In the article, we will consider what the procedure for washing the tonsils is.
It helps to eliminate purulent plugs that occur against the background of tonsillitis in a chronic form. It is not recommended to independently carry out such manipulations, as there is a possibility of tissue damage. The essence of the procedure is to remove purulent contents from the cavities of the tonsils through the action of a water jet or vacuum suction.

Feedback on washing tonsils will be presented at the end of the article.
Indications for this procedure
The human tonsils are small, oval-shaped organs in the mouth. The structure of organs includes follicles, which are separated by connective tissue. From the outside, the tonsils are covered with a mucous membrane, in which many gaps or depressions can be observed. It is believed that the tonsils are designed to clean food, liquid and air, that is, everything that enters the oral cavity. Besides, infollicles, maturation of lymphocytes, which are cells of the immune system, occurs. By emerging on the surface of the recesses, protective cells neutralize harmful bacteria.
When the activity of immunity is reduced, lymphocytes cease to cope with their duties. In this case, an inflammatory process occurs in the lacunae themselves. There is an accumulation of purulent contents, which leads to the development of tonsillitis or tonsillitis in a chronic or acute form of leakage. In the event of an exacerbation, treatment is carried out with antibiotics, topical drugs and bed rest.
Chronic form of tonsillitis
If tonsillitis becomes chronic, washing of the lacunae of the tonsils is prescribed. This procedure is an alternative to surgical removal of organs. It is recommended to carry it out several times a year to achieve the maximum therapeutic effect.

In addition, washing is recommended in the treatment of adenoids, which are pathological enlargement of the pharyngeal tonsils. Depending on the degree of adenoid growth, complete removal of the paired organ or conservative treatment, including lavage, may be indicated.
Contraindications for flushing
It is not recommended to wash the tonsils of the throat in the following conditions:
- Infectious disease in the active stage. It can be not only inflammation of the tonsils, but also any process of a purulent nature in the oropharynx. Reason for refusing to holdprocedures can even become caries. This is due to the high risk of spreading harmful microorganisms to adjacent tissues and organs during the procedure.
- Oncological diseases.
- Pathologies in the retina. Against the background of retinal detachment, any load can aggravate the disease, washing the lacunae is no exception.
- First and final trimester of pregnancy.
- Presence of heart disease, severe damage to the vessels of the circulatory system.
- Hypertension. The disease is not included in the category of absolute contraindications. The specialist independently determines the possibility of carrying out the procedure depending on the patient's condition.
- Under three years of age.
- Allergic reaction to drugs used for washing lacunae.
Washing with the vacuum method is allowed against the background of tonsillitis in the acute stage, but only in cases where the patient's condition is satisfactory.
Detailed description of this procedure
During the washing procedure, the specialist comes into direct contact with the lacunae. A jet of water or a special vacuum aspirator is directed at them. Thus, it is possible to extract purulent contents. Washing the tonsils with a vacuum method is the most popular.

Some doctors are of the opinion that this is more of a preventive procedure than a curative one. Others believe that regular washings gradually lead to the restoration of the normal functioning of the tonsils. This encourages them to startclean itself as it should in normal condition.
Before the procedure, the patient is recommended to take a smear for bacteriological culture. The material is taken from the nasal and pharyngeal cavities. The rinsing procedure, especially with the use of an aspirator, can lead to the occurrence of a gag reflex. To prevent vomiting, the patient is not recommended to drink or eat two hours before the procedure. Many clinics use local anesthetics to desensitize the treated area.
Severe pain syndrome
According to reviews, washing the tonsils in some patients causes severe pain. In this case, it is necessary to insist on the use of anesthetics during repeated procedures. Manipulation lasts about 30 seconds, but sometimes reaches several minutes, depending on the extent of the lesion of the lacunae. In most cases, both tonsils need to be cleansed.
When rinsing, it is important to try to relax and breathe shallowly through the nose. If the nasal passages are blocked, you need to use drugs with a vasoconstrictor effect. The course is prescribed by a doctor and usually consists of 5-10 procedures.
Let's consider other methods of washing the tonsils.
Syringe Flushing: Outpatient
This method is the most common today. In addition, the procedure is included in the list of free services provided under the compulsory he alth insurance program. Washing the tonsil lacunae with a syringe can be done in a regular clinic.
The procedure is carried out using a syringe without a needle, on which a special cannula is put on, which is a curved tube. The nozzle is inserted into the gap and breaks the purulent plugs.

Processing is done with an antiseptic solution, for example, furacilin or potassium permanganate. The liquid is poured into the gap, and then poured out together with the contents of the purulent plugs into the patient's oral cavity. The patient is asked to spit the liquid into the cuvette. As a rule, such washing is prescribed for the palatine tonsils, since the pharyngeal tonsils are more difficult to reach even for a curved tube.
After washing, the tonsils are treated with Lugol's solution and Collargol. The patient is not recommended during the treatment of tonsillitis to use solid foods that can scratch the delicate mucous membrane of the tonsils. Damage to the lacuna during or after the flushing procedure can lead to the spread of infectious agents or scar tissue that reduces the effectiveness of the tonsils.
Washing the tonsils at home
Not everyone considers it necessary to see a doctor. Many patients with chronic tonsillitis find the procedure for washing the tonsils simple and try to repeat it at home. It is strongly not recommended to do this, despite the fact that a special syringe and antiseptic solution can be found in every pharmacy. Experts warn against such independence, since at home it is quite difficult to provide propersterility. In addition, when self-washing the lacunae, you can injure the mucous membrane and introduce an infection into the wound.
The decision to do a tonsil flush at home can only be justified in case of a stalemate. In this case, you should remember a number of rules and recommendations:
- To reduce the pain of the procedure and prevent the development of vomiting, the patient can be given ice cream or suck on an ice cube.
- Tonsils are treated with an antiseptic before the procedure. The patient opens his mouth as wide as possible and sticks out his tongue.
- A jet with an antiseptic from a syringe is directed to the areas of white plaque on the tonsils. The solution should be at body temperature.
- The patient breathes through the nose.
- The solution is spitting out every few seconds.
- If the gag reflex is triggered, the procedure stops.
- After the end of the manipulation, the patient rinses his mouth.
It should be borne in mind that even if all the rules are followed, washing at home is dangerous with possible complications and the spread of infection.

Flushing with Tonsillor
Vacuum washing of almond lacunae has a number of advantages over other methods:
- The purulent contents of the lacunae are removed under the influence of ultrasonic waves. Thus, it is possible to achieve deeper penetration of drugs into tissues.
- Vacuum rinsing makes it possible to clean gaps more thoroughly.
- "Tonsillor" for washingtonsils is quite easy to handle and the effectiveness of the procedure depends less on the qualifications of the specialist.
- Getting pus on the sensitive surface of the mucous membrane or skin is excluded. This helps prevent the spread of the inflammatory process.
Before the procedure, the patient leans back in the chair and opens his mouth wide. The tonsil to be treated is anesthetized and a vacuum suction cup is attached to it. Under the influence of ultrasonic waves, the purulent contents are cleaned with the treatment of the lacuna with an antiseptic.
Pus is removed using a special tube, does not come into contact with the patient's oral cavity. Then, for one minute, the tonsils are treated with an ozonized solution. This allows you to expand the gap and produce additional drainage. Among other things, ultrasound deactivates infectious agents.

The whole procedure of treatment with the Tonsilor machine for washing the tonsils takes about 10 seconds, during which the patient is advised not to breathe. After the glass liquid is placed in a special collection, the tonsils are treated with a medicinal solution. It can be an immunomodulatory, antihistamine or antiviral agent.
In some cases, after several procedures for washing the lacunae of the tonsils with the apparatus, the patient may experience an exacerbation of the disease. In this situation, you should take a break for a few days. Then resume washing.
Adverse reactions from the procedure
According to washing reviewstonsils, most often patients experience such a side effect as damage to the epithelial layer, as well as irritation on the surface of the treated organs. In this case, after completing the course of washings, the patient will find it difficult to swallow, and solid foods will cause discomfort.
Another side effect of the procedure for washing the lacunae of the tonsils is an allergic reaction to the antiseptic solution that is used during the manipulation. This issue is resolved by replacing the antiseptic for subsequent procedures. An allergy can be either a local reaction and be accompanied by redness of the mouth and swelling, or an internal reaction, manifested in the form of urticaria and rhinitis.

The consequence of washing can be the spread of infection. To avoid this, the procedure is not carried out against the background of an exacerbation of an infectious disease. Together with the contents of the lacunae, pathogenic microflora can penetrate the mucous membrane of the pharynx, mouth and respiratory tract.
In addition, after washing, there is a high risk of sinusitis and bronchitis, especially when performing the procedure on your own. The risk of complications during treatment with Tonsillor is minimal.
After washing the tonsils at the ENT or at home, the risk of exacerbation of chronic pathologies is not ruled out. Some experts attribute this to a decrease in local immunity. Patients may have a high temperature, reaching 40 degrees, swelling of the lymph nodes, severe general weakness. If such clinical manifestations are detected, treatment is interrupted.until the patient's condition improves.
Reviews about washing the tonsils
This procedure is considered unpleasant, many have a gag reflex during it. Nevertheless, patients in the reviews agree that washing the tonsil lacunae is necessary for those who have tonsillitis or tonsillitis have become chronic.
Specialists are also unanimous in their opinion that it is far from always necessary to surgically remove the tonsils at the first exacerbation. They believe that with a regular course of washings, success can be achieved in restoring organ function. It is an effective oral sanitation tool to prevent the development of infectious diseases.
Patients in the reviews emphasize that washing the lacunae of the tonsils with an apparatus or a vacuum is somewhat more effective and safer. Some complain of damage to the mucous membrane after washing with a syringe, it was difficult for them to eat and drink for some time after the procedures. In general, the washing procedure is considered an effective and safe way to preserve the tonsils in chronic tonsillitis or tonsillitis, you just need to follow all the recommendations of a specialist.