does it happen? Can this disease be cured?

Living conditions
Psychosomatics of diseases is an extremely important point. Often, even quite he althy people fall ill with terrible diseases, although there was no reason for this. Then how do they appear? This is your head. Or rather, what happens in it.
The root cause of psychogenic cough is unfavorable living conditions. This factor affects the he alth of both adults and children. If "something is wrong" in the house and family, the body quickly reacts to an unfavorable environment. This is especially noticeable in children.
This is such an interesting psychosamatics. Cough is a diseasenot too scary, but annoying. It appears for many reasons. If everything is in order with the situation in the house and family, you can try to pay attention to some other factors that affect the body.
No wonder they say that all "sores" from stress. It is one of the very first factors that cause various diseases. Cough included. Most often, you can notice that a similar reaction of the body manifests itself in people who have been in stressful situations for a long time.

Children also have a similar disease. Moreover, it is very easy to "check" the reliability of the influence of stress on a child. Usually psychogenic cough manifests itself a few days after another stressful situation. Most of the time, this is just the beginning. In the future, more serious problems may arise due to negative emotional shock. For example, bronchitis will appear.
Psychosomatics of diseases is diverse. Moreover, negative emotions are not always the cause of their occurrence. The thing is that sometimes a cough can appear not only because of negativity or adverse living conditions.
The slightest emotional shock can provoke this disease. This is very noticeable in children. If you have recently experienced a situation that "was deposited" in your memory and shocked you with something, do not be surprised. Cough can really manifest itself in the coming days after the event.
As already mentioned, the shock should not always benegative. A very joyful event can also be a provocateur of the disease. But such cases are quite rare. Often, it is from negative emotions and events that he alth problems arise to one degree or another.

What else does psychosomatics contain? Cough in children and adults can appear due to experiences. And not only personal. Usually, worries about loved ones negatively affect a person’s he alth. From here, various ailments appear.
The psychogenic cough is no exception. It often occurs when a person is very worried or worried about someone. Even the banal news of a loved one's illness can provoke a negative reaction from the body.
For children, a psychogenic cough that arose due to worries about people is quite dangerous. After all, it is very difficult to cure him in this case. All the negativity and all the experiences in childhood are almost never forgotten. This means that there is a possibility that the resulting psychosomatic illnesses will not go away at all.
The psychosomatics of cough in adults and children is similar. In children, there are even more causes of the disease. Sometimes this disease occurs due to overwork. And it does not matter what type of fatigue we are talking about - emotional or physical.

It has been observed that people who work seriously and for a long time get sick more often. And they cough quite often. emotionalexhaustion also affects the body negatively. Because of this, a person is able to suffer from a psychogenic illness for a long time.
Unfortunately, in the modern world, overwork appears in both children and adults. This means that no one can be insured against the consequences of the negative effects of fatigue. It is for this reason that it is recommended to rest more and not allow children to do something through force.
This is not all the surprises prepared by psychosomatics. Cough is not a very dangerous disease. But getting rid of it can be very problematic. Especially if it occurs for psychosomatic reasons.
These include a negative environment. And not at home or in the family, but surrounded by a person. For example, at school or at work. If a person often visits a place that brings negative emotions and stress, as well as worries and worries, one should not be surprised at the appearance of a psychogenic cough. After all, this is quite normal.
Usually this disease is very noticeable in children. For example, if a child is uncomfortable in a kindergarten, he receives negative feedback from this institution, most likely he will develop a cough. Some argue that frequent illnesses in children in kindergartens are associated precisely with psychosomatics. Schoolchildren also often develop a psychogenic cough.

Adults are less affected by this factor. Nevertheless, cough (psychosomatics, the causes of which have been established) is treated much easier than it seems. In any case, the likelihood of recovery in this caserises. It is easier for adults to change the environment without unnecessary stress and other negativity than for children.
It doesn't matter if you have a simple or allergic cough. The psychosomatics of these diseases is still the same. It is noted that even your mindset and behavior can affect the body and its condition.
Therefore, you should always watch your emotions. It has been noticed that people who are unfriendly, angry, aggressive most often suffer from coughing. It turns out that negative emotions directly affect the appearance of our current disease. That is what psychosomatics is. Cough with phlegm is the main feature inherent in overly aggressive people.
But if it is dry, most likely you just want to be the center of attention. Your mental attitude literally asks "Notice me!". This is the opinion of many psychologists. After all, the desire to be noticed really negatively affects the body. It's kind of stressful.
This is the psychosomatics of our today's illness. A cough that has arisen for emotional and psychological reasons is very difficult to cure. Especially in children. After all, for them the only cure is to eliminate the source of negativity. Sometimes you may even need the help of a psychologist.

But adults in this regard are easier. They can take a variety of medications, such as antidepressants, to help with their cough. But this does not relieve them of the need to eliminate the source of negativeinfluence on the body. Resorts are very popular in the treatment of psychogenic cough. And in general, rest in general. Sometimes just a good rest is enough to get rid of most psychosomatic diseases.