Both doctors and traditional medicine experts know how to cure a bad cough in a week. In pharmacies there is a wide variety of medicines of different strengths and effectiveness, and herbalists can suggest many reliable recipes to get rid of an unpleasant symptom. True, any responsible doctor will say: before eliminating a cough, you first need to understand what provoked it. The root cause must be treated, not the symptom of concern. Consider different options and ways to deal with cough.
General information
It seems to others that there is no need to look for how to treat a strong cough without fever. Many mistakenly believe that there is nothing terrible and serious in this symptom. Neglecting your he alth can lead to serious consequences. It must be remembered: a decrease in temperature or the absence of an increase during infection indicates a low immunological status. In addition, a cough can signal severe non-infectious pathologies. It is a reflex that occurs whenthe widest range of diseases.
It makes sense to start looking into why an adult or child has a bad cough and what to do about it if the symptom persists for a week. If at the same time the temperature is normal, perhaps the phenomenon indicates a latent inflammatory process or an allergic reaction of the body. A prolonged cough may be a sign of forced expiration due to the irritating effect of an aggressive factor on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system. Such a factor may be a foreign object (for example, dust), pathology - tuberculosis or pulmonary inflammation. Often, people who are forced to stay in a polluted atmosphere for a long time suffer from a strong cough. Such air can initiate a hypersensitivity reaction.
Problem or manifestation?
It is worth remembering that a strong cough in an adult or a child is just a phenomenon indicating some disturbances in the functioning of the body. Cough itself is not a disease. Continuously appearing, it certainly indicates a disease, which forces you to seek help from a qualified doctor as soon as possible. If there is no temperature at the same time, it is highly likely that the tests will show asthma or inflammation of the bronchi, throat. Rarely, a cough indicates whooping cough or pleurisy.
Sometimes a strong cough without fever in an adult, a child is a manifestation of cardiac pathology or impaired functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. Coughing may occur as a response to an overgrowth of the thyroid gland. There are frequent cases of latent pathologies, withwhich the condition becomes worse gradually, without sharp jumps, but there is no heat. Patients do not pay due attention to themselves and turn to a specialist when the pathological process is already seriously running.
Pharmacy products: what works?
Due to a severe cough without fever in an adult or child, the doctor may prescribe a drug program. The choice of drugs is carried out after examining the patient's condition - it is necessary to identify what initiates the symptom. To determine the disease, you need to listen to the sternum, take blood and urine samples, and a throat swab for examination. Sometimes percussion is done and the patient is sent for an x-ray. If a bacterial infection is suspected, sputum samples are taken for culture. If studies confirm the invasion of pathological microflora, drugs that are effective against the identified variety should be used.
When prescribing antibiotics for a severe cough, the doctor must explain why such remedies are recommended. By themselves, antimicrobials will not help with a cough, but they effectively stop the vital activity of dangerous bacteria that initiate the disease (for example, inflammation of different parts of the respiratory system). A comprehensive program usually includes not only antibiotics, but also cough relief products - classic drugs and homeopathic formulations.
Names of reliable remedies
When advising a patient how to treat a severe cough with phlegm, the doctor may mention the medicines Amoxicillin or Azithromycin.

Theseantibiotics are effective in bacterial invasion and quickly inhibit the vital activity of dangerous colonies. The drugs "Clarithromycin" and "Ceftriaxone" have similar qualities.
To stop the cough reflex, the doctor may advise taking Glycine, Phenibut. Sometimes codeine is prescribed. Oxeladin, Tusuprex can be prescribed as a soothing and relaxing drug for the muscles of the respiratory system.
To normalize epithelial functionality, Neokodin and Linkas are widely used. Among the effective cough medicines is Codelac Broncho. You can stop at ACC. The drugs "Sinekod" and "Stoptussin" have proven themselves well.
Productive cough
If the process is accompanied by sputum discharge, expectorant medicines can be used. They make the secreted substance less viscous, due to which the discharge is simplified. There are numerous effective cough preparations on the market that have a resorptive effect. The second type of medicines that are effective for a productive cough are herbal formulations based on licorice rhizomes and marshmallow. They are used every four hours, strictly observing time intervals. Active compounds have a limited effect on the body, so neglecting the recommended pauses will cause treatment failure. Resorptive agents give effect after absorption of the active compound into the circulatory system.
It is impossible to cure paroxysmal dry cough in an adult or child, as well as productive, if you do not take into account the basictherapy rules. It does not matter what caused the symptom, recommendations for patients are general. The air in the room should be clean and humid. It is necessary to regularly do wet cleaning, put a humidifier, and even better - air washer. Smokers should give up bad habits. It is recommended to do inhalations regularly, drink plenty of warm liquids, eat sage lollipops and sweets with eucalyptus extract.

Safety First
If you are worried about a strong or weak, wet or dry, paroxysmal cough of an adult or a child, you can not simultaneously take all possible remedies that are effective for problems with the respiratory system - this can cause additional complications. In particular, the use of antitussive drugs and expectorants is highly likely to provoke a bronchial mucus plug, which means that a person simply begins to choke. To minimize the dangers, medicinal formulations are used only after consulting a doctor.
If a bad cough that bothers you during the day or at night is accompanied by a runny nose, it is wise to flush your nose regularly. To do this, use chamomile extracts, sea s alt, pharmaceutical preparations for cleaning the nasal passages. If both cough and nasal discharge are concerned at the same time, the cause is probably a viral infection or the presence of a focus of inflammation, infection of the respiratory system. If there is no heat, perhaps the process has barely started, which means that it can be effectively eliminatedit with minimal effort.
Will herbalists help?
Any healer, advising a favorite recipe, will surely say that it is he who is the most powerful folk remedy for coughing. You need to understand that people's bodies are very different, and the causes of the symptom are very different, and what is effective for one will seem useless to another. The best results will be if you resort to recipes of folk wisdom in consultation with your doctor. In the absence of heat, it is recommended to do hot foot soda baths before going to bed, inhale extracts of medicinal herbs, essential oils - eucalyptus, mint, sage. During the day, lime, marshmallow, and psyllium teas should be eaten as abundantly as possible. Cough is considered effective for coltsfoot. Any medicine chosen should be used for no more than two weeks.
If you are worried about a strong wet cough, at night it is reasonable to rub the chest and back in the area of the lungs with honey or badger fat. Another option involves the presence of heated natural milk. A large spoonful of oil and a small spoonful of honey are taken per glass of liquid, half as much black pepper, ground immediately before preparing the preparation. After thoroughly mixing the products, they drink the liquid.
You can try to do an iodine mesh on the sternum in a day. Mustard plasters alternate with this procedure.

What else to try?
Healers, recommending what helps with a strong cough, they will probably advise you to drink sweetened with honey before going to bedmilk mixed with mineral water. Instead of water, you can mix small amounts of soda into the liquid.
Oil inhalations will benefit. You can use cedar essential oil, you can try lavender. Such procedures will be of particular benefit if oil compresses are applied daily to the sternum. Treatment helps to relieve the patient's condition if the symptom causes pain.
Productive cough
Among the various options that help with a strong cough with phlegm, it is worth considering especially the use of lemon. The fruit is placed in a container with cold water, put on fire, allowed to boil and boiled for 15 minutes, then left to cool and squeezed. The finished juice is sweetened with a small spoonful of honey, the same amount of glycerin is added. The medicine is intended for use in food three times daily. Single dosage - 40 g.
Onion comes to the rescue from a cough. A medium-sized root crop is cut in half, placed on the bottom of a metal container, 250 ml of milk is poured, allowed to boil, after which it is insisted for at least five hours. The finished product is used for food. It is wise to use this medicine twice daily.
Shortly before meals, healers recommend drinking 150 ml of cold boiling water with the addition of s alt, soda - a pinch each. Another useful drink option is tea prepared in a thermos on marshmallow rhizomes (half a large spoon) and rose hips (50 g). Every night, the homemade medicine is made anew by drinking all the liquid from the container during the day.

Official medicine: treatment options and possibilities
Doctors, explaining what helps with a strong cough, mention several categories of medications. Compounds that affect the cough brain center are quite popular, which helps to control the reflex in a complex way. The most typical products of this kind are pharmaceutical formulations of the opioid type. Despite the high effectiveness, they are prescribed quite rarely, since the drugs have a depressing effect on the central nervous system. It is strictly contraindicated that such substances enter the body simultaneously with alcoholic beverages. There is a risk of addiction formation, albeit a weak one. Also in pharmacies, non-opioid antitussives of a systemic effect are presented. As a rule, they are based on butamirate. These drugs do not affect the central nervous system, but are less effective against the disturbing symptom.
The list of options for what helps with a strong cough will be incomplete if we do not mention the means that act on the mucous membranes of the respiratory system, anesthetizing them and reducing sensitivity. Inhibition of the activity of peripheral receptors responsible for coughing allows you to get rid of the symptom. Effective drugs are produced on prenoxdiazine. This substance is considered safe, but its effectiveness is somewhat lower than that of centrally acting drugs.
Effective and accessible
Among other means, Muk altin seems especially attractive to many. This medication is made on natural ingredients - alteic rhizomes. Belongs to the category of phytopreparations. Clinic altests have shown that in just a few days it eliminates coughs and relieves cold symptoms by correcting the work of bronchioles. Under its influence, sputum liquefies and is more quickly excreted from the body.
Ambrobene is one of the commonly prescribed compositions. The manufacturer assures: the drug is effective against various manifestations of the common cold, is a pronounced expectorant and mucolytic. On sale it is presented in the form of tablets, syrup. It gives the best results in the treatment of a transitional state, when the cough progresses from dry to productive, while sputum is difficult to remove. A similar result shows the use of Lazolvan.

Bromhexine and Libeksin
"Bromhexine" is based on the compound ambroxol, which is activated when it enters the human body. The tool can not be used during childbearing and breastfeeding. In rare cases, it is prescribed if the obvious benefit is significantly greater than the potential dangers. Tablets are not used in the presence of an ulcer and under the age of three.
"Libexin", as some doctors say, is perhaps the best example of an antitussive drug. With a dry cough, the agent can reduce the sensitivity of the tissues of the respiratory system, reduce the level of excitability of cough receptors in the periphery. The use of the drug is associated with bronchial expansion, which stops the manifestations of spasm. The activity of the center responsible for coughing decreases, while the respiratory function is not inhibited inin general. The main compound that ensures the performance of the product is prenoxdiazine hydrochloride.
Stoptussin and Codelac
The first name belongs to a combined drug that shows itself well as an element of a comprehensive therapeutic program. The antitussive drug used for dry cough is based on butamirate, which acts at the reflex level. The drug has a central systemic effect. Taking the medicine allows you to eliminate the manifestations of bronchial spasm. The guaifenesin included in the composition reduces the viscosity of sputum and makes it easier to clear the respiratory system from it.
"Codelac" is widely used as an element of a drug course that allows you to get rid of lung diseases, colds. The composition gives a particularly good result with a dry cough. It is relatively inexpensive, while it has proven itself to be excellent performance. The active compound that ensures the efficiency of the drug is synthetic codeine, which reduces the ability of brain cough receptors to be excited. Such a medication is often prescribed if the patient is disturbed by very strong coughing attacks. The substance does not have an effect that depresses the activity of the respiratory system, which significantly expands the possibilities for use. "Codelac" is used for children from two years of age and older. Do not use the remedy during gestation and lactation, with asthmatic symptoms. In pharmacies, Codelac can only be purchased with a prescription from the attending doctor.

What else to try?
Quite popular are effervescent cough tablets sold under the name ACC. An alternative option is ACC Long. The tool has proven to be a good effect, quickly reduces the viscosity of sputum. The active component that ensures performance is acetylcysteine. In addition to effervescent, there are ordinary tablets on sale, intended for single daily use. The substance affects the lower respiratory system. It is not prescribed to pregnant and lactating mothers. Contraindications to use will be bleeding, insufficiency of the functioning of the liver, kidneys. Powders are recommended for children under fourteen years of age.
Flyuditek has proven itself well. The main active ingredient of the medicinal composition is carbocysteine, which shows an efficiency similar to that of acetylcysteine. Such a medicine can be used when carrying a child. The medicine affects the upper zone of the respiratory system, corrects the work of the nose, nasal sinuses. Often it is prescribed for the treatment of sinusitis. Do not use the remedy for glomerulonephritis, bleeding.
Reliable and affordable
Fluimucil effervescent cough tablets are popular. The tool belongs to the group of mucolytics and allows you to quickly reduce the viscosity of sputum, against which the substance is expectorated faster. The substance affects at the cellular level, stimulating the secretion of specific substances by sialic cell structures. "Fluimucil" is also prescribed for otitis and sinusitis, as it stimulates the secretion of mucous membranes. The same pills are prescribed to patients if it is necessary to cleanse the respiratory system from viscous secretions that have accumulated during the operation or due to injury.
Among herbal medicines, Gerbion deserves special attention. On sale, the remedy is available in two varieties, designed for different types of coughs. With a productive one, it is better to choose a composition with primrose; with an unproductive one, the plantain option is suitable. Syrup "Gerbion" is used to treat women bearing a child. It is allowed during lactation. Children are given syrup from the age of two.

No less reliable syrup is produced under the name "Gedelix". It is based on ivy products. The medicine quickly removes the secret and stops the activity of inflammatory foci. Prohibited under the age of two years and with a tendency to allergies. The syrup is not suitable for the treatment of asthma and laryngospasm.