Numb left cheek: causes, symptoms and treatment

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Numb left cheek: causes, symptoms and treatment
Numb left cheek: causes, symptoms and treatment

Video: Numb left cheek: causes, symptoms and treatment

Video: Numb left cheek: causes, symptoms and treatment

Cheek numbness is not a very common problem. However, if your left cheek goes numb, then the cause must be established by the doctor. Therefore, if such a symptom appears, be sure to contact a medical institution. In some cases, this symptom may indicate the development of a serious problem. But for what reasons does the left cheek go numb? How to deal with this symptom? We will talk about this in the article.

man has numb cheek
man has numb cheek

Possible causes

If the left cheek goes numb, then the reason may lie in the squeezing of the face during sleep. In such situations, the blood supply to this area worsens. But for what reasons does the left cheek still go numb? They may be as follows:

  1. Neuritis of the occipital or facial nerve.
  2. Inflammation of the lymph nodes, as well as diseases of the lymphatic system.
  3. Hypertensive infection.
  4. Oncological neoplasms in the facial region. The fact is thatsuch neoplasms, as well as their metastases, can compress nerves, thereby worsening innervation.
  5. Inadequate amount of vitamins E and B in the body.
  6. Facial trauma, surgery, flux.
  7. Vegetovascular dystonia, hypertension.
  8. Stroke.
  9. Osteochondrosis.
  10. Migraine.
  11. Hypercooling.
  12. Injury or inflammation of the parotid gland.
  13. Exposure to anesthetics that are used during EGD, as well as tooth extraction.
  14. ENT diseases, which should include rhinitis, sinusitis and others.
  15. Multiple sclerosis and other peripheral nerve ailments.
  16. Diseases of the gums and teeth.
  17. Diabetic neuropathy.
causes of cheek numbness
causes of cheek numbness

Now consider the symptoms in some of the cases.


We continue to consider why the left cheek goes numb, the causes of this symptom. If it consists in neuralgia of the sensory nerves that innervate the face, then there is numbness of the face, as well as some of its parts: nose, temple, chin. The reason for the development of neuralgia is hypothermia, inflammation, trauma, herpes infection. These factors impair the ability to transmit impulses along the nerve fiber, resulting in numbness.

Stagnation of lymph

The left cheek and lip often go numb due to lymph stagnation. Inflammation of the lymph nodes is a consequence of the penetration of infection into the human body, as well as its delay directly in the lymphatic system. In parallel with this, swelling occurs, which compresses the nerves that provide sensitivity to the face. This is how numbness occurs.


This disease is an inflammation of the maxillary sinuses, which is provoked by an acute respiratory infection. The cause may also be infection from gum pockets or carious teeth. All these unpleasant ailments can cause numbness in the cheek or other parts of the face.

cheek numbness
cheek numbness


Nicotinic acid, vitamins B, E, cobalamin, pyridoxine play an important role in ensuring the functioning of the entire nervous system. The lack of these elements can be observed with the development of diseases of the digestive system: hepatitis, gastritis, helminthic invasion in the small intestine, enteritis, giardiasis. A deficiency of these elements can lead to numbness, as well as tingling not only in the cheek area, but also in the chin and lips.

numb left arm and cheek
numb left arm and cheek

Damage, operation

Post-traumatic, postoperative edema causes circulatory disorders. There is also facial numbness. In addition to superficial lesions, a secondary infection may develop, an abscess and phlegmon may develop.

Stroke and other cerebrovascular accidents

When there is a hemorrhage in the brain, the centers are damaged, which receive information about the temperature, pain irritation of the skin. That is why a stroke is a likely cause of numbness in some parts of the face.


"Novocaine", "Lidocaine", as well as other drugs that are used for pain relief in endoscopy, dentistry, can cause a violation of the conduction of nerve impulses along sensory nerves. It is also possible to develop an allergic reaction, which leads to thinning of the nerve fibers.

what causes cheek numbness
what causes cheek numbness

Multiple Sclerosis

When the left hand and cheek go numb, the cause is often multiple sclerosis. Any ailments of the peripheral nerves appear with a viral infection, food allergies, and immunodeficiency. With multiple sclerosis, paralysis of the limbs, hearing loss, and blindness are also possible. The disease progresses over time if it is not stopped in time.

How to treat?

So, we figured out why the left cheek goes numb. How to treat this symptom? First of all, to find out the exact cause, you need to visit your doctor. Depending on the reason why the left cheek becomes numb, the treatment will be prescribed by your specialist. So, let's analyze in more detail what methods of therapy will be used in a particular case, which is accompanied by the appearance of numbness of the left cheek:

  1. As a rule, with a decrease in sensitivity, vitamins of group B are prescribed. In parallel with this, electrophoresis with hyaluronidase, nicotinic acid, vitreous, aloe, and other biologically active stimulants is carried out.
  2. If some inflammatory disease was detected, for example, periodontal disease, carious teeth,then their therapy is carried out. To do this, dead teeth are removed, the oral cavity is sanitized.
  3. If the numbness of the cheek appeared due to sinusitis, then this disease is treated with washing, antibiotics, which are prescribed by an ENT specialist.
  4. In case of neuralgia, non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are used, as well as reflexology. In parallel with this, a specialist may prescribe electrophoresis or acupuncture.
  5. For the treatment of multiple sclerosis, special hormones, immunosuppressants, are prescribed to suppress the immune attack.
  6. In case of hemorrhage, the patient should be urgently hospitalized, after which antihypoxic drugs are prescribed. Ischemic stroke is provoked by arterial thrombosis, which can be eliminated with the use of fibrinolytic drugs, as well as anticoagulants.
  7. If numbness occurred after using energy drinks, then, as a rule, this symptom goes away on its own. In such situations, no treatment is required.
numb part of the face
numb part of the face


If your left cheek goes numb, then this is a reason to seek help from a medical institution. The fact is that this symptom can be a sign of the development of some dangerous disease. Ignoring such a sign can provoke very unpleasant consequences, even death. When the doctor finds the main cause of such a disorder, the appropriate treatment will be prescribed.