Hypothyroidism and pregnancy: consequences for the child, planning, reviews

Hypothyroidism and pregnancy: consequences for the child, planning, reviews
Hypothyroidism and pregnancy: consequences for the child, planning, reviews

A child with good he alth and a well-developed intellect is the main dream of every couple. But in order for such a baby to be born, a lot of conditions must match. One of the most important factors is hormonal balance. Several organs are responsible for maintaining the balance of such substances. Among them is the thyroid gland, which is a kind of "head" of all systems of the human body.

Hypothyroidism: characteristics and common causes

According to medical research, this disease is one of the most common. It occurs in people living in different countries of the world. However, the largest number of patients suffering from this disorder are citizens of countries with a low standard of living. This pathology of the thyroid gland is associated with insufficient iodine content in the body. Therefore, in people who eat enough fish,seafood and algae, this is rarely a problem.

foods high in iodine
foods high in iodine

Hypothyroidism during pregnancy occurs in about two percent of women. The presence of such a disease in a future mother means that specialists need to be attentive to her condition, prescribe regular examinations and examinations. Indeed, in the absence of timely treatment, the disorder can worsen the he alth of a woman carrying a baby.

What threat is the problem? This is discussed in detail in the following sections of the article.

Causes of hormonal imbalance during pregnancy

It is known that the state of all other systems of the human body depends on the work of the thyroid gland. This statement is explained by the fact that it produces substances necessary for the normal functioning of organs. The combination of hypothyroidism and pregnancy poses a risk to the well-being of the mother and the he alth of the fetus.

What factors can lead to hormonal imbalance? The reasons depend on the types of the disease. There are several common forms of hypothyroidism:

  1. Primary (occurs as a result of damage to the structure of an organ or its improper activity). Triggers provoking this type of pathology can be inflammatory processes in the thyroid gland, surgical interventions, formation defects, the influence of microorganisms or drugs based on iodine.
  2. Secondary (due to the weakening of the functions of the pituitary gland - one of the important glands of the internalsecretions).
  3. Tertiary form (observed in case of disturbances in the activity of another VHF - the hypothalamus).
  4. Transient type (occurs as a result of inflammatory processes occurring in the gland after delivery).
  5. Peripheral hypothyroidism during pregnancy is extremely rare, due to unfavorable heredity. The disease is associated with a decrease in the body's ability to absorb thyroid substances to a sufficient extent. In such cases, regular monitoring of the condition of the future mother is required before conception and throughout all stages of gestation.

Other reasons

Speaking of hypothyroidism and pregnancy, it is worth adding that external factors play no less a role in the development of the problem than internal disturbances in the functioning of organs and hormonal balance. Negative influences of the external environment can cause serious disorders of the YHV. These phenomena include uncontrolled intake of medicines, which contain iodine. These drugs must be used in a strictly prescribed dosage, only after consulting a doctor.

obstetrician-gynecologist consultation
obstetrician-gynecologist consultation

A balanced diet is of great importance for the he alth of the thyroid gland and the proper production of necessary substances. This is especially true for a woman who is about to become a mother. A diet that includes marine fish, shellfish, kelp avoids such problems.

Signs indicating the presence of the disease

Pregnancy with hypothyroidism is dangerous because manythe manifestations of the pathology of this organ of the endocrine system are explained by the peculiarities of their position. However, it is not recommended to leave such symptoms unattended. After all, only timely examination and therapy can prevent the development of possible consequences in the future. The characteristic phenomena that occur with this disease include the following:

  1. Rapid weight gain that many moms-to-be mistake for pregnancy-induced weight gain.
  2. Persistent and inexplicable sensation of coldness.
  3. cold feeling
    cold feeling
  4. Reduce food cravings.
  5. Severe fatigue, slow reactions, severe impairment of attention, memory.
  6. Anxiety, depression.
  7. Weakness due to lack of iron and vitamin B, which many do not pay due attention to. After all, this symptom is also observed in he althy women during pregnancy.
  8. Slow heart rate.
  9. Stool retention.
  10. Swelling of the skin around the eyes. Hands, legs, face also swell.
  11. Hair fragility, tendency to fall out, up to the formation of bald patches.
  12. Disordered breathing during sleep, snoring may occur.

Subclinical hypothyroidism during pregnancy

This form of the disease often reduces a woman's chances of procreation. This is due to the fact that the monthly cycle is disturbed, and the ability of the egg to mature often deteriorates. In this case, in order to conceive a child, it is necessary to be examined and decide on tactics.treatment (as a rule, drugs are prescribed to compensate for the lack of hormones). If subclinical hypothyroidism arose already in the process of gestation, it does not manifest itself with severe symptoms. This is the danger of disease. In some cases, this type of pathology leads to spontaneous interruption of the life of the fetus. However, you shouldn't worry too much. If you choose the right therapy, it is possible to solve this problem. Fifty percent of babies are born he althy. Although in the future they have disturbances in the immune system.

Thyroid disease and future conception

Speaking of planning pregnancy with hypothyroidism, it should be emphasized that the presence of this disorder is a reason for regular medical examinations and laboratory tests. If, even before the birth of a new life, a pathology is detected in a woman, treatment should be carried out. During the gestation period, the signs of thyroid disease are often overlooked, so it is better to carry out all activities in advance. A lack of hormones and a disorder in the activity of the organ can lead to serious developmental defects in the baby.

You can control the content of substances that the thyroid gland produces using a laboratory blood test. A similar procedure is recommended for all women even before the birth of a new life. After all, a mild degree of violations may not be accompanied by severe symptoms and does not prevent conception. However, any YAD disorder provokes negative consequences.

Possible harm to the body of the futuremothers

In this condition, complications associated with the gestation period, delivery are often observed.

fatigue in pregnancy
fatigue in pregnancy

Patients who have this thyroid dysfunction experience the following:

  1. Severe lack of iron in the body.
  2. Spontaneous abortion in early pregnancy.
  3. Premature delivery of the placenta.
  4. Weak uterine contraction during labor.
  5. Loss of a significant amount of blood.

If a woman is diagnosed with hypothyroidism during pregnancy, the consequences of the disease can be extremely unpleasant. The saddest of them are the birth of a dead child, the death of a baby immediately after birth.

Fetal threat

Disorders of the thyroid gland in the expectant mother pose a serious danger to the he alth of the baby. He has a lack of weight, improper formation and growth of body parts. The nervous system also suffers, defects in mental development are observed. If a woman develops hypothyroidism during pregnancy, the consequences for the child may be the occurrence of a similar disease in the first year of life.

negative pregnancy test
negative pregnancy test

Needed medical attention

A patient who is suspected of having this disorder should be observed by two categories of medical workers during the entire period of gestation. The first one is a specialist in diseases of the ZhVV who is engaged in the control of laboratory tests, assessment of well-beingexpectant mother and selection of therapy. The second (gynecologist) carries out diagnostic measures to determine possible defects in the fetus. Careful supervision by specialists can prevent the occurrence of negative consequences.

Who needs to be extremely careful about their he alth?

Speaking of the combination of hypothyroidism and pregnancy, it should be emphasized that at the planning stage, regular and thorough monitoring of the condition with the help of tests should be carried out:

  1. Women with other thyroid disorders.
  2. Diabetic patients.
  3. Girls having trouble conceiving.
  4. Persons with unfavorable heredity for diseases of the ZhVV.
  5. Expectant mothers who have elevated antibodies to thyroid substances.


Expectant mothers who have been diagnosed with this are usually able to give birth to a baby naturally.

feeling unwell during pregnancy
feeling unwell during pregnancy

Surgical intervention (caesarean section) is carried out in some cases on the recommendation of a specialist.

The danger of the disease lies in the high probability of bleeding. Therefore, after childbirth, a woman is prescribed remedies that prevent this problem from occurring.

Methods of dealing with pathology

Treatment for hypothyroidism during pregnancy is the use of drugs that restore the balance of hormones. Among the best known drugs that are recommended insuch a situation, we can name the following:

  1. "Jodomarin".
  2. "Iodine-active".
  3. "L-thyroxine".

About the use of these pills during pregnancy with hypothyroidism, the reviews of doctors are rather contradictory. Some experts believe that this method of dealing with pathology is the most effective. According to other doctors, such drugs are strictly prohibited in such cases.

The fact is that some patients do not adhere to the normal dosage of drugs and begin to drink them uncontrollably. This leads to various complications. However, the correct use of funds is permissible not only at the stage of bearing a child, but also when breastfeeding.

How to prevent the development of the disease?

Continuing the theme of the combination of hypothyroidism and pregnancy, it should be added that there are a number of rules that will help avoid possible problems in the mother and fetus.

These include:

  1. Regular examinations by a specialist in disorders of the activity of VA during the planning stage and in the early stages of gestation.
  2. A balanced diet that includes a sufficient amount of marine fish, shellfish and algae.
  3. Replacing table s alt with a product with a high iodine content.
  4. Hormonal supplementation (as needed).

A woman should not worry that drugs can adversely affect the condition and development of the fetus. Substances that are included in their composition are considered safe. Many doctors prescribe "Jodomarin" for hypothyroidism withpregnancy and postpartum.

woman with child
woman with child

It is only necessary to adhere to a certain scheme of taking and dosage of medicines and not change the therapy regimen on your own.
