Seals in the earlobes - possible causes and features of treatment

Seals in the earlobes - possible causes and features of treatment
Seals in the earlobes - possible causes and features of treatment

A solid neoplasm that has appeared in the ear area scares many. Nowadays, everyone knows that there are tumors in various organs, but some do not even suspect that such tumors can also occur in the hearing organs. A tumor in the ear is found most often randomly. It may not bother a person at all, and it does not always pose a he alth hazard.

Hearing hygiene does not require much time - you just need to wash and clean your ears. Often people do not pay due attention to such an important procedure. But everything changes dramatically if a small seal forms in the earlobes, which resembles a ball. How to act in such a situation? What can be done to painlessly and quickly eliminate the neoplasm of the ear? We will try to answer in this article.

seal near the earlobe
seal near the earlobe

Symptoms of this pathology

When a seal appears in the earlobes, a person may notice several symptoms that indicate various pathologies.

The neoplasm can be soft or hard. The ball may in some casesbe mobile, that is, with certain finger manipulations, it moves slightly (if it is a lipoma or a wen).

Usually, a lump in the earlobe hurts. Pain sensations can intensify when they touch the affected area of the organ of hearing. The temperature of the skin may rise in the place where the ball is located. A similar symptom means the beginning of the process of inflammation. If the ball hurts, the seal in the earlobe needs urgent treatment. Education on the earlobe can appear in people of different age categories. Most often, it is not dangerous, and its size does not increase over time. In this case, a cosmetic defect can be hidden by a hairstyle.

seal in the earlobe hurts the ball
seal in the earlobe hurts the ball

Causes of illness

The formation of a painful seal in the earlobe (ball) occurs for several reasons. To determine what exactly caused its formation, one should take into account the area of \u200b\u200bformation, the type of compaction, the degree of mobility and sensation when pressed (change in skin temperature or color, soreness).

  • The most common cause of a ball in the earlobe, which can respond to pressure with pain, is a wen (atheroma). No need to immediately panic when you hear a complex name. Although atheroma is a tumor, it is a benign type, formed from fat cells.
  • Another cause of compaction in the earlobes is an epidermoid cyst, outwardly almost no different from atheroma. Its formation is due to excessive reproduction of epidermal cells, due towhich from the cells of the epithelium a capsule of a rather dense structure is formed. With suppuration of this cyst, pain occurs when pressed, an increase in the size of the ball is observed.
  • Tumor of traumatic type. The appearance of a ball in the ear that gives off pain can be triggered by trauma, an insect bite or damage.
  • A seal in the lobe from an ear piercing may also appear.
  • Inflammatory infiltrate. The appearance of a red seal on the earlobe is often associated with suppuration and blockage of the hairline or skin glands.

If the lump in the earlobe hurts and increases in size, it will not be possible to fix the problem on your own. In this case, you will need qualified help. If any pain appears, then we can judge the beginning of the process of inflammation and suppuration. In the absence of timely methods of treatment, a benign tumor can develop into a malignant one.

seal in the earlobe
seal in the earlobe


This is the most common cause of hardening in the earlobes. Such a phenomenon is often called a wen in the people. From a medical point of view, it is a small, benign tumor that forms when fat cells accumulate.

In addition, a wen can occur due to lack of a he althy lifestyle, improper diet, clogged pores, etc. The seal is the same color as the leather. Most often it does not cause pain, does not cause discomfort. True, the ear because of him becomes unaesthetic. But in some situations, a wen can develop into a malignant tumor. Whereinthere is a sharp increase in its size, when you try to move it under the skin, pain appears. Atheroma becomes inflamed and becomes red and hot. Seek immediate medical attention to prevent the growth of cancer cells.

Dermatological cyst

When a ball forms on the earlobe, we can talk about a cyst. It looks very similar to atheroma. A cyst occurs due to the influence of pathogenic reproduction of skin cells, as a result of the accumulation of which a dense capsule appears. If it becomes inflamed, it increases significantly in size and causes severe pain.

seal in the earlobe puncture
seal in the earlobe puncture

Traumatic injury

When a ball appears on the earlobe, one can also talk about the traumatic cause of the origin of the tumor. That is why it is necessary to protect your ears from blows and other injuries.

The bites of various insects can also cause this phenomenon. Often a ball appears in a person's lobe after a puncture. That is why the girl is recommended to put earrings from a qualified specialist using sterile instruments. Such a process cannot be trusted by acquaintances and girlfriends. A ball that appears after an ear piercing usually does not cause discomfort. However, in some cases, an inflammatory process may begin. Pus accumulates in the pierced place, the skin is very sore, the temperature of its surface rises, the color becomes red.


Fixed and soft balls in the earlobes can be common pimples. They appear due to blockage of the folliclehair follicles and clogged pores. Such a phenomenon can be easily distinguished from other formations. In this case, the formation is located on the surface of the skin. As a rule, the color of pimples is red, and in the center you can observe white dots, which are an accumulation of pus. Pimples can also hurt when pressed, but after a breakthrough and outflow of their contents, the discomfort disappears.

In rare cases, boils form in the ear area. Such acne at home can not be pressed. Their removal should be entrusted exclusively to a specialist.


When a painful lump forms in the earlobe, you need to make an appointment with a therapist or surgeon. Only a competent specialist can correctly determine the cause of the disease and prescribe its treatment.

painful swelling in the earlobe
painful swelling in the earlobe

Traditional Therapies

A ball of pus located behind the earlobe can be opened by a surgeon using a scalpel. In this case, the entire content of the formation is removed. The abscess from above is treated with antibacterial agents. If the balloon size is too large, the specialist may stitch the patient.

A cyst or atheroma is also removed with a surgical operation. It is undesirable to leave such a neoplasm, since inflammation or a malignant tumor may develop over time.

To perform the procedure, you need to use local anesthesia. The capsule is opened, all its contents are removed. After that, the surgeon cuts out the capsule directly. Instead ofIn a classical operation, the doctor can perform the removal of the ball with a laser for the patient. Despite the high cost of the method, it ensures the absence of cosmetic defects after its implementation.

Those who delay going to the hospital should be prepared for the fact that two operations will be needed. During the first, the doctor needs to remove the wen itself and send it for research, which will confirm that the neoplasm is really benign. Only after that the surgeon has the right to remove the capsule itself.

Most often, fragments of all removed neoplasms are sent for histological analysis.

How else can a lump near the earlobe be treated?

ear hygiene
ear hygiene

Folk recipes

Any folk remedy can be used only after consulting a doctor. There are several of the most effective drugs:

Aloe. A tool made from such a plant perfectly draws in the entire contents of the ball. To do this, a flower is crushed in a blender, and the finished gruel is placed several times a day on the affected area. For a full recovery, you need a course of three weeks. The ball should open up, pus will come out of it. For pain on the surface of the ear, you can treat the skin with peroxide.

Asterisk balm. Have been using it for several generations. The drug is applied twice a day to the seal. If it hurts a little, reddens and burns, then the healing process has already begun.

Essential oils. Their benefits to the human body are endless. You need to buy oil in a pharmacytea and living trees, alternately lubricate the tumor with them until it completely disappears. However, it must be remembered that with such treatment it is impossible to violate the integrity of the ball. Otherwise, an infectious process may begin. Therefore, you can not squeeze out the pus on your own, and even more so, cut the seal near the earlobe, as the consequences can be disastrous.

swelling around the earlobe
swelling around the earlobe

Disease prevention

To avoid the appearance of a ball in the earlobe, you need to avoid blows to this area, keep mosquitoes and other insects away, wear a hat to prevent bites. Infection brought by them can also lead to the formation of a ball. The lobe can end up hurting a lot. In childhood, it is undesirable to pierce children's ears, as their immunity is still weak.
