Modern people, due to the lack of free time, prefer to treat the symptoms of the disease, rather than eliminate its cause. This approach subsequently leads to the development of the disease into a chronic form, the destruction of the body from the inside. Seborrhea refers to such disorders. Its first stage usually occurs in adolescence, when there is no hurry to seek medical help. Then the disease makes itself felt throughout life, manifesting itself with unpleasant symptoms.
Seborrhea - what is it?
This is a skin disease that develops as a result of a malfunction of the sebaceous glands. The latter are present in every person. In young children, most of these glands are in a "sleeping" state. They begin to fully work only by the period of puberty. Older people are characterized by a gradual decrease in these skin structures.
Glands produce sebum or sebum. It coversa thin layer of the dermis and protects it, as well as the hair from drying out. In the case of hyperfunction of the sebaceous glands, they begin to produce 1.5 times more sebum. At the same time, its composition changes dramatically: a smaller amount of linoleic acid turns into an increase in the pH of the skin, which creates favorable conditions for the activation of the infectious process. In case of hypofunction, the skin becomes thinner and dries up. Against the background of fat deficiency, its natural protective function is disrupted.

Main reasons
To better understand the mechanism of development of seborrhea, and what kind of ailment it is, you need to understand its causes.
The leading role in the development of the disease belongs to yeast-like lipophilic fungi of the Malassezia species. Normally, they are present in the microflora of he althy people. However, under the influence of adverse factors, the body cannot keep them in a passive state. As a result, hyperactivation of the fungus occurs, as a result, inflammation of the skin with the onset of seborrhea.
Provoking factors for the development of the disease are the following:
- endocrine disorders;
- decreased immunity;
- mental disorders;
- CNS pathologies;
- diet abuse;
- vitamin deficiency in the diet;
- frequent stress;
- physical overload;
- long-term use of glucocorticosteroids;
- genetic predisposition.
People who have suffered paralysis and paresis, suffering from Parkinson's disease, are at risk. Proved thatseborrhea is a pathology often found in patients with immunodeficiency virus. HIV-infected people are diagnosed with the disease 5 times more often, and AIDS patients - 9 times more often than he althy people.

Classification of disease
Seborrhea in adults occurs in several forms. Each of them has a specific clinical picture.
- Fatty. Appears against the background of increased work of the sebaceous glands and increased production of sebum. The released fatty lubricant mixes with keratinized skin flakes, forming a thick yellow mass. This form of the disease is often accompanied by inflammatory processes: severe itching, weeping areas, bloody crusts. She also suffers from partial or complete hair loss.
- Dry. Sebum production is reduced. The skin begins to peel off, dandruff forms. Hair becomes brittle. After shampooing, the feeling of tightness remains.
- Mixed. Combines the symptoms of the previous forms, manifested in different parts of the head.
Determining the type of disease allows you to choose the most effective therapy.
Face hit
Seborrhea of the skin of the face is manifested by a profuse rash. Favorite places of its localization are the forehead, bridge of the nose, eyebrows, nasolabial triangle. The affected areas are red and itchy.
There are other symptoms of the disease of this variety:
- appearance of pimples and blackheads;
- violation of the composition of sebum;
- enlarged pores;
- Increased skin luster.
Over time, the skin becomes covered with whitish flakes in the dry form of seborrhea. In the case of its oily variety, yellowish scales appear. When the inflammatory process affects the eyelids and the periciliary margin, symptoms of blepharitis occur.
Seborrhea of the facial skin is mainly diagnosed in men and the fair sex, suffering from hormonal changes and endocrine disorders.

Scalp damage
When the scalp is affected, the main symptom is dandruff. It can be dry or oily, accompanied by other signs of illness:
- peeling of the skin;
- thinning and hair loss;
- formation of yellowish crusts on the head.
If left untreated, seborrhea of the scalp leads to diffuse alopecia or baldness.
Torso injury
Seborrhea on the trunk usually has a localized character. The foci of inflammation are represented by a pink rash and peeling. They are located mainly on the chest and between the shoulder blades. As the disease progresses, pathological elements merge together, forming large plaques.
When a bacterial infection joins seborrhea, the clinical picture is supplemented by the following symptoms:
- itching and irritation on the skin;
- appearance of painful pustules;
- crusts and cracks may occur on the surface of the epithelium.
Many patients note that the symptoms of seborrhea of the scalp, face and trunk are intensifiedwhen eating spicy and spicy foods, sweets, carbonated drinks in large quantities.
Seborrhea in a child
In newborns, doctors often diagnose seborrhea of the head. Symptoms of the disease are manifested in the form of the appearance of yellowish crusts. They cover the scalp and skin at the hairline (most often in the forehead). The crusts are well removed after water procedures or applying baby oil. For a few more days, red spots may remain under them, which pass on their own.
Such manifestations of seborrhea do not require specific treatment. They pass around the first year of a child's life. They should not be picked up with sharp objects or nails, as there is a risk of infection. With a hereditary predisposition, the crusts remain up to 4-5 years.

Diagnostic Methods
A patient cannot be diagnosed with scalp seborrhea from a photo or solely through a physical examination. Diagnostic measures necessarily include the study of the patient's history, survey data. To differentiate the disease from other dermatological pathologies, it is necessary to conduct a comprehensive examination. It usually consists of the following appointments:
- microscopy;
- dermoscopy;
- general and biochemical blood tests;
- spectral survey.
To determine the cause of the disease, the patient is required to take tests for sugar and hormones, undergo an endoscopy. Such a detailed diagnosis is necessary to assess the fullclinical picture and the appointment of the most effective therapy.
Features of food
Before starting the treatment of seborrhea of the skin with drugs, it is necessary to establish nutrition. Since the exact causes of the development of the disease remain unknown until now, the diet should pursue several goals:
- strengthening immunity;
- saturation of the body with vitamins, minerals and other useful substances;
- normalization of the digestion process;
- removal of toxins;
- eliminate food allergens from the diet.
It is recommended to follow a diet all the time, and not only during an exacerbation of the pathology. Seborrhea provides for increased production of sebum, therefore, first of all, those products that enhance this process should be excluded. We are talking about semi-finished products, excessively s alty and spicy foods, spices and spices. You will have to refuse products with flavor enhancers and dyes.
Regardless of the variety of seborrhea, it is better to give up sweets and confectionery, fast food, fatty foods and alcoholic beverages. This approach allows not only to reduce the symptoms of skin seborrhea, but also to normalize the work of the gastrointestinal tract. It is also helpful to limit your intake of allergenic foods (citrus fruits, chocolate, nuts, coffee, mushrooms, honey, etc.).
It should not be assumed that in case of illness, food will not taste good. If you wish, you can choose a he althy and at the same time tasty diet. For example, low-fat fermented milk products are useful for normalizing digestion. With seborrhearaw fruits and vegetables, greens are allowed. They are an indispensable source of vitamins and beneficial trace elements, help improve skin regenerative processes.
To normalize metabolism, it is useful to consume animal protein. For this purpose, it is better to choose seafood, fish, eggs and lean meat. To improve the whole body, you should eat cereals, cereals.

Medicated treatment
Many do not know that seborrhea is not a contagious disease. Fungal colonies are present on the body of all people. Their active vital activity occurs only under the influence of a number of factors and with systemic disorders in the body. To avoid unpleasant manifestations of the disease, you can not ignore the medication prescribed by a dermatologist. Its duration is from 4 weeks to 2 months.
Drug treatment of oily or dry seborrhea has several goals. In many ways, they are similar to those in therapeutic nutrition (normalization of the gastrointestinal tract and hormonal balance, improvement of the functioning of the central nervous system, relief of foci of infection on the skin, etc.). Therefore, the drugs prescribed are very extensive:
- Antifungal ("Bifonazole", "Ketonazole").
- Multivitamin complexes ("Revit", "Gexavit").
- Antiallergic ("Loratadine").
- Antibacterial ("Doxycycline").
If the symptoms remain resistant to the therapy, hormonal ointments for topical use are additionally prescribed. In particularserious situations, glucocorticosteroids are indicated.
Medicated shampoos
Treatment of dry seborrhea of the head involves the use of medicated shampoos. They can be purchased at almost every pharmacy chain. However, regardless of the fast effect declared by the manufacturer, in order to obtain a positive therapeutic effect, it is important to adhere to the following rules:
- do not wash your hair with hot water;
- Use your chosen shampoo on a regular basis, but no more than 3 times a week.
Most often, from seborrhea, manufacturers offer products that fight dandruff. One of these is Head and Shoulders. However, the shampoos of this company only eliminate the symptoms of the disease, and do not cope with the root cause.
Doctors recommend purchasing products based on zinc or tar, which effectively fight the fungus (Nizoral, Friderm-zinc, Friderm-tar). They eliminate dandruff and itching of the scalp. The duration of application is usually up to 4 weeks, and with severe alopecia - up to 12 weeks.

Non-hormonal creams and ointments
For the treatment of seborrhea of smooth skin, external preparations are recommended to reduce inflammation and normalize the functioning of the sebaceous glands.
- Cream "Eplan". Quickly removes peeling, has an antipruritic and anti-inflammatory effect.
- Cream "Solcoseryl". Improves the appearance of the skin, has a wound healing effect.
- Ointment "Rendevit". Particularly effective in the treatment of dryskin seborrhea. It is characterized by a softening and anti-inflammatory effect, slows down the processes of keratinization of the skin.
- "Dexapanthenol" and its analogues. Approved for use during pregnancy and for the treatment of young children.
Hormone Therapy
Traditional treatment of oily seborrhea on the face or scalp does not always immediately give a positive result. Therefore, sometimes you have to resort to hormonal drugs. These are the ointments "Flucinar", "Hydrocortisone", "Celestoderm". They are used in short courses and only on prescription.
Physiotherapy treatments
Physiotherapeutic treatment enhances the drug effect and normalizes the sebaceous glands. Doctors recommend the following treatments:
- Darsonvalization. During the procedure, high-frequency pulsed currents are applied. Their effect improves skin tone, increases blood circulation.
- Cryomassage. It involves the use of cold springs that constrict blood vessels and eliminate inflammatory reactions.
- Laserpuncture. The essence of the procedure is the effect of low-energy laser radiation on biologically active points.
Also, sulfur baths give a good effect. They are prescribed in a course of 10-12 procedures.

Help of traditional medicine
Seborrhea is a rather risky step. It is important to understand that the amount of sebum produced is often affected by disruptions in the endocrine, digestive, nervous and other systems. Therefore, recipestraditional medicine can only reduce the manifestations of the disease for a while. However, without eliminating the root cause, it is not possible to finally overcome it.
On the other hand, alternative medicine can be used to alleviate the symptoms of seborrhea. Be sure to consult your doctor first, as some herbs are contraindicated in individual cases.
- Mix glycerin and baking soda with water until creamy. The mixture should be chilled. It is recommended to use it as a mask, gently rubbing it into the scalp. The whole procedure lasts no more than 20 minutes, after which the composition must be washed off. Glycerin softens the skin, and soda improves blood microcirculation.
- With seborrhea, essential oils can be added to masks and shampoos (2-3 drops per cap). In the case of a dry variety of the disease, it is better to use lavender, geranium and chamomile. With oily seborrhea, oils of lemon, cypress, sandalwood are shown.
- At the first manifestations of the disease, it is worth remembering the usual burdock oil. It can be purchased at any pharmacy. To carry out therapy, it is enough to rub the product into the scalp. This should be done with extreme caution. Otherwise, there is a risk of pulling out the affected hairs and damaging the skin. After applying the oil, wrap your head with a towel. The mask is left for 6 hours, after which it is washed off with a special shampoo for dry seborrhea. Similar procedures can be repeated twice a week for one month. Burdock oil helps moisturize the scalp and prevent hair
- Symptoms of the disease are well stopped after applying a decoction of oak bark. To prepare it, you need 3 tablespoons of the dry mixture, pour a glass of boiling water. The mass must be thoroughly mixed and boiled over low heat for about 20 minutes. After this, the broth must be filtered and cooled to room temperature. You can use it when rinsing your hair after shampooing every three days.
- Photos of seborrhea of the scalp are presented just above in the article. Few people know that with this localization of the manifestation of the disease, walnut leaves help well. They must be finely chopped (about 6 tablespoons of the mixture should be obtained), pour 0.5 liters of water and boil. The broth should be infused for 3 hours at room temperature. Then you should moisten a towel in it and cover your head with it, and put a plastic bag on top. After about 30 minutes, the hair should be rinsed without using shampoo. The procedure is recommended to be repeated every 3 days until the symptoms of the disease disappear.
- A healing mask based on honey has also proven itself. You will need to take a teaspoon of flower honey and mayonnaise, mix and combine with a small amount of olive oil. The resulting composition must be carefully and evenly distributed through the hair. The head should be covered with a plastic bag, and on top with a terry towel. The mask can be left on for 40 minutes. After it should be washed off with shampoo. To rinse your hair at the final stage, you should use water with vinegar (take a tablespoon of vinegar for 250 ml of water). procedureit is recommended to repeat every 3 days for a month.
Above are only the most popular recipes for seborrhea. Everyone can choose the most convenient remedy for themselves, guided by the form of the disease and its localization.
Possible consequences
Seborrhea of the head, not cured in a timely manner, according to doctors, can lead to a number of more serious ailments. For example, a chronic form of acne, erythroderma, pyoderma often develops on the face and body. Seborrhea on the head often leads to partial or complete baldness. That is why, when the first signs of it are found, you should consult a doctor and clearly follow his therapeutic recommendations.
Prevention Methods
In the photo, seborrhea of the skin looks rather unpleasant. To avoid illness, doctors recommend following fairly simple rules:
- strengthen the immune system;
- avoid stressful situations;
- use quality personal care products.
For the prevention of seborrhea, it is extremely important to adhere to the principles of proper nutrition. Not less useful are feasible sports, hiking and good rest. Such events help to strengthen the he alth and nervous system.