Atopic dermatitis in adults: treatment and symptoms

Atopic dermatitis in adults: treatment and symptoms
Atopic dermatitis in adults: treatment and symptoms

Often found in adults, atopic dermatitis is a pathology belonging to the category of allergic diseases that affect the skin. The disease is usually severe and is currently one of the most common, affecting the epidermis. The disease is explained by genetic factors, chronic, it is impossible to completely cure it. Manifestations are quite typical, so diagnosis is usually not particularly difficult. If atopic dermatitis is detected, you should figure out what provokes exacerbations, regularly take preventive measures to avoid relapse.

General view

Atopic dermatitis, so common in adults, manifests itself primarily with itching of the skin. However, the disease occurs not only in the adult population - people of all age groups are at risk. Pathology belongs to the local, reflects internal disorders, improper functioning of the immune systemsick. After the diagnosis is made, you will have to undergo complex treatment in order to normalize the immune system. Treating only the symptoms will not give a reliable result - you should work with the underlying cause. Choosing a medical treatment program for a patient, the doctor prescribes a course of immunomodulators. To alleviate the patient's condition, local remedies are additionally prescribed.

Menu for atopic dermatitis in adults
Menu for atopic dermatitis in adults

Atopic dermatitis is quite common in children and adults, so the fight against the disease is one of the most pressing issues of modern medicine. Even now it can be said that science has stepped far ahead of the methods and means available to doctors a few decades ago, and yet there are no sufficiently effective solutions to cure the disease. A patient diagnosed with atypical dermatitis should carefully follow the recommendations of the attending doctor. You should not try to cure the disease on your own, using only folk remedies - such treatment options are allowed only as auxiliary and in agreement with the doctor, otherwise there is a high risk of harming yourself. Effective interaction between the patient and the specialist, understanding and support of the family and relatives are important factors for the success of the treatment program.

Main nuances

Usually, an autoimmune disease manifests itself in childhood, but medicine knows such cases when atopic dermatitis first appeared in an adult who had never encountered such a problem before. Yet half of all patients are found withmanifestations of dermatitis in the first year of life, the predominant part - before reaching the age of six months. Somewhat less often in clinical practice, atopic dermatitis is diagnosed for the first time at the age of five or so. The rarest case is the primary manifestations of the disease in patients who are already 30 or even 50 years old.

It is known that pathology develops more often in men. The most striking manifestation of the disease is severe itching. Regarding irritants, the skin shows hyperreactivity. A rash appears shortly after the itching. The sensations are somewhat weaker in the morning and afternoon, and become more active in the evening, shortly before sleep. The affected areas swell, rashes form, the patient combs the affected areas uncontrollably.

It should be noted: in both children and adults, atopic dermatitis on the hands, feet and other parts of the body does not pose a danger to others - the disease is not contagious. During exacerbations, the pathology can be seen from the side with the naked eye, the skin dries, the integument is irritated. Sometimes the picture is rather unpleasant, but there is nothing to be afraid of - dermatitis will not spread to a he althy one, even if there is direct contact with the affected skin area. It must be remembered that the problem not only looks unaesthetic, but also delivers strong discomfort to the patient - physical, psychological. Relapses, which are frequent in dermatitis, lead to a deterioration in the condition of the body as a whole. The immune system weakens, the patient suffers from manifestations of the disease, the quality of life decreases, and working capacity decreases. Against the background of dermatitisnervous breakdowns are possible.

Where did the trouble come from?

Symptoms of atopic dermatitis in adults are varied, but it rarely happens that they appear in a person for the first time precisely at the age of majority - usually the experience of acquaintance with attacks comes much earlier. Scientists do not yet know exactly what leads to the formation of the problem, but probably the main reason is genetic disorders. If among the closest relatives there are asthmatics, patients with dermatitis, allergic rhinitis, the probability of atopic dermatitis is estimated at 50%. If both parents are sick with this form of skin disease, in 80% of cases the child inherits it. To a greater extent, the genes transmitted by the mother play a role.

Causes of atopic dermatitis in adults
Causes of atopic dermatitis in adults

Higher probability that atopic dermatitis will appear in children, adults on the face, limbs, body, if a person is allergic to any substances, whether it be medicines, fluff or wool, dust or materials, food. The risks are higher if the individual often finds himself in stressful situations, faces nervous strain in everyday life, spends little time outdoors, does not experience adequate physical activity.

Unhe althy diet, an overabundance of refined foods, lack of vitamins, fiber, as well as poor environmental conditions, pollution of space, sudden temperature changes, changes in humidity can play their role. More likely to develop dermatitis if the patient is on a long course of antimicrobial treatmentdrugs, anesthetics and other medicines. All these causes of atopic dermatitis in adults and children are trigger factors that initiate a negative response of an organism prone to allergies.

How to notice?

For some, dermatitis manifests itself rather weakly, while for others, each next relapse turns into a real nightmare. Much depends on the age of the patient, the presence of background diseases, and the environmental situation. It is known that symptoms of atopic dermatitis are more often observed in autumn and spring. Treatment in adults, children during this period is especially difficult. It is the change of seasons that is the most difficult time for an allergic person, since the body's own defenses are suppressed, immunity decreases, which makes a person more susceptible to external aggressive factors.

It is not difficult to identify the disease - the skin dries, the integuments itch, are irritated, a rash appears. At the same time, itching is so strong that it leads to sleep disturbances and provokes nervous breakdowns. Most often, the disease manifests itself on the face, head, perineum, pits under the knees, on the neck and arms, in the chest area. The skin is inflamed, the color changes to red, bubbles filled with a cloudy liquid form, the process is accompanied by severe itching. When opened, these areas first get wet, then a yellow crust forms.

Features of manifestation

Due to severe itching, patients scratch the affected areas, which can cause complications. In such conditions, the treatment of atopic dermatitis in adults and children is especially difficult. Most often, infection with staphylo-, streptococci is observed. During the period of exacerbation of the disease, the skin becomes wet, thickens, their color changes to darker, swelling occurs. At the same time, immunity decreases, the work of various glands gets off. Against the background of dermatitis, various mental disorders are possible: some become inhibited, others are prone to tantrums, overly excitable.

Atopic dermatitis treatment with folk remedies in adults
Atopic dermatitis treatment with folk remedies in adults

The treatment of atopic dermatitis in adult patients in old age has its own characteristics. The disease proceeds somewhat differently than in other age groups: papules, plaques appear, often spreading over the surface of the entire body. The skin dries, becomes inflamed, swells. With prolonged use of hormonal agents, a complication in the form of hypocorticism is possible. The adrenal glands work poorly, the body tone decreases, blood sugar drops, the patient loses weight and gets tired quickly. Often, the disease is accompanied by a deterioration in the quality of the hair at the back of the head, hyperemia, and peeling of the feet.

What to do?

How to treat atopic dermatitis in adults, the doctor will tell you at the appointment. To determine the optimal strategy, tests are taken to identify which allergen caused the relapse. Based on the information received, the doctor formulates a drug program and gives advice on nutrition. Usually prescribe a course of antihistamines, remedies for an allergic reaction. They take medications that allow you to remove the general poisoning of the body, tranquilizers and compounds that stop the inflammatory process. For successful treatment, it is important to stabilize the mental statepatient, human emotions, as a stressful situation leads to an aggravation. Usually the doctor prescribes a course of sedatives, sometimes antidepressants. The selection is always carried out individually, there is no universal solution.

The main component of the therapeutic program is antihistamines, effective in atopic dermatitis in adults. The photo below shows the packaging of one of the most popular products - Tavegil. The drug "Suprastin" is no less in demand. True, they cannot be used every day, the risk of addiction is high, which leads to a decrease in the effectiveness of treatment.

When using, you need to remember that these medicines can provoke drowsiness, which means that they should not be used if the patient cannot refuse to drive a car and solve other tasks that require increased concentration. To get around this point, doctors recommend resorting to second-generation antihistamines. The most famous remedy is Claritin. The medicines Astemizol and Cetirizine have a good reputation. All of them do not have a negative effect on the nervous system.

Atopic dermatitis in adults symptoms and treatment
Atopic dermatitis in adults symptoms and treatment

Therapy: a holistic approach

Extensively used in the treatment and hormonal drugs against atopic dermatitis in adults. The photo below reflects the packaging of one of the most common products - Metipred. Another drug often prescribed by doctors is Triamcinolone. If there is severe poisoning of the body, put a dropper with saline or prescribe a drug"Hemodez". With a complication expressed in the foci of infection, it is necessary to undergo a course of antimicrobial therapy. The default duration is a week. If dermatitis is accompanied by infection with a herpetic type virus, Acyclovir comes to the rescue. To normalize the stomach, intestines, it is recommended to use enzyme medicines - "Festal" and similar ones. Pro-, prebiotics, such as Linex, will benefit. These products help cleanse the body of toxic compounds, normalize the intestinal microflora, which is negatively affected by the course of antibiotics.

Diet for atopic dermatitis in adults
Diet for atopic dermatitis in adults

For the treatment of local manifestations, you can use ointments, creams, lotions that have anti-inflammatory effects, relieve swelling, relieve itching, hyperemia. Usually, a doctor prescribes antihistamine formulations for topical use. Treatment of atopic dermatitis in adults with folk remedies involves lotions from a decoction on oak bark. Zinc-containing ointments and delaxin solution will benefit. If crusts have formed, the skin becomes wet, lotions should be made with antiseptics, disinfectants. A good effect is shown by chamomile infusion, Burov's liquid. When the inflammation subsides, sulfur or tar-based itch-relieving agents are used.

Folk wisdom against dermatitis

Alternative medicine suggests the use of formulations that eliminate increased dryness, stopping itching. S alt baths, blackcurrant decoctions, as well as those cooked on oats and oak bark, will benefit. ATThese plants contain useful compounds that improve immunity, the body's ability to resist aggressive factors. Alternative treatment of atopic dermatitis in adults must necessarily be combined with medication, so you should agree with the doctor on the choice of drugs so that different remedies do not conflict.

Atopic dermatitis on the face in adults
Atopic dermatitis on the face in adults

Features of food

An important factor that allows you to quickly cope with the recurrence of the disease is the diet for atopic dermatitis in adults. It is impossible to achieve a positive outcome if the patient does not adhere to a special nutrition program. You will have to completely eliminate chocolate, citrus fruits and whole milk from the diet. Patients are forced to give up rich broths, everything spicy, s alty, as well as smoked meats and animal fats. You can not eat honey and strawberries, mushrooms and fried foods, eggs and nuts are banned. Atopic dermatitis is a reason to limit the use of melons, pomegranates, fish caviar. It is absolutely unacceptable that preservatives, dyes, aromatic additives get into food.

The menu for atopic dermatitis in adults should include vegetable oils, vegetables and root vegetables, including potatoes, but beets are an exception. You should regularly eat green apples, treat yourself to bananas, boiled meat and fish (only low-fat varieties). It is recommended to eat cereals. Only the right diet is a really effective method of consolidating successful drug therapy. By introducing such good habits into your daily life, as well asalso avoiding contact with the allergen can effectively prevent the recurrence of the disease.

Attention to detail

To relieve the condition somewhat, with atopic dermatitis, you should drink as much clean liquid as possible. Every day it is recommended to drink a couple of liters of water without impurities and additives, as well as regularly consume herbal teas, compotes and natural juices. Fasting days should be carried out, therapeutic fasting should be practiced. This approach to nutrition allows you to cleanse the body of harmful compounds, which means that toxic components, metabolic products will leave tissues and organs faster, the patient's condition will improve.

With atopic dermatitis, it is recommended not to use clothes made of wool, synthetics, as these materials activate itching. Another important point is the extremely careful observance of personal hygiene. You will have to give up soap, instead, use only products that moisturize the skin, are recommended for the dry type and have a positive effect on it. You will have to adjust your lifestyle so as not to face sudden temperature changes. Avoid overheating and hypothermia. The volume of water procedures should be within reason, and pools filled with chlorinated water should be completely abandoned. Bathing in the sea will be useful, since s alt has a positive effect on diseased skin.

Atopic dermatitis on the hands of adults
Atopic dermatitis on the hands of adults

Complications of the disease

Atopic dermatitis is dangerous not only in itself, but also the consequences that it can cause. The most common is atrophic processes in the skin, accompanied by bacterial infection. The patient is facing pyoderma. The more intensively the patient combs the affected skin areas, the higher the likelihood of deep infection with microbes, fungi. Pyoderma is accompanied by pustular skin lesions that dry out over time. Under the influence of bacterial microflora, a fever begins, he alth becomes worse, efficiency and quality of life decrease.

Quite often, atopic dermatitis is complicated by viral infection. Rashes develop not only in the foci of inflammation, but also on other parts of the body, both on the skin and on the mucous membranes. There is a high probability of painful blisters appearing in the perineum, mouth, throat and near the eyes.
