Collapse is a specific clinical manifestation of acute low blood pressure, a life-threatening condition characterized by a drop in blood pressure and a low blood supply to the most important human organs. Such a condition in a person can usually be manifested by pallor of the face, severe weakness, and cold extremities. In addition, this disease can still be interpreted a little differently. Collapse is also one of the forms of acute vascular insufficiency, which is characterized by a sharp decrease in blood pressure and vascular tone, an immediate decrease in cardiac output and a decrease in the amount of circulating blood.

All this can lead to a decrease in blood flow to the heart, to a drop in arterial and venous pressure, hypoxia of the brain, human tissues and organs, and a decrease in metabolism. As for the reasons that contribute to the development of collapse, there are plenty of them. Among the most common causes of such a pathological condition are acute diseases of the heart and blood vessels,for example, such as myocarditis, myocardial infarction and many others. Also, acute blood loss and plasma loss, severe intoxication (with acute infectious diseases, poisoning) can also be added to the list of causes. Often, this disease can occur due to diseases of the endocrine and central nervous systems, spinal and epidural anesthesia.

Its occurrence can also be caused by an overdose of ganglioblockers, sympatholytics, neuroleptics. Speaking about the symptoms of collapse, it should be noted that they mainly depend on the cause of the disease. But in many cases, this pathological condition is similar in collapses of various types and origins. It is often accompanied in patients with weakness, chilliness, dizziness, and a decrease in body temperature. The patient may complain of blurred vision and tinnitus. In addition, the patient's skin becomes sharply pale, the face becomes earthy, the limbs cool, sometimes the whole body may be covered with cold sweat.
Collapse is no joke. In this condition, a person breathes rapidly and shallowly. In almost all cases of various types of collapse, the patient has a decrease in blood pressure. Usually the patient is always conscious, but he may react poorly to his surroundings. The patient's pupils react weakly and sluggishly to light.
Collapse is an unpleasant sensation in the heart region with severe symptoms. If the patient complains of irregular and rapid heartbeat, fever, dizziness, frequent pain in the head andprofuse sweating, then in this case it may be a collapse of the mitral valve. Depending on the causes of this disease, there are three types of acute decrease in blood pressure: cardiogenic hypotension, hemorrhagic collapse and vascular collapse.

The latter is accompanied by the expansion of peripheral vessels. The cause of this form of collapse are various acute infectious diseases. Vascular collapse can occur with pneumonia, sepsis, typhoid fever and other infectious diseases. It can cause low blood pressure during intoxication with barbiturates using antihypertensive drugs (as a side effect in case of hypersensitivity to the drug) and severe allergic reactions. In any case, an immediate visit to a doctor and a mandatory examination and treatment are necessary.