Headache is often accompanied by nausea of varying severity, in some cases with bouts of vomiting. This condition can have a huge number of reasons, which it is desirable to understand with the help of a doctor. Headache, nausea, vomiting - what could these symptoms mean?
In fact, this condition may indicate various problems in the body: from banal overwork to serious, and possibly even dangerous pathologies of internal organs. Knowing the characteristics of some diseases and identifying other symptoms that may be equally important will help to understand the situation.
The most common causes of headaches, nausea and vomiting
What can provoke the development of a pathological condition? Often the causes of headache attacks with nausea and vomiting are such problems:
- increased intracranial pressure;
- osteochondrosis of the cervical spine;
- presence of neoplasms in the brain;
- injuries to the skull and neck;
- allergic reactions, visual impairment, SARS;
- infection of the frontal and nasal cavities - sinusitis, pharyngitis;
- inflammation of the membranes and tissues of the brain - encephalitis, meningitis;
- hormonal abnormalities;
- migraine;
- ischemic disease;
- stroke;
- strong overstrain of the muscles of the shoulders.

And believe me, this list is not exhaustive. Only a specialist with the help of certain equipment can detect the specific cause of the anomaly.
Don't make your own diagnosis. After all, further treatment depends entirely on the initial causes of the problem. But what if there is no way to see a doctor, and the condition requires urgent intervention? In this case, of course, it is necessary to make every effort to alleviate your condition as much as possible. But for this you need to understand the problem in more detail and still try to understand what exactly provoked its appearance.
Dizziness and faintness with headache
Injuries to blood vessels often lead to such a disorder. It is because of this that many people experience such unpleasant symptoms as dizziness, pain, weakness, and even loss of consciousness.
The most common pathology with such a clinical picture is migraine. Although these are not its main features. Much more often it is detected due to pulsating seizures, which become more frequent with age.
In addition, this disorder is typical forprolonged abstinence from food. This is explained simply: the necessary volume of blood and nutrients does not enter the vessels.
Dizziness, headache, nausea and vomiting
Usually this condition is experienced by people suffering from high or low blood pressure. Pathology resembles drowsiness, severe fatigue. The pain is most often localized in the forehead area. If this symptom is accompanied by a deterioration in vision, then the reason lies in the extra pounds.
Often, dizziness, pain and fainting with nausea haunt people after some kind of injury, a little less often due to cerebral edema. True, in the latter case, patients also experience a kind of clumsiness. If he loses consciousness, then after coming out of a faint, vomiting and nausea occur.

In addition, a person has a breakdown, the appearance of dots before the eyes, cold hands and feet. He may complain of feeling as if a tight bandage had been squeezed over his head. Among other things, the patient's hearing may deteriorate. With different severity of edema or injury, a person may even stop coping with elementary matters.
Weakness and chills
Severe headache, nausea, vomiting may indicate the development of meningitis, infection of the tissues surrounding the spinal cord or brain. At the same time, a person's temperature rises, which in fact causes weakness. Chills gradually set in.
Adult patients suffer from such symptoms when the head vessels become inflamed. At the same time, it seems to the personexcessive pressure is applied to the affected areas.
Headache, nausea, vomiting, and weakness often coincide with or are consequences of some kind of injury. Usually, in this case, a person’s metabolism suddenly worsens, and he is faced with such manifestations:
- tingling in the limb area;
- complete numbness of arms and legs;
- Feeling of heavy heaviness in the back of the head.
Often, a combination of symptoms such as weakness, headache, vomiting and nausea is provoked by hemorrhage inside the skull, stroke, subdural hematoma. If the cause of the condition lies in the frontal, pain from the forehead is given to the back of the head and temples. Pathology is accompanied by severe muscle weakness. Sometimes people with these symptoms are diagnosed with giant cell arteritis.
In addition, such signs can occur in children and adolescents at their stages of growing up. Although in the vast majority of cases, headache in combination with nausea, vomiting and weakness in young patients appears for the same reasons as in adults. All sorts of complications can be detected with the help of ordinary tests.
Headache and fever
Influenza and SARS are diseases that provoke the development of various symptoms. When the temperature rises, suspicion most often falls on them. Against the background of infection, intoxication of the whole organism occurs. The temperature in ARVI and influenza is usually stable and ranges from 37.5-37.8 degrees. If a person has a headache and a fever, they most likely haveinfectious disease.

But with meningitis, the patient has a very severe headache, vomiting and nausea. The condition is supplemented with other symptoms. The occipital muscles are very tense. If a person develops this condition, a team of doctors should be called immediately.
With the flu, the headache is less pronounced. It affects the temples, eyes and forehead.
This disease can be easily identified by specific signs: pain, fever and weakness in the muscles.
If the nervous system is experiencing a more serious pathology, other symptoms will tell you about it: headache, nausea and vomiting. If such manifestations occur, do not delay going to the doctor.
Headache Vomiting
Such symptoms can occur at the initial stage of the flu. But, it is very important to understand that it appears once. Then the clinical picture changes and becomes stable. If a headache, nausea and vomiting haunts a person for several days, this condition indicates the development of a dangerous disease. In this case, you should immediately consult a doctor to avoid various complications.
Most often, a headache, accompanied by nausea and vomiting, is a symptom of meningitis. Attacks begin from the first hours of the disease and are permanent. Sometimes the patient also has other signs: delusions, hallucinations, overexcitation, severe muscle tension.
In other cases, symptoms such asheadache, nausea, weakness, vomiting, are the consequences of a severe head injury. Most often, these are concussions, concussions, swelling and bruises. These symptoms indicate significant brain damage:
- compression;
- bone fracture;
- rupture of blood vessels.
Subarachnoid type of hemorrhage also often provokes vomiting, and the outcome of this condition is often fatal. Among other things, such symptoms may indicate increased intracranial pressure.

Causes of pain in the morning
Diagnostic pathology can be on specific grounds. Headaches with nausea are quite common. Even individual manifestations of this condition are found in various diseases. A survey alone is not enough to determine the causes of headaches, nausea, and vomiting. A thorough examination is necessary. But knowing the likely causes of frequent pain and nausea is essential.
There are several common causes:
- Defects of the brain. This group includes chronic and acute injuries, meningitis, benign and malignant neoplasms. Approximately 8-10% of all patients complaining of headache and nausea are faced with just such diagnoses.
- Psychogenic pathologies. Often they are the causes of headaches in the morning after a good night's sleep. Usually this condition is provoked by lack of sleep, stress, prolonged concentration of attention and other stresses. Atthis pain has a weak or moderate character, but has no clear localization.
- Headaches can occur due to vascular damage. This category includes migraine attacks and hypertension.
- Internal causes. The pain that occurs against the background of pathologies of the internal organs resembles the symptoms of intracranial pressure. Patients complain of unbearable sensations, literally sticking out from the inside of the brain. Sudden loss of consciousness is not ruled out.
- Causes not related to brain activity. This group includes viral and infectious diseases, side effects from taking alcohol and medications, metabolic disorders, abnormalities in the skull, eyes, neck, including osteochondrosis. It is infections that bring headache along with nausea and vomiting in approximately 40% of all patients.
What to do
If you have a history of some kind of chronic disease that leads to headaches, vomiting, nausea, then surely in this condition there is another exacerbation or attack. For example, those who suffer from diabetes may feel dizzy or weak when their blood sugar suddenly drops. So, you probably already know how to act in such a situation.
If you have been working for a long time, your headaches, nausea and vomiting may have been caused by your activities. In this case, you just need to relax, and in the future it will be more competent to distribute working time.
But you should urgently call the medical team if you encounter these problems:
- lossconsciousness;
- severe headache or dizziness lasting more than two hours;
- feeling of great weakness in limbs and muscles;
- if you have hypertension or diabetes;
- if the pain is accompanied by vomiting and fever.
Who to contact
If you have noticed that lately you have been regularly experiencing nausea, vomiting, headaches, weakness, then first of all you should visit a therapist. The doctor will interview you, take your medical history, and possibly refer you to another specialist. It is possible that your next destination will be the office of a cardiologist, neurologist or endocrinologist.
The only important thing is not to delay visiting a doctor, but seek qualified help at the first unpleasant symptoms.
If you suffer from regular bouts of severe headache with nausea, vomiting, dizziness, weakness, then you need to contact the clinic. Usually, in this case, the patient is prescribed a comprehensive examination, involving a visit to an endocrinologist, neurologist, ophthalmologist, otolaryngologist and other specialists.
As for instrumental and laboratory tests, with such symptoms, the following procedures are most often prescribed:
- general and biochemical blood tests;
- audiography;
- electrocardiography;
- doppler ultrasound;
- brain x-ray;
- MRI and CT;
- Blood glucose test.

Usually described methods are enough to determine the diagnosis. Although in some cases, the patient may need other studies.
How to get rid of symptoms yourself
Relieve the condition, which is accompanied by a severe headache, weakness and nausea, and you can at home. There are several easy, safe and affordable ways.
- Saline solution. It can not only eliminate headaches, but also lower blood pressure. To prepare, fold the gauze in several layers, dilute 2 teaspoons of ordinary s alt in a glass of hot water. Moisten the solution with the ears, forehead and back of the head. Then dip the prepared gauze into it and wrap your head with it. Wrap a scarf over the top.
- If you have a severe headache, take some painkillers you have in your first aid kit. But keep in mind that the drug will only bring you temporary relief.

- For severe nausea, try sucking on a slice of lemon.
- Measure your blood pressure. If your reading is high or low, take the appropriate medicine.
- Ask someone to give you a massage. You can even conduct a session on your own. Pay special attention to the neck. Behind the head under the skull, find two small depressions running parallel to each other. Press lightly on these points and gently massage them. Such a massage allows you to get rid of the manifestations of migraine, arthritis, impaired coordination and severe irritability.
- If you experience these symptoms: headachepain, vomiting, nausea, diarrhea, then take activated charcoal or any other sorbents. Perhaps you have ordinary poisoning.
- Prepare a decoction of oregano, lemon balm, St. John's wort or valerian roots. To do this, pour a spoonful of dry grass with two glasses of water and let the product brew for 15 minutes. Such a decoction allows you to get rid of both headaches and nausea.

But if weakness, dizziness, headache, vomiting, nausea, chills torment you for a long time, do not try to fix the problem yourself. Most likely, these symptoms indicate the development in your body of a serious, dangerous disease that requires immediate attention. In this case, self-medication can cause significant harm to your he alth.
Doctors' opinion
Treating headache, nausea, vomiting, dizziness and weakness as a separate symptom is simply pointless. With episodic attacks, doctors advise proper rest, fresh air and light exercise. But this applies only to those people who are sure that they do not have diabetes and high blood pressure.
In all other cases, the patient needs a specific definition of the causes of such symptoms and treatment of the main pathology. For example, a diabetic person should carefully monitor their blood sugar levels to prevent sudden spikes in glucose levels. Accordingly, people with hypertension need to control blood pressure. In such situations, self-medication is simply unacceptable. A person needs a doctor's consultation and proper therapy.