Pleurisy of the lungs: what is it, how to treat folk remedies? Causes, symptoms and treatment of pleurisy of the lungs. What is dangerous pleurisy of the lungs?

Pleurisy of the lungs: what is it, how to treat folk remedies? Causes, symptoms and treatment of pleurisy of the lungs. What is dangerous pleurisy of the lungs?
Pleurisy of the lungs: what is it, how to treat folk remedies? Causes, symptoms and treatment of pleurisy of the lungs. What is dangerous pleurisy of the lungs?

The structure of our lungs is thought out by nature to the smallest detail. This organ does not stop its work throughout life, nourishing the blood with oxygen and removing carbon dioxide. But, at the same time, it is quite vulnerable and can easily take over infections from other organs. Often, as a result of such lesions, a disease called "pleurisy of the lungs" develops. What is it, how to treat it, and what are the consequences and symptoms of such a disease? Can traditional medicine help in the treatment of this disease, and if so, how?

What is the pleura and what is it for?

Lungs are a bilobed symmetrical organ located in the chest cavity. It is covered with two layers of a thin protective film - the pleura. One of them envelops the lung itself, but the other lines our chest from the inside. A small amount of fluid is formed between these tissues, which is necessary so that the pleural sheets do not rub against each other or against the chest cavity during enlargement and contraction (inhalation and exhalation). ATNormally, for the normal sliding of these sheets, 2 ml of pleural fluid is sufficient. But it happens that these membranes become inflamed, and a large amount of exudate (liquid) is formed between them. This pathology in medicine is called pleurisy of the lungs. What is it and how to treat it?

pleurisy of the lungs what is it how to treat
pleurisy of the lungs what is it how to treat

Why is this happening?

In fact, pleurisy is the body's reaction to other diseases, therefore it is correct to call it a symptom, not a disease. Completely different factors can cause such a course: mechanical trauma to the lung or ribs, infectious lesions, oncological or other general systemic pathologies. Pulmonary disease pleurisy is accompanied by hypoxia, pain in the lung area. To prescribe treatment, the specialist must determine which type of disease it belongs to and as a result of which it arose. The most common cause of such a disease is precisely infectious diseases that a person becomes infected with weakened immunity.

pleurisy of the lungs what is it
pleurisy of the lungs what is it

Among the infectious there are several forms:

  1. Specific - causative agents are syphilis, tubercle bacillus, etc.
  2. Non-specific - causes of pleurisy of the lungs: putrefactive and any other bacteria, fungi or viruses (staphylococci, pneumococci, streptococci and others).
  3. Purulent - divided by severity. May occur due to tissue necrosis (cancer, leukemia, sarcoma and other serious diseases).

Disease classification

Disease - pleurisy of the lungs -can also occur due to other diseases not associated with infectious lesions. These are arthritis, digestive disorders, heart problems or gynecological problems.

According to the nature of the lesion, pleurisy is divided into:

  • escudative - fluid is formed and retained between the layers of the pleura;
  • fibrous - fluid secretion is poor, but the very surface of the pleural walls is covered with a layer of fibrin (protein).

Pleurisy is also divided according to the nature of distribution. It can affect only one lung or both lobes (unilateral and bilateral).


Based on the collection of anamnesis and all related tests, the doctor diagnoses - pleurisy of the lungs. The symptoms and the treatment to be given are closely related. Each form of pleurisy is treated with specific medications and may require surgery.

pleurisy of the lungs symptoms and treatment
pleurisy of the lungs symptoms and treatment

Main symptoms:

  • Pain when inhaling in the side where the affected lung is located. It intensifies with a dry cough and can radiate to the heart, abdomen.
  • Difficulty breathing, pain when swallowing, painful hiccups.
  • The patient may notice a feeling of tightness in the lung area.
  • Tormenting dry cough and shortness of breath.
  • Disease, fever, loss of appetite, headache are symptoms of poisoning the body with toxins in the pleural cavity.
  • The patient's skin becomes cyanotic. Venous veins in the neckincrease, pulse quickens.
  • There may be swelling in the area of fluid accumulation (in the intercostal space).


There are many pathological processes that are similar in their symptoms to a disease such as pleurisy of the lungs. What it is, the doctor must determine. During the examination, the patient is assigned an x-ray examination and a pleural puncture to collect and examine the fluid. Ultrasound, ECG, CT with a contrast agent can also be performed. A blood test for bacteriology and histology is being carried out.

what is dangerous pleurisy of the lungs and how to treat
what is dangerous pleurisy of the lungs and how to treat


If you have been diagnosed with "pleurisy of the lungs", what it is, how to treat the disease - the attending physician will explain. The inflammatory process in the pleural zone is a reason for hospitalization. The patient is prescribed complete or partial rest. Such a lesion is caused by another initial disease, because pleurisy is treated symptomatically, but the main treatment will already be aimed at eradicating the root cause of the diagnosis of "pulmonary pleurisy". Symptoms and treatment are closely related. The patient may require pleural punctures or drainage of the pleural area. This will allow you to pump out the collected fluid, rinse the cavity with antibiotic-containing solutions and ensure the outflow of pus. Additionally, immunostimulating drugs, antibiotics, anti-inflammatory drugs and vitamins are prescribed. If the patient has a strong dry cough, the chest is bandaged and antitussives are prescribed. In general, doctors give a favorable prognosis for the diagnosis."pleurisy of the lungs". What it is, how to treat - well knows traditional medicine. Let's see how she can help.

pleurisy of the lungs what it is how to treat folk remedies
pleurisy of the lungs what it is how to treat folk remedies

Traditional medicine

Herbal treatment is used in home treatment quite often and effectively. Many fees are compiled taking into account anti-inflammatory, expectorant and immune-enhancing herbs. But it should be borne in mind that pleurisy is a serious and complex disease that cannot be treated exclusively with herbs. A purulent disease can be fatal and should be treated exclusively under the supervision of a specialist. But in combination with pharmaceuticals, home remedies are quite capable of helping to cure pleurisy of the lungs. What is it, how to treat folk remedies? Here are some suggestions.

  • Aloe, honey and badger fat have proven themselves very well in the treatment of the respiratory organs. Take a glass of honey and badger fat, add 300 g of crushed aloe leaves to them. Mix and send for 15 minutes in the oven. Strain the composition, and take a tablespoon before each meal.
  • Radish with honey - this is how our great-grandfathers were treated. Take a large black radish, cut off the tail with a “lid”, cut the core of the root crop so that it looks like a bowl. Pour honey into it, close the “lid” and leave to brew overnight. Take a tablespoon before meals. The same remedy is great for helping children with colds.
  • This remedy helps well with fibrousdisease. Take 2 cups of white wine, add ½ cup of honey and 300 g of minced onion. Mix and infuse in a dark place for a week. You need to take the composition before eating a tablespoon.
  • With escudative pleurisy: prepare a decoction of lime flowers and birch buds. Pour 2 cups of boiling water with 100 g of linden and 75 g of kidneys, boil for about 20 minutes. Let cool. Then strain and add to it 100 g of aloe juice and honey. Warm up again, cool and pour in a little vegetable oil. Drink 2 tablespoons before meals.
lung disease pleurisy
lung disease pleurisy

With pleurisy, decoctions of herbs help well: linden, cudweed, coltsfoot, mountaineer, plantain, St. John's wort, licorice root and elecampane, willow bark, fennel fruits. You can brew these gifts of nature and drink instead of tea with honey.


What is dangerous pleurisy of the lungs and how to treat it correctly? The main thing is to seek help in a timely manner and strictly follow the recommendations of a specialist. Only a doctor can prescribe the correct and effective treatment, but amateur healing can lead to a number of complications. Among them - the formation of adhesions, as a result - respiratory failure. Untimely treatment can lead to intoxication of the body. Purulent infectious pleurisy is especially dangerous. Purulent formations may require surgical removal. Doctors give a good prognosis with proper and timely treatment. The most difficult cases include oncological manifestations and lung tissue necrosis.

How notget sick

According to statistics, every tenth of us annually suffers from a disease such as pleurisy of the lungs. What it is, you now know, it remains only to remember a few simple rules that will help prevent the development of this complication.

pleurisy of the lungs
pleurisy of the lungs
  • Always seek medical attention in a timely manner if you feel unwell. A common cold can easily turn into pleurisy.
  • Follow the rules of hygiene, adhere to a full and timely diet. In the cold season, include vitamins in your diet. Strong immunity is the key to he alth.
  • Get rid of bad habits - smoking will never improve your he alth or your lungs.
  • Don't overwork yourself, get enough sleep and make a good habit of running in the morning or doing gymnastics.

Remember that pleurisy is a consequence of another disease. Never stop treatment halfway through due to laziness or lack of time, and always try to avoid situations that can provoke an infection. Only a sensitive attitude towards yourself and your loved ones will help you maintain he alth until old age.
