In some cases, there are quite severe pains in the stomach during pregnancy, however, not everyone knows what to do about it. Often, such a manifestation refers to a completely physiological process, but in some cases it may indicate the course of a serious pathology.
When pain occurs, the root cause must be determined and only then appropriate treatment measures can be taken.
Feature of the problem
Any organ in the human body can hurt if there is an intense impact on the nerve roots. Pain in the stomach during pregnancy is a protective element of the entire system, so they report the occurrence of a dangerous manifestation that can worsen the functioning of organs and systems. In particular, nerve endings are particularly sensitive to:
- squeezing;
- tissue damage;
- change in the external environment.
Receptors respond to the course of the inflammatory process, thermal effects, mechanical damage to tissues, as well as metabolic and metabolic disorders. Paincan be observed for physiological and pathological reasons. If the physiological pain reaction is a natural defense, then the psychological one is a symptom of the disease.

Pain in the stomach during pregnancy can have a completely different intensity, form of manifestation and duration. It all depends on the type of pathology, severity, location and size of the lesion.
Causes of occurrence
Often, stomach pain during pregnancy occurs as a result of an enlarged uterus. As a result, the internal organs, including the intestines and stomach, are somewhat displaced and squeezed. The natural causes of pain are associated with diseases of the intestines and stomach. These problems include:
- overeating;
- stress;
- hunger pains;
- heartburn;
- insufficient or slow secretion of gastric juice;
- strain of abdominal muscles.
Strong filling of the stomach somewhat slows down the process of digestion, which provokes the occurrence of heaviness and aching pains of varying intensity. Sharp painful sensations can occur in the first trimester, which is associated with changes in the hormonal balance that occur in the woman's body, as well as toxicosis.
In addition, there may be pathological factors in the formation of gastric pain, since at this time the body is constantly under stress. As a result of this, there is a sharp decrease in immunity, the body poorly resists various kinds of infections, whichincreases the risk of various diseases. In addition, during pregnancy, diseases of the digestive system often become very aggravated or first appear.
Stomach pain during pregnancy can be caused by conditions such as:
- exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers;
- malignant tumors;
- polyps;
- traumatic injury to the stomach;
- penetration of pathogens;
- food poisoning;
- problems with internal organs.
In some cases, the cause of pain can be an allergy. Basically, this problem goes away after childbirth. In case of lactose deficiency, when consuming dairy products, heaviness in the stomach may occur, as well as pain, accompanied by upset stools and flatulence.
Main symptoms
If the stomach hurts during pregnancy, then it is imperative to determine the main cause of the pain, what the accompanying symptoms may be, as well as the peculiarity of the diagnosis. If painful sensations are observed slightly above the navel or on the left, then this is due to the growth of the uterus. In the presence of intestinal problems, pain is localized below the navel.

Pain can have a very different character and intensity. In addition, the duration of this manifestation must be taken into account. If the stomach hurts during pregnancy in the early stages, then this may indicate the presence of gastritis. In this case, there is significant discomfort, andaching sensations continue for quite a long time. Sharp pain is characteristic of the ulcer. In the presence of gastritis, pain is felt immediately after eating, especially if you eat fatty or sour foods.
The intensity of painful sensations noticeably increases during a period of significant physical exertion or with disorders in the nervous system, stress. It is all these factors that cause severe pain in the presence of an ulcer or duodenitis. In the presence of pathologies of the digestive system, the intensity and duration of pain is observed. In addition, accompanying signs such as:
- constant heaviness and discomfort;
- diarrhea or chronic constipation;
- nausea;
- bloody diarrhea;
- depression;
- feeling worse.
If your stomach hurts during pregnancy in the early stages, then you should consult a doctor and conduct a diagnosis and proper treatment so as not to provoke complications.
Pain at various stages of pregnancy
Many people wonder if the stomach can hurt during pregnancy and for what reasons this happens. In the initial stages, this may occur due to a sharp increase in the level of sex hormones in the blood. As a result, the digestive organs begin to function much harder to improve the supply of nutrients to the fetus. Pain in the stomach during early pregnancy can additionally provoke signs such as:
- gravity;
- loss of appetite;
- nausea.
In addition, during this period, toxicosis is observed, which can provoke an exacerbation of gastritis or ulcers, which also causes pain.
In the second trimester, the uterus begins to grow quite rapidly, and squeezes the internal organs. First of all, the intestines begin to suffer, as a result of which the passage of food worsens, the digestion process is disturbed, and stool masses accumulate. All this leads to pain.

In the third trimester, the bottom of the uterus reaches the stomach, slightly displaces it and squeezes. As a result, the production of gastric juice is disrupted, food stagnation, heaviness, sharp, cramping pains are observed. Just before the birth, the fetus begins to descend, and the uterus stops pressing on the stomach, so the digestion process should normalize. If pain is observed at 37-39 weeks, then this may indicate the onset of labor.
Sometimes, even after pregnancy, the stomach hurts, as it takes some time to rebuild the body and normalize hormonal levels, but this can be a sign of a complex disease, so you need to diagnose and treat it in a timely manner.
If the stomach hurts during pregnancy, what to do, the doctor will not be able to determine before conducting a comprehensive diagnosis and establishing a provoking factor. This requires laboratory and instrumental research. However, before that, the doctor examines the patient, gets acquainted withthe history of her illness in order to have a complete picture of the features of the course of the pathological process.
Diagnostic value has such laboratory tests as:
- complete blood count;
- biochemical analysis;
- clinical urinalysis.
During pregnancy, it is allowed to carry out such types of instrumental examinations as ultrasound diagnostics, gastroscopy, tomography.
Feature of treatment
When stomach pain occurs during pregnancy, what to do can only be determined by the attending doctor, since not all drugs and medical procedures are allowed during this period. The therapeutic process must be carried out very carefully, and most importantly, it is important to take into account the peculiarity of its impact on the child. In general, treatment almost completely excludes surgical intervention and is limited only by conservative methods.

It is necessary to treat the underlying disease. With physiological pain, medications can be taken only if they are very intense. If the discomfort is insignificant or of medium strength, then you can do with such means as:
- diet therapy;
- massage;
- gymnastics;
- normalization of the drinking regime.
Symptomatic therapy is aimed at eliminating symptoms such as constipation, diarrhea and nausea. The greatest concern is stomach pain in the early stages of pregnancy, since almost all drugs are contraindicated during this period.medical preparations. Treatment in the 2nd trimester has much less restrictions. During this period, physiotherapy exercises, walks in the fresh air, as well as the use of mineral water, help well. In addition, diet therapy is considered a good remedy. It is very important to prevent stress and psychological strain.
In the 3rd trimester, it is best to use traditional medicine for treatment, and drugs are taken strictly as prescribed by the doctor.
Drug therapy
Before using any drug, you need to carefully study the instructions for use, as many drugs are strictly contraindicated. If the stomach hurts very much during pregnancy, then the doctor may prescribe "No-shpu", "Cerukal", "Gastrofarm". To reduce the level of acidity of gastric juice and anesthetize, you need to take Maalox.

To reduce the production of hydrochloric acid and prevent bloating, the use of Gelusillac is indicated. Only the attending physician can prescribe medicines and their dosage after an examination and an accurate diagnosis. In addition, he will monitor the treatment and adjust it if necessary.
Application of folk methods
You can also eliminate pain during pregnancy with the help of traditional medicine and homeopathy. However, therapy should be carried out only after consulting a doctor and strictly under his supervision. When gastritis occurs, it is recommended to take decoctions of herbs, in particular, suchlike yarrow, chamomile, St. John's wort. To prepare a decoction, you need to take 1 tbsp. l. herbal collection, pour it 1 tbsp. boiling water and leave to infuse for 2-3 hours. Then strain the medicine and take it several times a day before meals.
You can make teas with herbs. Mint, motherwort, valerian root, dill, thyme help to cope with pain very well. Some of them have a pronounced sedative effect. If there is no allergy, then you can add honey instead of sugar to the prepared broth.

You can also use honey with aloe juice and take 1 tbsp. l. 3 times a day. Eliminate spasms will help remedies such as:
- fresh potato juice;
- melissa tea;
- tincture of motherwort or linseed.
With severe toxicosis, apples and bananas help well. With the course of the inflammatory process, you can take milk with the addition of honey.
It is very important to undergo examinations in a timely manner, as this will allow us to detect possible diseases and disorders in the initial stages.
Possible Complications
If your stomach hurts during early pregnancy, you should immediately consult a doctor, as this can be a symptom of dangerous diseases that, if not properly treated, provoke the development of complications. In the first month, the risk of miscarriage is negligible, it is much more dangerous if pain occurs before 11 weeks in the central part of the abdomen and is accompanied by bleeding. Suchcases, be sure to urgently consult a doctor.
If there is soreness during the period of 6-11 weeks of pregnancy, and this condition is accompanied by watery-bloody discharge, then this may be a sign of an ectopic pregnancy. The degree of risk of miscarriage is somewhat reduced in the 2nd trimester of pregnancy. The risk of a late miscarriage may be at 13-24 weeks if spotting is additionally observed.

Food poisoning is a great danger during childbearing. In this case, the pain occurs approximately 30-45 minutes after the consumption of low-quality food. In the early stages of pregnancy, this can lead to dehydration and increase the risk of blood clots. Mushroom poisoning is the most dangerous, as toxic substances cross the placenta and affect the development of the fetus.
To avoid the occurrence of pain in the stomach during pregnancy, it is necessary to carry out the following preventive measures:
- give up bad habits;
- eat right;
- avoid stress and physical strain;
- minimize medication intake;
- go outdoors more often.
It is very important to visit a gynecologist in a timely manner and, with the slightest change in well-being, contact a doctor for qualified help.