Cerebral thrombosis is the process of blood clots forming in the arteries of the brain. Such a pathology can be detected at any age: both in children and in the elderly. It is necessary to determine the symptoms of a blood clot in the head in a timely manner. After that, you need to see a doctor urgently. It is he who will be able to make the correct diagnosis and prescribe the correct treatment. In this article, answers will be given to the questions of what to do if a blood clot has come off, what it is. In addition, here you can find the main signs and methods of treatment, diagnosing this disease.

Clot in the head: symptoms of the disease
Recognizing the presence of this disease in a person can be difficult. There are a number of signs by which you can determine the presence of a blood clot in the head:

- too fast tired and lethargic state in a person;
- frequent convulsions and possible paralysis;
- impaired motor activity of the patient;
- restless sleep;
- periodic increase in body temperature;
- frequent headachespain;
- feeling of a petrified face, as well as the limbs of the arms and legs;
- obvious decrease in the quality of vision.
The listed symptoms, among other things, can signal the existence of other diseases in the human body. The presence of a blood clot in the head indicates that the blood circulation in the area of the affected vessel is impaired. Late diagnosis and referral to a specialist can lead to serious consequences, such as a heart attack. A complete lack of treatment will lead to a stroke.
What are the types of thrombosis?
Allocate arterial, venous, as well as sinus thromboembolism. The first type is typical for people who suffer from atherosclerosis. It is characterized by dizziness and confusion, incoherent speech and changes in the shape of the pupils, a feeling of numbness and convulsions. When a cerebral artery is completely blocked, an ischemic stroke occurs.

With venous thrombosis of the head, the signs of manifestation are different. They depend on the degree of narrowing of the lumen. So, the main symptoms are: severe headache and impaired visual acuity due to congestive phenomena in the retina. Also in this case, people have vomiting in the morning. It doesn't bring relief. Dizziness and double vision are considered the main signs of this disease. If the veins are completely clogged, then a heart attack and edema are inevitable. The last of these will lead to wedging a blood clot into the foramen magnum, which, as a result, threatens to be fatal.
The cause of venous thrombosissinuses are blood clots that form during purulent inflammation in the paranasal sinuses. In the absence of proper treatment, they enter the sinuses of the dura mater. This type of disease is characterized by intoxication, bulging of the superficial veins of the head, nausea and vomiting, swelling of the face, severe headache. The skin becomes grayish.
If a blood clot breaks off, cerebral edema occurs. Also, this type of disease is complicated by septic manifestations. There are a lot of deaths from thrombosis of the venous sinus.
Causes of blood clots in the head
The formation of a blood clot in the head most often affects people who suffer from diabetes and hypertension. Also, constant stress and mental disorders contribute to the development of the disease.

You should also be examined for those people who have an increased number of platelets in the blood. Since this is one of the main causes of a blood clot.
The most susceptible to the disease is a person who has meningitis and anemia. Those who have problems with the normal functioning of the cardiac system, namely heart defects, are also at risk. Immune system disorders are attributed to the cause of blood clots in the human brain.
Women should not overdo the birth control pills as they can lead to illness. There are cases when a blood clot in the head was diagnosed in people who had suffered various kinds of injuries. In any case, whenany symptoms or, if you are at risk, see a specialist.
Currently, the formation of a blood clot in the head is also facilitated by poor ecology, improper diet and diet, alcohol abuse and other bad habits, such as smoking, being overweight and low physical activity of a person.
How is the disease diagnosed?
Only a qualified doctor can determine and make a correct diagnosis. He will send you for the appropriate examination.

So, the procedures of a diagnostic nature include ultrasound cerebral dopplerography. Also, in other cases, a specialist may prescribe rheoencephalography and nuclear magnetic resonance. Angiography is also a good examination that can confirm or refute the presence of a diagnosis.
Which of the following procedures the patient should undergo is determined by the doctor. After the examination, appropriate treatment is prescribed. In this case, you should not turn to traditional medicine, since the disease is very dangerous and threatens human he alth.
What should be the treatment?
As a rule, in this situation, the doctor prescribes a number of medications and procedures.

How to dissolve blood clots in the vessels of the head? In many ways, this requires taking medications. They help restore blood circulation in the head. Specifically, a tissue plasminogen activator is injected into a vein. ToUnfortunately, this medicine has a number of side effects, including possible bleeding.
Another treatment is an intra-arterial thrombosis procedure. The drug is injected into the place where there are blood clots. The action is performed using a catheter, which is inserted into the vessel. After the medication enters the area of the thrombus and directly to it. In this case, there are no side effects. And the medicine will need a small amount.
Removal of a blood clot in the head can only be with surgical intervention. It is an exception and rarely used.
What method to treat the patient depends on his condition and the presence of individual contraindications. If a person is intolerant to any medicine, they choose a different type of fight against this disease.
Disease in newborns: causes
Hypoxia in infants most often develops due to poor labor and insufficient oxygen to nourish the brain tissue. This is followed by ischemia. Currently, effective methods of dealing with it have not been found. The source of this disease is the formation of a blood clot in the head of a newborn.

In this case, it is necessary to start treatment as soon as possible. Only then will there be no serious complications.
What could be the consequences?
Blood clots in the head contribute to clogging of blood vessels. Because of this, tissue nutrition is disrupted. As a result, some parts of the brain cease to function partially.
LikeAs mentioned above, untimely treatment of the disease can lead to heart attack and stroke. In addition, people with this disease have impaired speech and vision problems.
Also, the unwillingness to take appropriate drugs prescribed by a specialist is a sad outcome. As a result, the work of the motor apparatus will be disrupted in a person. Possible paralysis. This condition occurs on the opposite side of the body to the one where the blood clot is located.
In especially dangerous and severe cases, there may be a fatal outcome.
Clot broke off: what is it?
At any moment there may be such an outcome of the situation. When a blood clot breaks off in the head, it begins to move throughout the circulatory system and clogs the vessels in other organs. That is, in this case, the blood clot moves freely through the human body and death can occur at any time.
Don't wait for other signs when the first symptoms appear. You should visit a specialist. A timely visit to the doctor guarantees a good outcome of the disease.
Tips for minimizing the risk of thrombosis
You need to lead a he althy lifestyle. You should stop drinking alcohol and smoking, go in for sports, run, swim, as far as your he alth allows. Also remember about proper nutrition, eat food on time and only he althy. The human diet should contain as many plant foods as possible, namely fruits and vegetables. And preferably no fast food.
The country's ecology leaves much to be desired. And if witha person is now unable to cope with it, then he is obliged to monitor his he alth. And then the risk of a blood clot in the head will be minimal.