If there are signs of herpes, experts recommend topically using antiviral drugs. Doctors are confident that this approach ensures the rapid disappearance of the clinical manifestations of pathology. Many patients are interested in whether herpes can be smeared with brilliant green. In this case, the opinions of experts are ambiguous. However, in order to understand whether it is possible to smear herpes with brilliant green, it is necessary to analyze the pathogenesis of the disease.
Against the background of the active life of a pathogenic microorganism (the causative agent of the disease), the skin and mucous membranes are damaged. The virus contributes to the destruction of he althy cells, and vesicles and ulcers subsequently form in their place. At this stage, the use of a brilliant green solution is considered appropriate. Its use is an excellent prevention of secondary infection.

People who are interested in whether it is possible to smear herpes with brilliant green should remember that at the initial stage of the development of the pathological process, the use of a solutionimpractical. When the first signs of an illness occur, it is necessary to start treating the skin in the intended affected area with an antiviral agent as soon as possible. It is necessary to apply the solution only at the stage of the appearance of characteristic rashes.
The positive effect of brilliant green for herpes:
- Prevents the attachment of a secondary infection, which often occurs when scratching wounds or opening them on their own.
- Promotes the relief of the inflammatory process, thereby reducing the intensity of the manifestations of herpes.
- Accelerates the formation of a crust in the area of localization of rashes.
Although doctors are still arguing about whether it is possible to smear herpes with brilliant green, they are unanimous in one thing - it is necessary to use the solution when signs of wound infection appear. The following symptoms are alarming: severe itching, the presence of pathological exudate, burning.

How to use it correctly
It is important to know that you need to apply the solution only if the rashes are located on the skin. In this regard, the question regarding whether it is possible to smear with brilliant green genital herpes disappears. The result of contact of the alcohol solution and the mucous membrane can be a severe burn. To cauterize a rash in the genital area, it is recommended to use creams with antiseptic properties.
As to whether it is possible to smear herpes zoster with brilliant green, in this case, the use of a solution is advisable, but only at the stage of formationsores.
How to properly treat foci of pathology:
- Thoroughly clean the affected skin. Dry gently with a towel or tissue.
- Dip a Q-tip into the solution vial.
- Initially, it is necessary to gently but carefully process the surrounding tissues. After that, brilliant green can be applied directly to the sores.
- Wait for the mortar to dry completely.
- Treat affected areas with antiviral ointment or cream.
This procedure should be carried out at least 2 and maximum 4 times a day.

Treatment of pregnant women and children
Many parents are interested in whether it is possible to smear herpes with brilliant green on a child. It is important to remember that systemic drugs are never included in the treatment regimen. This is due to the fact that against the background of taking medications in children, toxic liver damage develops. In this regard, the treatment of pathology is always reduced to the use of local agents. The situation is similar with pregnant women.
Children need to treat lesions twice a day. As mentioned above, brilliant green can only be applied to skin already affected by a herpetic rash. In addition, as practice shows, children are most often diagnosed with secondary infection, the appearance of which is associated with constant scratching of itchy areas. The skin of babies is much thinner than that of adults, so the development of complications in them is detected very often.
Pregnant womenit is recommended to treat foci of pathology three times a day.

When the solution needs to be stopped
In some cases, the use of brilliant green should be abandoned. End treatment with the solution as soon as possible if the following situations occur:
- After treatment of foci of pathology, intense pain appears, which is almost impossible to endure. This sensation is a consequence of the penetration of alcohol into an open wound. It is because of the occurrence of pronounced painful sensations that many children protest against the treatment of sores with brilliant green.
- When there are signs of a burn. Doctors provide conflicting information about whether it is possible to smear herpes on the lips with brilliant green. Some argue that it is safe and is an excellent prevention of secondary infection. Others are sure that you need to treat only the areas above the upper or lower lip, while not affecting the delicate skin.
Thus, if severe pain or signs of a burn occur, the use of the solution must be discontinued.
Cons of application
Treatment of sores with brilliant green should always be considered only as an auxiliary method of treatment. It is important to remember that the solution does not destroy the pathogen and the need for the use of antiviral agents remains.
Cons of using brilliant green:
- During the treatment of newly formed foci of pathology, there are always painful sensations. If atheir intensity is weak, it is permissible to use the remedy. Severe unbearable pain is a good reason to stop treatment.
- Any wrong action can cause a burn. In this regard, you need to use the tool only in accordance with the algorithm described above.
In addition, a significant disadvantage is that a green pigment remains on the skin for a long time, which causes psychological discomfort to people with herpes on the lips.

What else can be used to treat foci of pathology
People who are interested in whether it is possible to smear herpes with brilliant green (or iodine) are advised to remember those remedies that can be used as analogues. The latter include:
- "Fukortsin". It is an antiseptic with a characteristic raspberry color, which is why many people associate it with a solution of manganese.
- Hydrogen peroxide. An effective remedy that does not injure the skin.
- Tea tree oil. Can be used as compresses and applications. The advantage of the tool is that it has antiviral properties.
It is important to remember that the above remedies can only be used in complex therapy.
Doctors' opinions
Experts on this issue disagree. Some argue that the use of brilliant green for herpes is inappropriate, while others - in complex therapy, it helps to quickly cope with the manifestations of the disease. However, in any case, the solution is shown to everyone who hasjoining a secondary infection.

In conclusion
Brilliant green solution is an excellent antiseptic, which some experts recommend to treat foci of herpes pathology. The tool prevents the attachment of a secondary infection, which often occurs when scratching itchy areas.