Hyperhidrosis: home treatment with folk remedies and medication

Hyperhidrosis: home treatment with folk remedies and medication
Hyperhidrosis: home treatment with folk remedies and medication

Excessive sweating is a pathology that cannot be ignored. The correct name for the disease is hyperhidrosis. The treatment is carried out by a dermatologist. Before starting treatment, it is necessary to determine what caused excessive sweating.

Description of the pathological process

Sweat is a normal defensive reaction of the body. Due to the release of liquid secretion, thermoregulation is performed. Almost everyone sweats during excessive exercise or in a stuffy room. Sweat helps cool the body and prevents overheating. In addition, increased sweating can be observed in a person with many diseases, when the body temperature is elevated. Together with the liquid secretion, the waste products of pathogenic bacteria, toxins are excreted from the body.

armpit hyperhidrosis
armpit hyperhidrosis

Pathological excessive sweating is called hyperhidrosis. Treatment of the disease can be carried out in several ways. All of them will be described below. Patients with unpleasant symptoms should first seek medical advice.to a dermatologist. It often happens that other pathological processes in the body provoke the development of hyperhidrosis. Treatment in this case must begin with the underlying disease. Additionally, consultation with a neuropathologist, endocrinologist, gynecologist, urologist and other related specialists may be required.

Most often, patients have a local form of hyperhidrosis. Increased sweating can be observed on the head, feet, hands, in the armpits. In the most difficult cases, a large amount of liquid secretion is secreted throughout the body. One of the varieties of the disease is bromidrosis (sweat begins to stand out with an unpleasant odor, and in large quantities). Most often, this type of disease is caused by an increased content of fatty acids in the secretion.

What causes excessive sweating?

Why does excessive armpit sweating or hyperhidrosis of the legs occur? Treatment should begin only after it is possible to find out the causes of the pathological process. Often the development of the disease is provoked by hormonal changes in the body. Many teenagers complain about excessive sweating. Pathology begins to appear at the age of 14-15. As a rule, by the age of 25 the situation is already normal. Armpit hyperhidrosis may develop during pregnancy. There is no need for special treatment. After the birth of a baby, most women's sweating normalizes.

A common cause of disease in adulthood is a dysfunction of the sympathetic nervous system. For the simplestirritants, the body begins to react with increased sweating. When playing sports or being in a stuffy room, the amount of sweat emitted by a patient can exceed the norm by dozens of times. In addition, he may have other unpleasant symptoms. The disease often develops after stress, depression, neurosis. In this case, the person will also complain of headaches and insomnia.

Disorders of the digestive system can also provoke hyperhidrosis. Treatment is carried out after a comprehensive examination of the whole organism. Excessive sweating of the face can be observed in obese patients after eating. Especially often, such a reaction of the body is provoked by semi-finished products, too spicy or s alty dishes.

In fact, any disturbance in the body can provoke hyperhidrosis. Treatment of the pathological process should be complex. Any chronic disease leads to a violation of thermoregulation. The risk group includes people suffering from diabetes, cancer, endocrine disorders, etc.

Drug therapy

How to overcome hyperhidrosis? Treatment at home can be carried out only after consulting a doctor. At an early stage, the development of the pathological process can be stopped with the help of medications. All drugs that are used to treat hyperhidrosis can be divided into two large groups. These are sedatives and medications that directly affect the sympathetic nervous system.

man sweating
man sweating

On the backgroundneurosis often develops hyperhidrosis of the palms. Treatment in this case can be carried out with the use of sedatives. Good results are shown by the usual tincture of valerian. After a short course of treatment, the patient gets better sleep, metabolic processes in the body normalize. You can also use motherwort or peony tincture.

If light drugs do not give the desired effect, you can use pills. With severe stress and neurosis, the drug "Phenazepam" can be used. This tranquilizer has a pronounced sedative effect. It is often used in the treatment of armpit hyperhidrosis. Treatment should be carried out strictly in consultation with the doctor. The drug "Phenazepam" has many side effects. The drug is not recommended for use by minors, as well as women during pregnancy or lactation.

What drugs can still help overcome hyperhidrosis? Treatment at home can be carried out using antifungal ointments. In a humid environment, pathogenic microorganisms multiply rapidly, causing an unpleasant odor. External agents are used only in combination with other drugs.

Using antiperspirants

Special deodorants and antiperspirants are primarily used in the treatment of armpit hyperhidrosis. The price of these funds is usually not high. Almost everyone can afford such a solution to the problem. In pharmacies, you can also find special therapeutic antiperspirants. They can be used not only to eliminate excessive sweating of the armpits, butand for the treatment of hyperhidrosis of the feet, hands, face.

Most medical deodorants use metal s alts. They suppress the activity of sweat glands, eliminate unpleasant odors. Also, the composition of therapeutic agents includes aluminum chlorides. Deodorants may contain different concentrations of s alts.

One of the most popular remedies for the treatment of excessive sweating is the medical antiperspirant "Dry-Dry". The composition includes aluminum chloride hydrate and alcohol. Deodorant helps fight excessive sweating for 24 hours. However, it should be understood that the remedy does not cure the disease, but only eliminates unpleasant symptoms. The Dry-Dry product is available in the form of a spray, as well as a solid deodorant. If you believe the reviews, the first option is more convenient to use. A colorless, transparent liquid in a glass bottle that won't stain clothes.

Plus is that the "Dry-Dry" tool can be used for any part of the body. Deodorant can also be purchased for those who suffer from foot hyperhidrosis. Treatment in combination with the use of medicines prescribed by a doctor will give a positive result.


How to deal with hyperhidrosis? Treatment, the prices of which are not always low, many put off until later. Meanwhile, if you start therapy in a timely manner, you can cope with the disease once and for all. Iontophoresis shows good results. The advantage is that the technique can be used to treat excessive sweating in almost all problem areas. But most often this method is used for hyperhidrosis of the palms. The treatment does not bring discomfort to the patient, helps to quickly get rid of unpleasant symptoms. It is worth going through one course of therapy to forget about medications and antiperspirants forever.

doctor and patient
doctor and patient

Physiotherapeutic procedure is based on the effect of direct galvanic current in problem areas. Low voltage current does not cause pain. During the procedure, the patient may feel only a slight tingling sensation. Problem areas are wetted with water. The liquid acts as a current conductor. During the procedure, the metabolism is normalized, toxins are removed from the body. This technique also stimulates local immunity.

Plus is that iontophoresis acts directly on areas with excessive sweating. At the same time, other organs and systems do not suffer. The procedure has virtually no side effects. Unfortunately, there are also disadvantages. Iontophoresis will give a temporary effect if hyperhidrosis develops against the background of chronic diseases. It makes sense to use the technique only with local excessive sweating.

You can undergo therapy using iontophoresis at home. However, the first time, nevertheless, it is better to contact the hyperhidrosis treatment center. In a specialized clinic, the doctor will determine the type of disease, select concomitant medications.

Hyperhidrosis laser treatment

Reviews about this technique can be heard mostly positive. Laser therapy has practically no contraindications. It is a safe treatment for hyperhidrosis that can be applied to any area.body. In this case, the problem can be solved in just a few procedures. Laser treatment of hyperhidrosis has many advantages. This includes minimal trauma, obtaining a long and stable result, no need for hospitalization of the patient.

Hyperhidrosis in a girl
Hyperhidrosis in a girl

Laser is often used to treat hyperhidrosis in the armpits. Patients receive an additional bonus. After completing the course, hair on the problem area temporarily stops growing. The risk of developing infectious complications is completely absent. The laser can be used to treat hyperhidrosis anywhere on the body. However, the technique is used only in the local form of the disease. If excessive sweating occurs in several areas, the laser will not give good results.

The technique is used in many clinics of cosmetology and aesthetic surgery. In this case, the patient does not need preliminary preparation. All you need to do is come to a consultation with a specialist and agree on a date for the procedure. The session itself lasts no more than an hour. If the patient has sensitive skin, a local anesthetic spray may be used.

To determine the area of greatest sweating, the Minor test can be performed in the clinic. Lugol's iodine solution is applied to the pre-dried area with excessive sweating. Then starch is scattered over the surface. In places where sweat appears, the starch turns into a bluish tint. This is where the laser exposure is carried out.

Botox injections

Botulinum toxin –one of the most dangerous organic poisons. Despite this, the substance has found wide application in cosmetology. It is used primarily to combat mimic wrinkles. In addition, Botox can be used to treat hyperhidrosis. Just a few injections will allow you to forget about excessive sweating for 8-12 months. Such therapy is carried out most often with axillary hyperhidrosis.

botox injection
botox injection

The effect of Botox on the functioning of the sweat glands was discovered by scientists back in 1951. It was found that the poison blocks the impulses that are transmitted from the nerve fibers to the sweat glands. However, the treatment of hyperhidrosis with Botox began to be carried out only in 1994. Such a procedure could then be afforded by people with a good income. Today, Botox is available to almost everyone. At the same time, experts remind that such therapy gives only a temporary improvement. In addition, injections do not eliminate the very cause of the disease. It is possible to remove only an unpleasant symptom. The poison blocks the nerve fibers for a while. Then the functionality of the sweat glands is fully restored.

The procedure has a number of contraindications. Botox should not be administered to underage patients, women during pregnancy or breastfeeding, patients with diabetes or cancer. Before the procedure, it is recommended to undergo a comprehensive medical examination. A day before the session, complete hair removal is performed in the affected area. Immediately before the administration of the drug, the specialist conducts a Minor test, as in the case oflaser.

Today, the treatment of hyperhidrosis with Botox is becoming increasingly popular. The price of a session ranges from 20 to 40 thousand rubles. The introduction of the drug into the armpit area practically does not cause pain. In rare cases, an anesthetic may be used.

Surgery for hyperhidrosis

With severe sweating, a long-term effect can only be obtained with the help of surgical intervention. If the treatment of hyperhidrosis with a laser does not give a positive result, the specialist may suggest resorting to curettage. This is a minimally invasive operation that rarely causes complications. Although the result of the procedure largely depends on the experience of the doctor. Therefore, you should not try to save money by seeking help from unverified clinics.

The girl is sweating
The girl is sweating

In essence, curettage is the scraping of tissues containing sweat glands. In addition, during the intervention, the nerve endings responsible for the process of sweating are completely torn. The armpit surgery is performed under local anesthesia. The whole procedure takes 40-60 minutes. Less traumatic is closed curettage. Several incisions are made in the armpit. Instruments are inserted through these holes, with the help of which the sweat glands are “sucked out”. This intervention resembles liposuction.

One of the disadvantages of surgery is that after the procedure you will have to undergo a rehabilitation course. The patient may be prescribed anti-inflammatory drugs, antibiotics. In some cases, it is more appropriate to undergo treatment for hyperhidrosislaser. The price of the procedures is almost the same - about 30 thousand rubles.

Sympathectomy is another operation that can be performed for excessive sweating. The procedure is often performed with facial hyperhidrosis. Treatment is prescribed if other methods do not show a good result. The intervention is based on the impact on the sympathetic division of the autonomic nervous system. The operation can be reversible or irreversible. The latter option involves the complete destruction of the nerve trunk. Most experts do not recommend resorting to such measures. After irreversible elimination of sweating in one area, hyperhidrosis may develop in another area.

Folk remedies for excessive sweating

At the initial stage of the disease, you can try to get rid of the problem in a conservative way. But it is still worth consulting with a doctor. How to overcome hyperhidrosis? Treatment with folk remedies should be carried out after finding out the cause of the pathological process. If the disease is associated with a disorder of the nervous system, medicinal herbs will come to the rescue. Motherwort, valerian, belloid - all these plants can be purchased at the pharmacy. You can use alcohol tinctures. A few drops of a sedative are diluted in a glass of clean water and drunk. The therapy is carried out three times a day for several weeks.

Valerian tea
Valerian tea

Valerian tea will also help normalize the functioning of the nervous system. Dried leaves of the plant are used to prepare a fragrant drink. A teaspoon of raw materials must be poured200 ml of boiling water and close the lid. After cooling, the drink can be consumed. Optionally add a teaspoon of sugar or honey.

Excessive underarm sweating is the most common problem. With the help of daily hygiene procedures using simple laundry soap, the manifestations of hyperhidrosis can be reduced. This technique is not suitable only for owners of dry and overly sensitive skin.

Baking soda is an excellent remedy for excessive sweating. This natural and harmless remedy can also be used during pregnancy or lactation. Soda normalizes the water-s alt balance of the skin, reduces the secretion of sweat glands. All that needs to be done is to prepare a treatment solution that will be used to treat the problem area. To do this, dilute a tablespoon of soda in a glass of warm water.

In conclusion

Hyperhidrosis is a problem that can be the result of many pathological processes in the body. Self-medication is not worth it. After a comprehensive medical examination, the specialist will help you choose the most appropriate method of therapy. In the most difficult cases, hyperhidrosis can be overcome through surgery.
