In the area of the solar plexus there is a huge number of nerve endings that diverge throughout the body like the sun's rays. That is why this area of the human body got its name. The solar (or celiac) plexus itself consists of several nodes: left, mesenteric and right. Nerve fibers diverge from all of them. Thanks to this, a connection is established between the organs of the human body and the nervous system. If we talk about pain in the solar plexus in women and men, then it should be borne in mind that there are a huge number of reasons for the appearance of such discomfort.

Among the most common diseases, you should pay attention to the presence of neuritis, neuralgia, injuries, knots and other things. However, there are many other reasons why the disease develops. To diagnose the disease, first of all, it is necessary to clarify the type of pain.
Sharp pain during exertion
In this case, we mean strong pain that appears after heavy loads. Also, severe pain in the solar plexus occurs with excessive overwork of the body.person. Pain can be intense, stabbing or burning. If at this time the patient is in motion, then he stops and wants to rest.
These pain sensations appear exclusively in the process of physical exercise and do not cause serious danger, and also do not belong to the category of pathology. In order to get rid of a sharp pain in the solar plexus, it is enough to rest a little. If the pain symptoms are regular, then in this case there is a risk that the person suffers from plexitis or other ailments.
Severe pain from injuries
This area can be injured if the upper abdomen is tightly tightened with harnesses or straps. People involved in dangerous sports, rock climbers, etc. often suffer from such discomfort.
Also, the fall of any object on the upper region of the peritoneum can lead to such damage. For example, while playing football, the ball could hit exactly this area, which caused a sharp pain in the solar plexus of a man. The same thing happens when punching "under the stomach".

If we talk about how to identify a sharp pain in the solar plexus area, then it is very simple to do. It is recommended not to ignore the following manifestations:
- Shortness of breath.
- The appearance of nausea and the desire to empty the intestines.
- There may be a warm or burning sensation in the lower abdomen.
If the victim lies on his left side and draws his knees to his chest, then the painin the solar plexus gradually subsides. Most often, when injured, discomfort appears in the central zone of the sternum.
Nerve ganglion damage
If the causes of pain in the solar plexus are associated with this problem, then in this case it is worth paying attention to several factors that can affect the appearance of discomfort:
- Excessive loads. We are talking about hard work, violation of safety regulations or intensity during sports activities. In this case, the pain is acute, burning or stabbing. After rest, the discomfort disappears, as well as with any other physical activity.
- Neuritis. In this case, we are talking about a pathology provoked by inflammatory processes in the nerves. Similar phenomena are observed in those people who move too little or, on the contrary, experience too much physical overload. Also, neuritis can develop against the background of infectious diseases in the intestinal area.
- Neuralgia. This disease is considered similar to neuritis. The main reason for the appearance of this disease is the irritation of the nerves of the solar plexus. In this case, it is worth noting the sharply appearing pain syndrome. Patients note that they have a feeling as if the area between the ribs is squeezed into a vise. There is especially severe pain in the solar plexus when inhaling or changing the position of the body.
- Solarite. This disease is considered a serious pathological process that occurs in the nerve nodes of the plexuses. This pathology refers to severe cases. If a person fails to take actiontreatment, that is, a high risk of complications.
Painful symptoms do not always appear exclusively in the ganglion. For example, a dull pain in the solar plexus radiates to the back or side (in some cases, under the shoulder blade on the left side). To alleviate the condition, a person needs to take a horizontal position.

If the patient has nothing to do with professional sports or does not experience serious physical exertion, then in this case the cause of the disease may be other pathologies and diseases of other nodes.
Neighboring Organs
A large number of organs are located near the solar plexus, which can also cause pain. If you lay an imaginary line in the center of the human body, then the stomach will be located on the left side. It connects the upper intestine to the duodenum. Behind the stomach in a horizontal position are the pancreas, and to the left of it is the spleen. On the right side is the liver and gallbladder.
Accordingly, with the appearance of pain in the solar plexus in women and men, it is worth undergoing a general examination in order to exclude possible pathologies developing in neighboring organs.
Pathological processes occurring in the stomach
Since this organ of the human body is closest to the solar plexus, it is most often in it that pathologies occur, leading to severe pain. Consider them in more detail:
- Gastritis. If aa person suffers from this ailment, then in this case he will experience mild pain in the solar plexus when pressed. At the same time, the discomfort is quite tolerable. And if the inflammatory focus is at the bottom of the stomach, then in this case, the discomfort will be most pronounced after eating. The pain will radiate to the chest. In some situations, discomfort appears on an empty stomach. This happens if the inflammatory process occurs relatively close to the duodenum.
- Peptic ulcer. In this case, the pain in the solar plexus will cause a stabbing or sharp character. As a rule, discomfort passes at night. This is due to the fact that the tissue lining the inner walls of the stomach is gradually destroyed by the action of gastric juice. When an ulcer appears, pain will radiate to the solar plexus.

It is also worth considering that benign or malignant tumors can form in the stomach. In this case, the pain in the solar plexus will be of a pulling or pressing type. In addition, the feeling of discomfort may not subside for a long time. In this case, it is imperative to undergo a diagnosis of stomach cancer in order to timely identify the presence of a problem.
Diseases of the duodenum
In this case, we are talking about the upper part of the intestine, located between the stomach itself and the beginnings of the small intestine. Very often there is inflammation of the membranes that line this organ from the inside. In this casea person experiences aching pain, which is localized in the upper peritoneum under the chest.
This disease is called duodenitis. To independently determine the presence of this pathology, you should pay attention to the feeling of discomfort. If pulling pains in the solar plexus appear on an empty stomach or during sleep and disappear after the patient takes food, then there is a high probability that he suffers from this particular ailment.
Problems with the pancreas
A clear sign of a developing pathology is that pain occurs mainly when you press on the stomach and at the site of the solar plexus. Due to the malfunction of the pancreas, there is a sudden onset of sharp pain between the ribs.

Additional symptoms include fever and general malaise.
Some complain of nausea and vomiting, which contains a lot of bile. In this case, we are talking about pancreatitis. This pathology is a violation of the digestive system. In this case, the person also suffers from bloating, diarrhea or constipation. As a rule, pain occurs after eating.
Other causes of solar plexus pain
The appearance of discomfort in this area is also characteristic of pneumonia. In this case, pain sensations are localized on the right and left sides of the celiac plexus. Also, unpleasant symptoms can be causeddiseases of the cardiovascular apparatus. In this case, there is a pressing and aching pain in the solar plexus in men and women.
It is also worth checking the diaphragm for possible irregularities.
Inflammation in the abdomen
If pain is localized in the intercostal region, then this may indicate inflammation that can occur in other parts of the peritoneum. This can lead to the appearance of parasites in the intestines. If helminths have accumulated in it, then they can begin to press on the internal organs, which leads to pain in the hypochondrium.
Intestinal infections can also lead to pain in the solar plexus. They are characterized by acute pain in the upper part of the peritoneum. A person has loose stools with a change in color. Additional symptoms include nausea, fever, and vomiting. In such a situation, it is urgent to visit an infectious disease specialist.
It is also worth excluding food poisoning, as in this case, pain can radiate to the solar plexus.
The greatest danger is peritonitis. This disease is characterized by inflammation of the membranes that line the peritoneum. Pancreatitis is an infection of the cavity, which can occur due to infection or violation of the integrity of some organs located in the abdominal cavity. During an attack of peritonitis, a person experiences such severe pain in the solar plexus that it can provoke a pain shock and even lead to loss of consciousness. Also in this casethere is severe difficulty in breathing. Be sure to pay attention to the appearance of strong muscle tension in the peritoneum, this is also a symptom of peritonitis.

Discomfort in the solar plexus can be a symptom of both a completely harmless condition and quite serious ailments. Therefore, it is necessary to contact a specialist in a timely manner and determine in which particular node of the body the failure occurred.
In addition to an external examination, the doctor must prescribe urine and stool tests. Computed tomography and ultrasound of all abdominal organs may also be required. If there is a suspicion of infection, then bacteriological studies are carried out in this case.

If no abnormalities are found, then the doctor may decide to perform an examination with an endoscope. An MRI or X-ray may also be done. It is impossible to independently determine the appearance of the disease. For this, specialized equipment is used without fail, which allows you to find out exactly at which level the failure occurs. After that, the doctor can prescribe the necessary therapy.
When it comes to acute pain in the solar plexus area, then in this case there are no general recommendations for treatment, since all situations are considered by the doctor on an individual basis.
First of all, it is necessary to get rid of the root cause, that is, to diagnose a disease that leads to an unpleasantsymptoms. However, in case of unbearable pain, it is recommended to take antispasmodics or painkillers.
Be sure to seek advice from a general practitioner or gastroenterologist. However, in case of acute, sharp or severe pain, it is necessary to immediately call the doctors, as we can talk about very serious pathologies that require emergency surgical intervention. Taking any medication without a doctor's prescription can worsen a person's condition and lead to serious complications.