Sines - what is it?
It must be assumed that the word "sinusitis" is a derivative of "sinus". Therefore, before revealing what sinusitis is, let's find out what the sinuses themselves are. Around our nose inside the bones of the skull are the paranasal sinuses - these are the sinuses (empty space). Thanks to them, our voice has an inimitable timbre and sounds quite beautiful for many people. In addition, through the hollow sinuses, the human skull becomes lighter in weight.
What is sinusitis
If the sinuses are inflamed, then our voice sounds like we are, as they say, saying "in the nose." Sinuses become inflamed after the most common cold. A person has four pairs of paranasal sinuses (sinuses). They are connected to the nasal cavity by small holes. Inside, they have a shell that releases a kind of watery liquid in its composition. It, in turn, protects the sinuses and nasal cavity from drying out. Each of the adjunctssinuses leads into the nasal cavity so that air and mucus can pass freely, so any infection that gets into it will certainly capture the sinuses. If, during a common cold, harmful microbes enter these places, then the sinus membrane begins to become inflamed. This contributes to an increase in the amount of watery fluid released, which can fill the entire hollow space of the sinus, turning from watery into a purulent fluid! In this case, the following symptoms of sinusitis appear: a person’s body temperature rises noticeably, his head starts to hurt badly.

Sinusitis or sinusitis?
You can determine what exactly you have by pressing on the forehead in the area above the eyebrows. If a person feels pain in the forehead, then the frontal sinuses are inflamed, which means you have sinusitis. If suddenly pain is felt during pressure on the bones under the eyes, then the inflammation has passed to the so-called maxillary sinuses. In this case, as you probably already guessed, there is a disease called sinusitis. Sinusitis is less dangerous, because with very frequent and prolonged sinusitis, a person’s vision may suffer! In general, with inflammation of the maxillary sinuses in a person, nasal breathing is disturbed, the sense of smell is inhibited, tension and pain appear in the affected sinus, tears begin to flow.

Disease prevention
To avoid inflammation of the sinuses (paranasal sinuses), try to take seriously anyrunny nose. And never expect it to go away on its own. Figuratively speaking, delay here is like death. Of course, the usual symptoms do not explain what sinusitis or sinusitis is, because everything can be done, but, understand, it would be better not to risk it! It’s better to “make friends” with nose drops for a whole week than to warm up and bury your nose for the rest of your life! Remember that inflammation of the paranasal sinuses is quite difficult to treat and takes a long time!

So let's sum it up. What is sinusitis? These are infectious and inflammatory processes that occur in one or another paranasal sinus and make sinusitis an acute or chronic inflammation of these areas of the nose. A variation of this disease - sinusitis - appears if the mucous membrane of the maxillary sinuses is inflamed.