Why does urine smell like fish? Possible diseases and treatment. Unpleasant smell of urine in women: causes

Why does urine smell like fish? Possible diseases and treatment. Unpleasant smell of urine in women: causes
Why does urine smell like fish? Possible diseases and treatment. Unpleasant smell of urine in women: causes

The bodily fluids of a he althy person do not have any strong odor. Therefore, if the urine smells like fish, this should be a real concern. This manifestation indicates the presence of failures in the body.

When does urine smell like fish in women? What to do to eliminate discomfort? We will try to answer these and other questions later in the material.


urine smells like fish
urine smells like fish

If a person suffers from a pronounced fishy smell of urine, to determine the real cause of the phenomenon, he should go through the following diagnostic procedures:

  • pass urine for analysis;
  • perform a smear from the urine-conducting ducts to determine the nature of the microflora;
  • do a bacterial culture;
  • conduct an ultrasound of the organs of the reproductive and urinary system.


bad smell of urine in women causes
bad smell of urine in women causes

Why does urine smell like fish? This can be facilitated by such a specificfemale disease like trimethylaminuria. The presented deviation is also called fishy odor syndrome. Failure in the body affects the change in the aroma of other bodily fluids, in particular sweat. Thus, with trimethylaminuria, not only the urine smells like fish, but the whole body.

It is worth noting that this condition does not pose a danger to humans in physiological terms. In most cases, a woman does not feel a strong unpleasant odor from her own body. Those around you notice the stench. The phenomenon negatively affects the social life of a person, brings emotional irritation, causes moral dissatisfaction.

Why does urine smell like rotten fish in case of trimethylaminuria? The specified failure in the body is a genetic pathology. In this case, trimethylamine, a chemical compound with an extremely sharp aroma, is not sufficiently excreted from the body. The substance is synthesized during digestion in the intestine. It is found in significant quantities in seafood, fish, eggs, legumes. Therefore, if there is a disease, urine smells like fish after fish.

In a he althy person, the liver produces a specific enzyme - flavin. The substance promotes the processing of trimethylamine into its oxide form, without a pungent odor. Subsequently, these compounds are excreted from the body along with urine. The entire process is controlled by the FMO3 gene. In its absence or malfunction, trimethylamine accumulates in body tissues. In a person prone to illness, urine smells like fish, there is a fetidbreath, sweat has an extremely repulsive odor.

What is the treatment for trimethylaminuria?

why does urine smell like fish
why does urine smell like fish

The consequences of the fishy smell syndrome cannot be eliminated with medication, based on the genetic nature of the problem. In this case, the only more or less effective way to eliminate the trouble is to prescribe a special diet program to the patient. All foods that are a source of supersaturation of the body with trimethylamine are gradually excluded from the diet. As practice shows, even such actions produce a positive effect only to a small extent. Doctors have not yet developed an effective method for a complete cure for trimethylaminuria. Therefore, people affected by the syndrome have to struggle with the elimination of unpleasant odors throughout their lives.

Foul-smelling urine due to medication

after fish urine smells like fish
after fish urine smells like fish

Why do women have bad smelling urine? The reasons may lie in taking certain medications. Most often, this leads to the use of B vitamins, as well as strong antibiotics containing ciprofloxacin. The problem usually resolves naturally. It is enough to stop taking medications.

Unpleasant smell of urine in violation of metabolic processes

If urine smells like s alted fish, this may indicate a change in the balance of substances in the body. This happens with dehydration, as well as with diets. To eliminateunpleasant, repulsive odor, it is recommended to consume at least 1.5 liters of water daily. With strict adherence to the diet, it is necessary to balance the diet by saturating food with foods high in a variety of vitamins. Such actions will bring metabolic processes back to normal, accelerate the breakdown of chemical compounds in the body, which are the source of an unpleasant odor.

Which doctor should I contact for help?

If your urine smells like fish, it is recommended to make an appointment with a gynecologist. When there is a violation of metabolic processes in the body, an endocrinologist will help. If there is a suspicion that the root of the problem lies in an improper, unbalanced diet, it is better to go to a nutritionist. To exclude the genetic nature of the phenomenon, it will be useful to visit a geneticist.

What other diseases cause bad smelling urine?

urine smells like fish
urine smells like fish

Why does urine smell bad in women? The reasons often relate to the development of cystitis. The disease develops against the background of inflammation of the urinary tract as a result of hypothermia. With such an ailment, the unpleasant aroma of bodily fluid is almost imperceptible. More discomfort is caused by pain in the lower abdomen. To eliminate the unpleasant smell of urine during cystitis and remove discomfort, doctors prescribe antibacterial medications, as well as baths with medicinal herbs.

There are a number of other diseases that can lead to bad smelling urine. First of all, these are venerealailments like ureaplasmosis and chlamydia. Without a timely visit to the doctor, these diseases quickly become chronic. Usually these infections not only affect the appearance of an unpleasant smell of urine, but also lead to a change in its composition and color. In this case, potent antibiotics of a specific action are prescribed for treatment.

Diseases of the digestive system, in particular dysbacteriosis and gastritis, can lead to the appearance of an unpleasant aroma of urine. In these cases, bodily fluids acquire a pronounced acidic odor.

Features of therapy

urine smells like s alted fish
urine smells like s alted fish

To eliminate the fishy smell of urine in inflammatory and infectious diseases of the urogenital area, antibacterial agents are prescribed. Patients may be prescribed immunomodulatory drugs, vitamin complexes.

During therapy, alcohol abuse is contraindicated for patients. Doctors also advise to refrain from regular, active sex life. To reduce the sensation of an unpleasant smell of urine, you will need to follow all the instructions of a specialist. Significant discomfort usually takes months to resolve.

Improve the quality of life and eliminate the discomfort associated with body odor by:

  • regular hygiene procedures using soaps and shower gels with a pH level of at least 5, 5;
  • reducing the number of serious physical exertion, during which metabolic processes in the body are activated;
  • avoidance of emotional upheaval andstress;
  • using activated charcoal after meals;
  • frequent change of clothes.

In closing

urine smells like rotten fish
urine smells like rotten fish

Trying to find out why urine, like the body, acquire an unusual, unpleasant odor, women often resort to therapy using all kinds of folk remedies. But it is much more effective to immediately determine the real cause of the problem. To do this, it is enough to undergo a comprehensive diagnosis and consult a doctor. In any case, do not be embarrassed in the presence of such a delicate problem. After all, by seeking qualified help, it will be possible to start effective treatment much earlier and eliminate the trouble faster.
