A man lives, he is well. Everything seems to be going well. But suddenly a problem arises - the lower back hurts when walking. It seems where this attack came from. He led the right way of life, sometimes went in for sports, and then…
And it becomes scary. Almost everyone has bad thoughts. To dispel them a little, let's talk about this problem.
What is this
Let's start with the statistics. Studies have shown that about ninety percent of the country's population suffers from back discomfort. It follows that lower back pain when walking is a very common ailment. Sometimes people even get used to such discomfort and do not react to it for a long time. But there always comes a time when the pain becomes unbearable. You have to go to the doctor without delay. It happens that the disease has already acquired a chronic form, and it is almost impossible to cope with it.
Symptoms of this disease may appear after a cold, a sharp tilt, lifting heavy objects. Another reason forwhat hurts the back when walking is a long incorrect sitting at the table (stooped back).
Why does the lower back usually suffer? This part of the spine is most often subjected to heavy daily stress.
Now let's talk about this and many other things in more detail.

Classification of pains
The structure of the pain is sharp, shooting, throbbing, aching. According to its manifestation, it is divided into two types:
- Primary. The cause of the appearance is a violation of blood supply in the tissues connecting the intervertebral discs. This leads to weakening of the spine. Periodically, pain begins to appear during walking. Few people pay attention to this symptom, since it is inconsistent. This attitude towards discomfort, in turn, leads to complications.
- Secondary. The reason is mechanical damage to tissues or muscles, the development of a tumor, malignant tumors. In this case, the back hurts constantly. There is no need to delay here. Get tested as soon as possible.
Secondary pain can still be caused by chronic prostatitis, endometrium, uterine fibroids, dysmenorrhea, diseases of the ovaries and kidneys, nervous system and blood vessels.
There are a large number of factors contributing to back pain. Most often, this problem is associated with muscle tension. This situation occurs when you work too hard. So all the same, why does the lower back hurt when walking? Reasons for this problem include:
- Permanent lifting of weights.
- Staying in one position for a long time (standing, sitting).
- Intensive training or physical work.
- Overweight.
These reasons are the most common.
The following group of factors causing pain:
- intervertebral hernia;
- curvature of the spine;
- spinal stenosis;
- injuries;
- osteochondrosis;
- spondylolisthesis;
- osteoporosis.

In addition to the above diseases that affect the axial skeleton, there are ailments associated with inflammatory processes occurring in soft tissues or internal organs. In the second case, when walking for a long time, the lower back hurts, as pain is reflected from the primary focus to the back. Most often this happens with nephritis, stomach ulcers, colitis, cholecystitis.
In late pregnancy, the lower back bothers the expectant mother as well.
Now in more detail about some diseases.
Herniated disc
Between the vertebral body is a disc, which consists of an amorphous mass and annulus fibrosus. When it is destroyed, the amorphous mass is squeezed out, a tubercle is formed on the body of the disk. It damages the nerves surrounding it and the spinal cord. All this leads to pain.
The back hurts more in the lower back when walking, because under the weight of the weight the hernia is squeezed out even more. There are times when a person cannot walk at all. The disease begins with a smalldiscomfort that appears during running and jumping. Over time, the inconvenience develops into unbearable pain, which can be avoided by consulting a doctor in a timely manner.
What is the treatment?
- Massage.
- Medication taking.
- Wearing a corset.
Together, all this improves the trophism of the spine, its nutrition and the ability to generate strength. Difficulties in the treatment of the disease may arise during pregnancy or changes in the activity of the nervous system.
With a strong growth of cartilage around the vertebra and disc, such an ailment as osteochondrosis occurs. The elasticity of the discs is lost, the spinal cord and its roots are damaged, which contributes to the appearance of painful sensations. In addition, the flexibility of the spine is reduced. Why does the lower back hurt when walking in this case? The pathological process develops quite quickly. This is facilitated by malnutrition, low physical activity, obesity. If the disease has covered a large "territory", then the tissues begin to damage the nerve endings.

Depending on the area of growth, pain in the back may appear with a different position of the body. If the cartilage increases forward, then the entire lumbar plexus will hurt. Sometimes you can hear from people that when walking, the lower back and legs hurt. In this case, we can say that the cartilage grows back.
How to get rid of pain?
If the cause of pain is osteochondrosis andintervertebral hernia, then it is impossible and not necessary to do without the help of a doctor. Self-medication is harmful and unsafe.
Only a specialist can correctly diagnose by examining the position of the roots, and prescribe treatment. As a rule, it is conservative. With one and the second disease, physiotherapy exercises are prescribed, which helps to improve the tone of the body and the condition of different muscle groups.
If the pain is severe, then a lidocaine blockade is performed. Massage is done to improve blood circulation. The simultaneous use of it and drugs increases the effectiveness of treatment.
If your lower back hurts after walking, you can alleviate the condition at home as follows:
lie down;
· apply cold for no more than ten minutes or, conversely, warm the lower back by wrapping it.
· with severe pain, you can take an analgesic;
See a doctor if pain persists after an hour.
Waiting for the "miracle"
Another cause of discomfort in the back during movement is pregnancy. During this period, all organs of the female body work with a load. A child grows in the mother's womb, the center of gravity begins to shift. The hip and sacrum joints relax in preparation for childbirth. A growing belly changes the position of the spine, the lumbar muscles tighten. That's why the lower back hurts when walking during pregnancy. Almost every woman experiences this.

Cope with pain during this period will help the correctfood. The menu should contain a large amount of calcium. Do not give up dairy products, eat lean fish, meat. Don't forget nuts and greens.
Do everything smoothly and calmly, avoid strong physical exertion. Find a set of exercises for pregnant women. It will help strengthen the abdominal and back muscles. A great relaxation for the lower back is water aerobics.
As you can see, there are a lot of reasons for the appearance of pain in the lower back. And which of them causes discomfort, is unknown. That is why diagnostic measures are carried out. Only an additional examination will determine the factors causing pain.

When visiting a medical institution, to establish a diagnosis, the doctor prescribes the following procedures:
· complete blood and urine test;
· determination of the biochemical composition of blood;
urinalysis according to Nichiporenko and Zemnitsky;
stool examination to determine its physical and chemical composition;
· gastrointestinal acidity measurement;
X-ray of the spine;
Ultrasound examination of internal organs.
Only after deciphering all the results obtained and consulting with specialists can we talk about the causes of lower back pain. If the factor of their appearance is pathology, then treatment begins immediately.

After finding the answer to the question why whenlong walk hurts lower back, treatment begins.
The following methods are used:
- Medicated therapy. It reduces pain and inflammation. Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs are prescribed. Ointments and gels are also used. For chronic pain, blockades are used.
- Physiotherapy (sinusoidal modulated currents and magnetotherapy). Used when medicines have failed to improve the patient's condition.
Additional. Acupuncture, yoga, exercise therapy, manual therapy - increase muscle tone.
pain in back and legs when walking
It is also recommended to sleep on an orthopedic mattress, wear belts and corsets.
And yet, if you experience frequent back pain while walking, do not self-medicate, but visit a specialist. Only he can help you.
To prevent the disease, try to eat right, play sports, sit straight, do not lift weights without a corset. Buy an orthopedic mattress and visit doctors at least once a year.