Gastritis: symptoms, first signs and diagnostic methods

Gastritis: symptoms, first signs and diagnostic methods
Gastritis: symptoms, first signs and diagnostic methods

Gastritis is a complex and dangerous disease that affects many people. It is characterized by inflammation of the gastric mucosa.

The symptoms of gastritis are often similar to other diseases of the digestive system. Distinguish between acute and chronic course of the pathological condition. They are equally dangerous with the likelihood of bleeding and ulceration. In some cases, the disease is caused by exposure to certain chemicals or pathogens.

Symptoms and treatment of gastritis in adults can be very different, however, if you experience the slightest sign of discomfort, you need to consult a doctor to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe adequate therapy.

Feature of the disease

Gastritis is a pathological condition in which there is inflammation of the gastric mucosa. It is very important to determine the main cause of this pathology, since it largely depends on how much treatment will besuccessful.

Gastritis in adults
Gastritis in adults

To understand exactly what this disease is, you need to know how the stomach works and what its physiological features are. This is a hollow organ involved in one of the stages of digestion. Food enters it from the esophagus, passing through a certain cardiac sphincter.

After digested food leaves the stomach, it enters the duodenal cavity. The work of this organ is very simple, and all food entering it is processed by secreted gastric juice. However, the activity of muscle tissue depends on many different factors. It is with the irregular and irregular functioning of the stomach that a lot of gastritis is associated.

Main species

Now doctors distinguish many different types of gastritis in adults, the symptoms and treatment of which are somewhat different. In addition, there are also several stages and forms of their development. That is why, before prescribing therapy, the doctor must determine the type of this disease. According to the rate of development, acute and chronic forms are distinguished.

Acute gastritis is characterized by a sharp increase in the symptoms of inflammation of the stomach, which occurs within a few hours or days. In this case, the signs may change, it all depends on the characteristics of the course of the pathology.

Chronic gastritis can develop over several years and is characterized by minor pain, as well as a violation of the digestive process. Its presence can only be determinedduring complex diagnostics. In addition, the disease can occur with periods of exacerbation and remission. In this case, the patient may not have any symptoms of gastritis.

Depending on the volume of tissue damage, there are such forms as:

  • catarrhal;
  • atrophic;
  • erosive;
  • phlegmonous;
  • autoimmune;
  • hypertrophic;
  • allergic.

The catarrhal form is characterized by the fact that only the surface layer of the mucosa is involved in the pathological process. The functioning of the stomach at the same time changes only slightly. It can occur due to periodic adherence to a strict diet, abuse of alcohol or spicy foods, food poisoning. However, after the elimination of the provoking factor, the mucosa is restored on its own.

In the erosive form, inflammation completely covers the entire mucosa and even partially the muscle layer. Among the main symptoms of gastritis are the occurrence of pain, nausea and cramps. In this case, the mucosa becomes edematous and acquires a red color. In addition, small erosions form on the surface of the stomach. After treatment, scar formation is possible.

Phlegmonous type is characterized by the fact that all layers of the stomach are affected, which leads to the formation of very deep defects and the rapid penetration of infection deep into the walls of the stomach. This form is very rapid in nature and threatens the life of the patient. To prevent the occurrence of complications, treatment is required in conditionshospital.

Symptoms and treatment of atrophic gastritis largely depend on the characteristics of the course of this disease. It is worth noting that this form occurs mainly due to the prolonged course of inflammation. As a result, the self-renewal of the mucosa becomes much more difficult, which leads to its thinning, up to complete atrophy.

The autoimmune type develops due to the fact that the immune system begins to destroy some cells of the stomach, as it perceives them as foreign. As a result, persistent and prolonged inflammation develops, gradually leading to mucosal atrophy.

The hypertrophic type of the disease leads to the growth of the gastric mucosa, which significantly increases the risk of malignant tumor formation. Allergic gastritis develops mainly in those who suffer from food allergies. In addition, it can occur with a parasitic lesion of the digestive organs.

Causes of occurrence

Before identifying the symptoms and treatment of gastritis in adults, you need to understand exactly what causes can trigger the onset of the disease. It can develop under the influence of one or several factors at once, which include such as:

  • presence of certain bacteria;
  • autoimmune reactions;
  • impaired passage of food;
  • allergy;
  • drug overuse;
  • malnutrition;
  • tobacco smoking;
  • alcohol abuse.
Provoking factors
Provoking factors

In addition, internal factors, which include chronic foci of infection, metabolic disorders and diseases of the endocrine system, can provoke the development of the disease.

Signs of illness

The symptoms of gastritis largely depend on the form of the course of the disease and the degree of damage to the gastric mucosa. The catarrhal type of inflammation is the most common. The first symptomatology is observed literally a few hours after the exposure to the provoking factor has occurred. Among the main signs, one can single out the presence of painful sensations, a feeling of fullness in the stomach, accompanied by nausea and vomiting. With the progression of the disorder and the presence of complications, a slight increase in temperature is possible. In addition, the patient develops weakness, dizziness and he alth deteriorates sharply.

Often there are no symptoms in gastritis with high acidity, treatment should be carried out only during the period of exacerbation, when pain occurs. The pain is aching and not sharp. In addition, there may be a feeling of heaviness in the stomach. Signs of the course of the disease are mainly observed after eating. Maybe also hunger pain, however, it is more intense.

Symptoms of gastritis
Symptoms of gastritis

Symptoms of gastritis with acidity can also worsen if the pathological process has additionally affected the intestines. In this case, the patient has constipation, pain becomes more extensive and spreads to the peritoneal region. This violatesfunctioning of the digestive system. There may be heartburn, sour belching, the appearance of an unpleasant aftertaste in the mouth. Symptoms of gastritis with high acidity are characterized by periods of exacerbations and remissions. During an exacerbation, all signs are especially acute, it is at this time that the presence of the disease can be suspected. At the initial stage of the course of the disease, the symptoms of gastritis in adults are practically not manifested in any way and are practically not noticeable to the patient himself.

The acute form of the disease is characterized by the fact that acute pain, nausea and vomiting are immediately observed. In addition, the patient may have bloating. If timely treatment is not carried out, then it can develop into chronic gastritis, alternating with periods of exacerbation and remission. In addition, against its background, an ulcer may occur and gradually turn into cancer.

Symptoms of chronic gastritis in adults are expressed as:

  • Feelings of fullness and heaviness after eating;
  • nausea;
  • pain;
  • loss of appetite;
  • weight loss;
  • diarrhea or constipation;
  • bad taste in mouth;
  • weakness, drowsiness, irritability;
  • abdominal rumbling and bloating;
  • anemia;
  • bad-tasting burps.

When the first signs of the course of the disease appear, you should definitely contact a gastroenterologist for a comprehensive diagnosis and subsequent treatment.


Regardless of gastritis symptomsin adults, the treatment of the disease begins with a comprehensive diagnosis, which will determine the peculiarity of the course of the disease. The doctor initially examines the patient, who during the period of exacerbation is forced to sit with an inclination forward in order to reduce intra-abdominal pressure. In addition, palpation of the abdomen is required, as this allows you to assess the intensity of pain.

When conducting an examination, it is important to determine the level of stomach acidity. This can be done in several ways, however, the most commonly used method is probing with gastric juice sampling. If for some reason this is prohibited, then an acid test is performed. The patient needs to take special drugs, and after a while a urine sample is taken to determine the level of acidity.

Carrying out diagnostics
Carrying out diagnostics

Since the disease often occurs due to the presence of Helicobacter pylori bacteria in the body, a laboratory study of feces is required to detect it. The doctor may also order a respiratory test. In order to choose the most appropriate treatment for gastritis in adults, the symptoms must be taken into account, as they may indicate the form of the disease, which is why the doctor interviews the patient in order to take an anamnesis.

A visual examination of the gastric mucosa is also required, which is performed using a fibrogastroscope. This device allows you to conduct a comprehensive examination, as the resulting image is transmitted to the monitor.

Feature of treatment

When determining the cause of the disease,be sure to take into account the signs of gastritis of the stomach. Symptoms can have different intensity, on which therapy depends. Treatment involves the use of medications, folk remedies, as well as the observance of a special diet. Medicines help eliminate pathogens, reduce acidity and reduce its negative impact on the mucous membrane.

Commonly used drug groups such as:

  • antibiotics;
  • inhibitors;
  • Calcium products;
  • histamine blockers;
  • antacids.

If signs of gastritis appear during pregnancy, the symptoms can be eliminated with the help of proven folk remedies and methods, since during this period many medicines are strictly contraindicated. However, you first need to consult a doctor who will help you choose the safest remedy for a woman and a baby. In addition, it is very important to follow the basic rules of nutrition.

Drug therapy

Regardless of the existing symptoms of gastritis in adults, treatment is primarily aimed at reducing the level of acidity of gastric juice. For this, the doctor prescribes such medications as Phosphalugel, Famotidine, Atropine, Astrin, Omeprazole. Antacids can be presented in the form of syrups, gels and tablets. After penetration into the lumen of the stomach, hydrochloric acid is neutralized and the Ph level of the stomach decreases rapidly. As a result of this, the environment becomes less aggressive, which allows the stomach to quicklyrecover. In addition, it reduces the activity of Helicobacter pylori bacteria. Such drugs form a protective layer, which for a long time can prevent contact of the damaged mucosa with gastric juice.

To normalize the digestive function, enzyme-containing drugs are prescribed, in particular, such as Festal, Digestal, Festal, Mezim Forte.

Medical therapy
Medical therapy

When a disease with high acidity provoked by bacteria occurs, antibiotic therapy is prescribed, in particular, such as Pyloride, Clarithromycin, Amoxicillin. Antibacterial therapy is often required in severe cases of the disease, accompanied by toxoinfections. Basically, in this case, treatment is carried out in a hospital.

If the acidity is low, then to normalize the digestive processes, replacement therapy is required by the use of polyenzymatic preparations, in particular, such as Penzistal, Enzistal, Abomin. In the presence of nausea, you can use drugs such as Cisapride, Cerucal, Domperidone.

Often exacerbation of gastritis, the symptoms of which cause a lot of discomfort, is associated with a violation of the emotional background as a result of stress and overwork. That is why you need to stabilize your emotional state and strengthen the nervous system. For this, sedatives are prescribed. In some cases, it may be necessary to consult a psychologist.


No matter whatsymptoms of gastritis are observed, diet is a very important component of absolutely any treatment. During exacerbations, the food consumed should be as gentle as possible, warm, frayed and without the addition of spices. Initially, you can limit yourself to the consumption of oatmeal on the water, boiled rice or mashed potatoes. Gradually, as symptoms decrease, meat products can be introduced.

During remission, the most important thing is to eat regularly, without taking significant breaks. All meals should be regular, and it is also important to exclude harmful foods from your diet.

It is advisable to consume milk or dairy products daily, and alcoholic beverages should be completely excluded. With low acidity, stimulation of the stomach is required, and this can only be achieved with proper nutrition. To do this, you need to include fresh vegetables and fruits, meat dishes, and various pickles in your diet.

Nutrition for gastritis
Nutrition for gastritis

The treatment and diet, which is developed individually by a nutritionist, will help to eliminate the symptoms of gastritis, depending on the characteristics of the course of the disease and the possible presence of complications. Of the drinks, compotes, weak tea, fruit drinks and kissels, as well as mineral water are allowed. Of the fruits, apples will be very useful, however, they must be ripe and sweet. During the period of exacerbation, they can be consumed in a baked, grated form, without a peel. If the acidity is low, then it is recommended to consume apples with a slight acidity.

Bananas are contraindicated only if gastritis is accompaniedbloating. This fruit contains fiber, which has a good effect on the affected mucosa, and it is also well absorbed and contains a number of useful trace elements.

Illness in childhood

Symptoms of gastritis in children are often not too pronounced and are disguised as the course of other diseases and he alth disorders. Inflammation of the gastric mucosa in a child occurs for the same reasons as in an adult. There are such types of diseases as:

  • spicy;
  • primary;
  • secondary;
  • chronic.

Most often it manifests itself at the age of 5-7 and 9-13 years. After puberty, this disease mainly affects girls. The acute form of gastritis often develops against the background of overeating, consumption of low-quality food, and poisoning with low-quality food. This is often caused by eating foods high in allergens.

In addition, gastritis may occur while taking certain medications that adversely affect the gastric mucosa, as well as as a result of poorly tolerated childhood infectious diseases.

Gastritis in children
Gastritis in children

In young children, the signs of the course of the disease are not strong enough and often they can manifest themselves only in the form of minor malaise and intoxication. Often, parents begin to worry about the nausea and vomiting of the child. In this state, he behaves not as actively as usual, refuses food. There may also be increased salivation and a feeling of thirst.

When the disease is severe, the child may have a fever, an increased pulse, and consciousness becomes confused. In older children, the symptoms and treatment of stomach gastritis are exactly the same as in adults. Be sure to provide a sparing diet. In addition, the doctor prescribes medication.


The most important prevention of gastritis is proper nutrition. It is important to consume only he althy and wholesome food, properly distributing its receptions. Nutrition must be balanced and contain all the substances useful for the body. Most importantly, do not overeat, which is why you need to eat in small portions.

The last meal should be no later than 4 hours before bedtime. It is best to eat at the same time, as this will allow the stomach to tune in to the normal digestion of food. It is advisable to exclude harmful foods that are very difficult to digest from your usual diet.

Prevention means quitting smoking and drinking alcohol. Regarding the intake of any medications, you need to consult a doctor, as some drugs can provoke dyspeptic symptoms. Stress and nervous strain should be avoided, as negative emotions lead to gastritis and ulcers.

Possible Complications

Many people underestimate the complexity of the course of gastritis, but this disease can provoke various disorders and complications, in particular, such as:

  • internal bleeding;
  • peritonitis and sepsis;
  • hypovitaminosis;
  • anemia;
  • pancreatitis;
  • dehydration.

In addition, anorexia can be observed, which provokes metabolic disorders, loss of appetite, as well as significant exhaustion of the body. When carrying out incorrect and inadequate treatment, gastric ulcer occurs, and progression of damage to the walls of the stomach is also possible. With the course of the chronic form of gastritis, there is a high risk of developing malignant tumors.
