Possible causes of nausea. Nausea: causes other than pregnancy (in women)

Possible causes of nausea. Nausea: causes other than pregnancy (in women)
Possible causes of nausea. Nausea: causes other than pregnancy (in women)

Everyone at least once in their life had bouts of nausea, which could end in vomiting. Remember, for example, your childhood, when you felt dizzy and nauseous after riding a carousel.

Everyone is used to thinking that this condition is only possible in women in an interesting position, but there are several causes of nausea, excluding pregnancy.

The concept of nausea and vomiting

When an attack of nausea occurs, we feel an unpleasant sensation in the epigastric region and throat. Almost always, this is followed by vomiting, combined with general weakness of the body, sweating and increased salivation.

Vomiting is the uncontrolled expulsion of stomach contents. This process cannot be stopped by an effort of will, because both nausea and vomiting are controlled by a nerve center located in the brain stem. Signals from the receptors of the digestive tract come here, which triggers this mechanism.

Sometimes irritation of the vomiting center can occur without the participation of the digestive system, as, for example, in diseases of the nervous system.

What can cause nausea

If you often experience nausea, reasons other than pregnancy can be very diverse. Among them are the following:

1. Diseases of the digestive system:

  • Food poisoning.
  • Gastroenteritis.
  • Gastritis.
  • Stomach ulcer.
  • Duodenitis.
  • Heartburn.
  • Cholelithiasis.
  • Hepatitis.
  • Cholecystitis.
  • Pancreatitis.
  • Appendicitis.
  • Tumours of the stomach.
  • nausea causes other than pregnancy
    nausea causes other than pregnancy

2. Diseases of the nervous system:

  • Skull injuries.
  • Impaired cerebral circulation.
  • Intracranial pressure.
  • Brain tumors.
  • Concussion.

3. Other reasons.

  • Heart disease, such as myocardial infarction.
  • Diabetes mellitus.
  • Kidney failure.
  • Stress.
  • Anorexia.
  • Fear.
  • Taking certain medications.

If you often feel sick, but not from pregnancy, the reasons, as you can see, can be varied.

Headache and nausea

Sometimes it happens that perfectly he althy people can suddenly feel a sharp headache, accompanied by nausea. This can happen, for example, when you have to work in an uncomfortable position for a long time (at a computer, etc.).

Gradually there is numbness of the shoulders, neck, pain in the back of the head, nausea begins. The reasons if there is no pregnancy, therefore, lie in the wrongbody position.

If you have vision problems and wear glasses, the wrong fit can cause occasional headaches and nausea. A fairly common disease of our time - osteochondrosis - can also cause dizziness.

Our life is so full of all sorts of stresses, experiences from everyday problems, that this leads to a lack or excess of oxygen in the blood. This may result in nausea. There are reasons other than pregnancy, but they are of a completely different nature.

nausea causes if not pregnant
nausea causes if not pregnant

Headache that appears at different times of the day, may be due to head trauma, leading to increased intracranial pressure.

Many women are at a loss: there is no pregnancy, but they feel sick. The reasons may lie in a disease such as migraine. At the same time, paroxysmal headaches appear, which are not always stopped by painkillers.

Some people suffering from hypertension also note that with increased pressure, not only headaches can appear, but also nausea. The reasons, if without pregnancy, lie in arterial hypertension.

Sick after eating

Irritation of the gastric mucosa, which ends in vomiting, is the body's natural response to eliminate discomfort. It can be provoked by alcohol, as well as taking certain drugs (for example, acetylsalicylic acid), especially on an empty stomach.

Do you experience occasional nausea? Reasons other than pregnancybe associated with various diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. For example, with a stomach ulcer, when part of the mucous membrane is damaged, the gastric juice begins to irritate its walls, which can cause nausea.

Liver problems are often manifested by bitterness in the mouth in the morning, and it begins to stir up even in the process of eating.

sick, but not pregnant, what could be the reasons
sick, but not pregnant, what could be the reasons

It is not uncommon to experience diarrhea, vomiting, and nausea during intestinal infections such as botulism, salmonellosis, and dysentery. You should be very careful about the foods you eat. Do not eat swollen canned food, poorly cooked meat and eggs, especially those bought at the market.

If you are not pregnant, but feel sick, the causes may be hiding in the pancreas. Pancreatitis is also manifested by bloating, pain, dizziness, especially after eating. With such a disease, it is necessary to strictly adhere to the diet and follow all the recommendations of the gastroenterologist.

Bouts of nausea at night

Some people feel quite he althy during the day, but at night they feel sick, but not from pregnancy. What reasons can provoke such an attack? During sleep, we are in the same position for a long time, the work of all organs slows down at this time, discomfort, if any, begins to accumulate, and you wake up with a strong feeling of nausea.

sick but not from pregnancy, what are the reasons
sick but not from pregnancy, what are the reasons

This is possible only in the case of pathological changes, so your body gives you a signal that it's time to turnattention to your he alth.

Problems with the thyroid gland can also disturb you at night, not to mention diseases of the cardiovascular system, such as hypertension or vegetative dystonia.

Do not leave such conditions unattended, any disease is easier to treat at the initial stage!

Morning problems

Do you often feel sick in the morning? Reasons other than pregnancy can be different, for example:

  1. The presence of parasites in your body. Helminths poison us with their waste products, which is often the cause of nausea, abdominal pain, weight loss, decreased appetite.
  2. Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. There are many organs in the digestive system, they perform one job. Problems in one of them can cause discomfort, heartburn, nausea and vomiting.
  3. Liver and kidney problems.
  4. Vegetovascular dystonia. Often it is she who is the cause of dizziness, nausea, headaches in adolescents.
  5. Hypertension.
  6. Problems with the vestibular apparatus. In this case, sudden movements, head turns can provoke an attack.
  7. Drugs. When taking certain medications, vomiting, headaches, discomfort in the epigastric region can be observed as side effects.

Do you often feel sick in the morning? The reasons, if there is no pregnancy, may be the most unexpected. In each case, a doctor's consultation and a thorough examination are necessary.

Nervous system causing nausea

Many women are wondering: sick, but not pregnant, what other reasons could there be? The vomiting center is located in the brain, so often problems with the nervous system can be the culprit in the occurrence of such attacks.

If you have constantly increased intracranial pressure, this can provoke nausea, vomiting, as the brain is compressed.

When a tumor appears, this condition first begins to disturb periodically, and with its growth, such attacks become more frequent, constantly dizzy, a person may even lose consciousness. In this case, urgent hospitalization is required for examination.

nauseated but not from pregnancy reasons
nauseated but not from pregnancy reasons

Infectious diseases such as meningitis, Lyme disease, AIDS, syphilis are often accompanied by vomiting, nausea.

Seasickness, the cause of which lies in the lack of work of the vestibular apparatus, also provokes motion sickness, especially with sudden movements and turns. You should not dismiss such problems, you need to contact a neurologist.

How to get rid of nausea

When nausea appears, the reasons, if not pregnant, may be different. But whatever they are, I really want to get rid of this condition as soon as possible! Here's what doctors recommend:

  1. Try to eat a little, food stabilizes the frequency of contractions of the walls of the stomach and the condition may improve.
  2. Drink a sweet drink, but do not drink too hot or cold liquids, and also milk. It initiates the processfermentation.
  3. Take an antiemetic.
  4. Breathe often and deeply, especially if the attack is caused by stress.
  5. If this condition is caused by medication, then another drug should be selected.
  6. Try compressing your stomach with lavender, chamomile, or clove oil. It will calm the stomach and the nausea will subside.
  7. During such an exacerbation, do not eat fatty foods. Try to drink more fluids, eat often, but in small portions.

Even if you managed to cope with an attack of a dreary condition and dizziness, you still should not postpone a visit to the doctor. You need to find the cause of your problem in order to fix it.

Traditional medicine against nausea

Folk remedies come to the rescue in the treatment of many diseases. They will also help with frequent bouts of nausea and vomiting.

A lot of people get into this situation, some quite regularly, and at the time of the attack, as luck would have it, the right drug is not at hand. Most patiently wait for the nausea to disappear by itself, but you can help yourself. To do this, traditional medicine offers a lot of tools that in most cases we have at home.

no pregnancy but nausea
no pregnancy but nausea

Among the most popular and well-known are the following:

  1. Drink a solution of soda in water (a teaspoon per glass).
  2. Green tea during an attack is good for getting rid of it.
  3. Peppermint oil not only helps to cope with nausea, but alsonormalizes appetite, relieves stomach cramps, relieves migraines.
  4. Mugwort oil and its aroma eliminate impending seasickness. Those who suffer from it are advised to carry it with them.
  5. Basil infusion (4-5 g of herb per half liter of water - drink throughout the day) is often used to combat nausea, flatulence, headaches.

You can find other ways that help when you are visited by nausea. Women have a variety of reasons, other than pregnancy, but as an emergency, folk recommendations are quite suitable.

Home remedies for nausea

With mild attacks, you can put s alt on the tip of your tongue and hold it, but do not drink it with water afterwards. This remedy is always at hand at home, why not try it?

During the summer holidays, we spend a lot of time outside the city at our dachas. Fresh vegetables and fruits, which often fall into the mouth directly from the garden, can provoke intestinal disorders, which are accompanied by nausea and vomiting.

In such cases, nature itself will come to your aid. Take lemon balm (4 tsp in a glass of water) and boil it with boiling water, and then take half a glass before meals. Peppermint can also be used in the same form.

not pregnant but nauseated reasons
not pregnant but nauseated reasons

Our life is not complete without stress and worries, and for some they can cause not only a headache, but also nausea. In this case, try using ammonia: bring it gently to your nose andsniff. Take a few deep breaths in and out, breathing exercises perfectly calm the nervous system.

Some people have a hard time riding public transport, especially when there are large crowds. There is nothing you can do if you do not have a personal car, then you will have to look for ways to somehow cope with this. Keep first aid supplies in your purse, try to get in in the direction of traffic, you can open the window in summer.

Do not ignore bouts of nausea and vomiting if there is a suspicion of a traumatic brain injury (for example, in winter you slipped and fell on the ice with your head). This can lead to serious consequences, so folk recipes will not save you, you need a doctor's consultation!

If nausea is accompanied by severe and frequent vomiting, then it is necessary to start taking antiemetic drugs, for example, Motilium, Cerucal. You can use "Cisaride", but it can only help in cases where nausea and vomiting are due to digestive problems.

If all symptoms do not disappear for a long time, then this can threaten dehydration, which is especially dangerous for children. It is urgent to determine the cause of this problem and eliminate it. Before the attack stops, the child should be given to drink in small sips. It is better not to offer food at this time. Be sure to take the child to the doctor!

No problem arises from scratch, there must be a reason for this. Even seemingly harmless nausea can signal seriousproblems in your body.
