Epidermal cyst (atheroma): causes, treatment, photo

Epidermal cyst (atheroma): causes, treatment, photo
Epidermal cyst (atheroma): causes, treatment, photo

For many people, for one reason or another, cysts can form on various organs or parts of the body. Their sizes and contents are different, and it depends on many factors. The most common subcutaneous neoplasm is considered to be an epidermal cyst (atheroma), consisting of a hair follicle, epidermis, epithelium and sebum.

It usually occurs in young and middle age. Such formation is single and multiple. Let's try to figure out how atheroma is formed, what is it? A photo of an epidermal cyst can be seen in medical reference books.

What is atheroma

epidermal cyst
epidermal cyst

This neoplasm is oval or round in shape, with clear contours, protruding above the level of the skin, and at the site of the cyst, the skin usually does not change or is reddish. To the touch, atheroma is dense and elastic, slightly mobile and can move to the side.

Most often, an epidermal cyst forms on the face, scrotum,chest, scalp and neck. It can be benign or malignant.

Reasons for education

If an epidermal cyst has occurred, the reasons for this may be different. It is mainly formed due to blockage of the excretory ducts of the sebaceous glands, therefore it is often found in people with acne or seborrhea.

atheroma what is this photo
atheroma what is this photo

Other causes of neoplasm are:

  • metabolic disorder;
  • hormonal failure in the body;
  • abuse of poor quality cosmetics;
  • thickening of the epidermis;
  • adverse environmental impact.

Types of neoplasms

Epidermal cyst can be true and false.

True atheroma is a cyst formed from the appendages of the epidermis and having a nevoid origin. It usually occurs in the fair sex on the scalp. The neoplasm is distinguished by slow growth.

A false cyst is formed due to a large accumulation of sebum, which subsequently becomes a plug. It occurs in both men and women. It is localized not only on the head, but also on the back, chest, face. In rare cases, a cyst occurs on the genitals and grows very quickly.

Possible Complications

The most common complication is infection of the cyst. At the same time, an inflammatory process develops, the neoplasm thickens, and severe pain occurs when it is palpated. In this place, swelling of the skin occurs and itredness. The inflammatory process often provokes an increase in body temperature.

epidermal cyst removal
epidermal cyst removal

If the epidermal cyst opens itself outward, then the wound must be disinfected, which helps to avoid complications. With a breakthrough of purulent contents towards the dermis, a phlegmon or abscess may occur. This complication is treated surgically along with antibiotics. Therefore, when septic inflammation occurs, the patient is opened a purulent capsule and its subsequent drainage.

Such a cyst can grow very strongly. It is very dangerous if the neoplasm occurs on the head, as it will put pressure on the brain, leading to visual disturbances, irritability, and regular headaches.


epidermal cyst causes
epidermal cyst causes

If the cyst is small and does not cause discomfort, then treatment is not required. It is only necessary to observe its development. It does not go away on its own, therefore, if an epidermal cyst has developed, treatment can be carried out by such radical methods as surgical, laser and radio wave removal.

In no case should you pierce the capsule of the cyst yourself and squeeze out its contents, since in this case an infection can be introduced into the body. In addition, after extrusion, neoplasm cells remain in the capsule, which continue to produce a secret. After a short period of time, it will again fill with sebum.

Surgical removal of the epidermalcysts

Doctors strongly advise getting rid of this neoplasm while it is small. In this case, such defects on the skin as scars and scars will not occur.

The cyst is removed under local anesthesia. The patient returns home within an hour after the operation. Hospitalization is required only if a large inflamed purulent cyst is to be removed.

During the operation, the cyst is removed both with and without violation of the integrity of its capsule. When opening the capsule, its contents can be squeezed out or removed with a special spoon. The remaining shell is removed with tongs. If the incision is larger than 2.5 cm, then stitches are applied.

To remove purulent atheroma, the doctor cuts off the skin over the cyst, after which special curved scissors are inserted under it. With their help, the neoplasm is separated from the surrounding tissues. After that, the cyst is grasped with forceps and carefully removed along with scissors. At the end of the operation, self-absorbable sutures are placed on the subcutaneous tissue.

Laser cyst removal

epidermal cyst treatment
epidermal cyst treatment

This method of treatment is considered very effective. The epidermal cyst is removed using the following methods:

  • Photocoagulation is the removal of a subcutaneous neoplasm, the size of which does not exceed 0.5 cm, using a laser beam by evaporation. In this case, there is no need for stitches.
  • Laser excision - carried out with a cyst size of 0.5-2 cm. An incision is made on top of it with a scalpel andpush the skin so that the line of contact of the atheroma with the tissues that surround it is clearly visible. These tissues are then vaporized with a laser, releasing the cyst. It is then removed with forceps, drained and sutured.
  • Laser evaporation of the capsule - it is carried out when the cyst becomes larger than 2 cm. The capsule is cut and its contents are removed. With the help of surgical hooks, the wound is expanded and the capsule shell is evaporated with a laser. After that, drainage is introduced and stitches are applied.

Radio wave treatment of atheroma

epidermal cyst on face
epidermal cyst on face

This method is used only when the epidermal cyst is small in size without purulent contents. With the help of a special device, atheroma is exposed to radio waves, which contribute to the necrosis of its cells. After that, a crust appears on the site of the cyst, under which the regeneration process begins.


We figured out such a thing as atheroma (what it is). A photo of this neoplasm is often found in medical reference books and it looks extremely unaesthetic. It does not go away on its own, so it can only be removed and must be done in a medical facility.
