Hypersecretion of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hypersecretion of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment
Hypersecretion of the stomach: causes, symptoms, diagnosis, treatment

Hypersecretion of the glands of the stomach is characterized by the production of excess hydrochloric acid by the secretory glands of the digestive organ. Excessive concentration of the substance provokes violations of the composition of gastric juices. Functional failure is an extremely common occurrence. Hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach makes approximately 80% of the world's population periodically experience discomfort. Without timely diagnosis and high-quality treatment, a systematic destruction of the tissue structure of the mucous membranes of the digestive organs occurs. The progress of the pathological syndrome can cause the development of serious diseases of the stomach.


hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach
hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid in the stomach

Hypersecretion of the stomach in a child and an adult can develop as a result of a systemic unhe althy diet. Often, trouble makes itself felt against the background of the following premises:

  • Systematiceating foods that contain significant amounts of protein and carbohydrates.
  • Eating dry food, avoiding soups and heavy drinking.
  • The predominance of spicy dishes in the daily diet, the components of which stimulate the active production of gastric juices.
  • Prolonged use of pharmacological steroid drugs without medical supervision.
  • Regular occurrence of stress and emotional upheaval.

The problem can be exacerbated if a person is exposed to idiopathic gastric hypersecretion. What it is? Functional failures of this kind occur in situations where, due to the negligence of the patient, the above factors are repeatedly exposed.

Characteristic symptoms

hypersecretion of the stomach in a child
hypersecretion of the stomach in a child

The hypersecretion of the stomach on an empty stomach declares itself in full force. People who suffer from a functional failure feel pain in the abdomen, burning of the esophagus after waking up. Acid eructations are often observed. These troubles are accompanied by the effect of bursting the abdominal region with accumulated gases. Nausea is likely to occur at night. After emptying the stomach by artificially inducing vomiting, the discomfort usually subsides immediately. The effect is due to the elimination of excess hydrochloric acid. However, the solution absolutely does not stop the hypersecretion of the stomach, which again makes you experience discomfort after exposure to provoking factors.

Diagnostic Methods

hypersecretion of gastric glands
hypersecretion of gastric glands

In order to confirm the conclusion that the patient has hypersecretion of the stomach, doctors resort to the following clinical studies:

  1. X-ray - the image obtained as a result of the diagnosis makes it possible to determine the volume of gastric juices concentrated in the lumen of the organ. The study is performed on an empty stomach, which contributes to obtaining the most reliable results.
  2. Intragastric pH measurement - the patient is asked to swallow a probe equipped with electrodes. Elements of the device are sensitive to acids. The method allows you to determine not only the composition of gastric juices, but also measure the rate of production of local secrets.
  3. Fractional sounding - the absorption of the probe occurs using special stimulants that activate gastric secretion. The solution enables the diagnostician to compare the level of acidity of digestive juices on an empty stomach and after eating.

Medicated treatment

hypersecretion of the stomach on an empty stomach
hypersecretion of the stomach on an empty stomach

Pharmacological drugs that prevent hypersecretion of gastric juices are divided into several categories. Means of the antacid group change the composition of digestive secrets and protect the mucous membranes from excessive irritation due to pronounced enveloping properties. The most effective medicines of the presented type are: Almagel, Fosvalugel, Maalox, De-nol.

The so-called H2-blockers allow you to fight hypersecretion. The action of drugs of this category is aimed atsuppression of the secretion of excess volumes of hydrochloric acid. Count on instant relief of well-being allows the use of pharmacological agents "Histodil", "Famotidine" and "Ranitidine". The only disadvantage of such therapy is the presence of a short-term effect after the use of drugs.

The most widely used in the treatment of hypersecretion of gastric juices are medications of the category of proton pump inhibitors. Thanks to the action of the presented means, hydrochloric acid temporarily ceases to be synthesized by the digestive glands. The components of such drugs have a devastating effect on its constituent elements. Some of the most effective proton pump inhibitors include:

  • "Nolpaza".
  • "Lanza".
  • Nexium.
  • Omez.
  • "Pariet".
  • Peptazol.

Each of the above drugs has a whole range of side effects. To avoid further harm to your own he alth, it is worth discussing the safety of the decision with your doctor before taking any medications.

Potato juice

hypersecretion of the gastric glands is characterized by
hypersecretion of the gastric glands is characterized by

Potato juice can serve as a real salvation for hypersecretion of the stomach. To prepare an effective folk remedy, proceed according to the following scheme:

  • Take some large potatoes and peel them.
  • Chop the product thoroughly using a grater.
  • Place the resulting slurry in gauze and squeeze out the liquid.
  • Drink 1/4 cup potato juice 3-4 times a day.
  • In order to eliminate hypersecretion of the stomach, perform therapy for a month.

Mummy and milk

what is idiopathic gastric hypersecretion
what is idiopathic gastric hypersecretion

Reduce the hypersecretion of the glands of the stomach will allow the use of a mixture of milk and mummy. Take a few grams of the healing substance and place in an enamel saucepan. Pour the ingredient with pre-boiled, cooled to room temperature milk in a volume of one liter. Mix thoroughly. Drink the resulting remedy in a glass once a day. Perform therapy for a month. Then take a break for a week and a half and re-treat.


hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid
hypersecretion of hydrochloric acid

In case of increased secretion of digestive secretions, use the following solutions. Eat baked pumpkin regularly. Eat a piece of the product shortly before the main meal. In parallel, it is useful to drink pumpkin juice 2-3 glasses a day. If the secretion of hydrochloric acid does not decrease, delivering severe daily discomfort, increase the dose of the drug.


Along with drug and alternative treatment, strict adherence to a diet is of decisive importance in the fight against the development of hypersecretion syndrome. An individual daily diet is formed by a gastroenterologist based on anamnesis and a series of diagnostic tests. However, there is a list of general principles that can be followedavoid increased production of hydrochloric acid and the destructive effects of digestive secretions on the walls of the stomach.

To prevent the formation of unpleasant symptoms, adhere to the following rules:

  • Eat a balanced diet rich in fat, protein and carbohydrates;
  • Main focus on the use of boiled and steamed dishes;
  • Avoid absorbing excessively fatty and spicy foods, all kinds of marinades, pickles, canned food;
  • Fast foods are subject to the strictest ban;
  • An undesirable solution is drinking alcohol, strong coffee, soda.

As for allowed products that do not contribute to increased secretion of hydrochloric acid, light cream soups are worth noting here. The absorption of slightly stale, dried bread is allowed. A good solution is to include well-boiled lean cereals, steam omelettes, and boiled eggs in your daily diet. Permissible, safe drinks include compotes made from non-acidic berries and fruits, weak tea.
