Skin diseases are a significant hindrance to a full human life. In addition to the fact that they cause discomfort and pain, various manifestations on the skin are reflected in the appearance, resulting in mental disorders. With the help of complex therapy and a competent approach, specialists manage to combat these unpleasant phenomena. This article provides information on how neurodermatitis is treated in adults.
What is neurodermatitis?
Neurodermatitis is a dermatological disease that becomes chronic over time. Pathological manifestations can begin in early childhood and disturb the patient throughout his life. Relapses of this disease make themselves felt at any age and at different intervals.
According to the ICD, neurodermatitis is included in the group of allergic dermatoses and is considered the most common skin disease. More than 30% of patients who sought help at the hospital were registered.
Externally affected areas appear as papules. These are flat, oval-shaped formations, accompanied by severe redness, blistering andintolerable itching. The skin at the affected area becomes dry and begins to peel off.
Adults suffer more from focal neurodermatitis. Skin inflammation in this case is localized in different parts of the body. The foci can affect the areas of the bends of the elbows and knees, the back of the head and the area of the neck adjacent to it. In men, a rash may appear around the anus and scrotum.
Diffuse rashes of neurodermatitis (atopic dermatitis) are characterized by more extensive areas of localization. They can spread to the skin of the face, neck, chest, and curves. In medical reference books, you can see a photo of neurodermatitis at the stage of its exacerbation.

Disease forms
Depending on the location of painful foci, neurodermatitis is divided into the following types:
- Linear. The rash spreads to the scalp, legs, arms and folds. It is difficult to treat because it becomes chronic over time. Treatment of neurodermatitis on the hands is complicated by the fact that the patient constantly has to expose the skin to contact with soaps. This increases pain, dries out the skin and promotes the formation of crusts.
- Limited. The name speaks for itself, since the lesions affect small areas of the skin. Places for their localization are such parts of the body as the groin, knees, thighs and genitals. Often there is a similar form of neurodermatitis on the legs. The appearance of foci is accompanied by severe irritation. After combing such places, the foci take the form of papulesand may become covered in scales. With this form of neurodermatitis, auxiliary measures are needed to combat it - with the help of healing mud and electrophoresis. Ultrasound is used to treat lymph nodes.
- Diffuse. One of the most devastating skin diseases. In addition to the fact that it affects many parts of the body, it also affects the face. Eruptions are observed on the eyelids and lips. They can also appear on the inner sides of the elbow and knee bends. Relief in such conditions is achieved with the help of ultrasound sessions and physiotherapy.
- Follicular. It is characterized by rashes on areas of the skin with hairline. Inflamed areas of a reddish color are often covered with a whitish coating. Its main place is the scalp under the hair. Against the background of such manifestations, many patients experience mental disorders.
- Psoriasis. It affects the head and face. Accompanied by constant itching. With the occurrence of such painful lesions on the head, there are sometimes partial baldness. For dense red spots of this type of disease, scales similar to psoriasis are characteristic.
- Hypertrophic. It affects the intimate parts of the body in both women and men. The second often affects the groin area. Treatment of hypertrophic neurodermatitis can be very problematic and is accompanied by nervous breakdowns of patients.

Medics identify two main causes of this disease: endocrine disorders and the reaction to stress from the nervous system. These factors are consideredendogenous, as they provoke the onset of the disease from the inside.
The cause of rashes that appear under the influence of external factors (exogenous) is an allergy. Foci on the skin in this case are formed under the influence of antibodies from the outside. Manifestations caused by this factor may occur after skin contact with allergens, to which the human immune system may be too sensitive.
According to some scientists, neurodermatitis is a hereditary disease, but this fact is not scientifically substantiated. However, many experts argue that the genetic factor is the main cause of this disease.
In addition, there are a number of factors that contribute to the development of atopic dermatitis (neurodermatitis):
- nervous disorders;
- compromised immunity;
- disturbances in metabolic processes;
- chemical poisoning;
- malnutrition;
- prolonged stress;
- ecology pollution;
- excessive mental stress;
- heavy physical activity;
- predisposition to allergic diseases;
- bad habits.

External symptomatic manifestations include the following:
- roughening of the skin in the affected areas;
- irritation accompanied by itching;
- redness;
- excessive dryness;
- skin peeling;
- appearance of small dropsy that turn into ulcers;
- educationwet crusts;
- hyperpigmentation;
- cracks.
Symptoms of neurodermatitis in adults are not limited to external signs. Skin disease affects many functions of the human body. As a rule, such people are prone to apathy, feel depressed and suffer from chronic fatigue. Sometimes the patient may not leave the obsessive feeling of anxiety, resulting in disturbed sleep.

During the discussion, it becomes clear that such a disease as neurodermatitis has several causes. Its symptoms are also quite different and proceed in different ways, which makes it difficult to deal with it. However, the good news is that with the help of a competent approach, medical workers manage to transfer the acute stage of the disease into a state of long-term remission, which significantly alleviates pathological manifestations.
Experienced allergologists-immunologists first of all try to identify the exact cause of the onset of the disease. This is the only way to find the right treatment. The drug course is always aimed at eliminating an external source that serves as a provocateur of the disease. Therapy of skin diseases involves the simultaneous struggle with cause and effect. This includes the use of ointments, mud baths, ultrasound sessions, the use of specific drugs, electrophoresis and folk methods.
Treatment of neurodermatitis in adults should take place in a calm environment. It is good if it is stationary, because the patient needs to be protected from unnecessary emotional anxieties. Important to followfood and hygiene.
The treatment complex includes antihistamines that protect the body from allergens. They neutralize the effects of synthetic and various other substances that cause allergic reactions. Such drugs are: Chlorpheniramine, Cetirizine, Loratadine, Promethazine.
In most cases, the treatment of neurodermatitis in adults is not complete without sedatives. A popular drug in this regard is Novo-Passit, as well as drugs with the presence of motherwort and valerian.
To normalize the work of the digestive organs, Linex, Festal, Pancreazim, Hilak Forte are prescribed.
Immunomodulators are mandatory. The doctor selects drugs for treatment depending on the degree of skin damage.

Topical remedies are usually prescribed for a limited form of the disease. There is a wide choice of such drugs, but in each case they are selected individually. Of the glucocorticoid drugs, the doctor may prescribe Betamethasone, Fluticasone, or Clobetasol. There is an effective ointment for neurodermatitis with naftalan oil. Good results are given by tar products and various gel creams. Dermovate cream helps to cope well with local symptoms. It quickly eliminates pain and burning. It is important to remember that you can not buy ointment without the appointment of a dermatologist. Self-medication is more likely to exacerbate the development of the disease than to help fight it.
Physiotherapy treatments
Treatment of neurodermatitis involves the adoption of hydrogen sulfide and radon baths, as well as ultraviolet irradiation. It is good to alternate such methods with medicinal herbs. Baths with decoctions of chamomile, string and oak bark have an anti-inflammatory effect.
After the end of the procedures, the painful foci are smeared with fatty oils, such as olive oil. Sulfuric and ichthyol ointments are used.

Treatment of neurodermatitis on the face
In addition to the common causes of atopic dermatitis, a rash on the face can appear due to the use of cosmetics or allergies to animal hair. Even fur clothing or plant pollen can become an allergen.
As a rule, rashes in prominent places are accompanied by various complexes that can cause irreparable harm to mental he alth. Therefore, it is better not to delay the treatment of neurodermatitis on the face in adults.
- Hormonal, antihistamine and sedative drugs are prescribed from drugs.
- In most cases, experts consider it expedient to use sorbents. Activated charcoal, Enterosgel and other similar drugs are prescribed.
- Birch tar, zinc and dermatol remedy are prescribed as ointments. To relieve irritation, it may be necessary to use drugs - Flucinar and Elokom
- Physiotherapy is carried out using the following methods: ultrasound, selective phototherapy, ultraviolet, electrosleep, hyperbaric oxygen therapy, laser therapy.
- Using bathswith s alt and pine needles.
- Your doctor may prescribe additional products to prevent dry skin. During remission, moisturizers should be used regularly. By the way, this also applies to skin care on the legs and arms. In atopic dermatitis, these parts of the body are more exposed to external factors, and this leads to excessive dryness.
- Vitamin complexes must be included in the treatment. This is necessary to strengthen the immune system. The presence of vitamins such as A, B and E is especially important.
- Spa visits and trips to southern resorts bring some benefits.

Food and some recommendations
Diet for neurodermatitis involves the rejection of all foods that cause allergies. These include: chocolate, bananas, nuts, citrus fruits, chicken eggs, honey. Smoked products, coffee, strong tea and spicy food are also excluded.
Red fruits and undiluted fresh juices can exacerbate skin irritations. Preference is given to green apples, black currants, plums and other fruits.
It is recommended to use milk soups and cereals, rabbit meat, turkey and beef. You can include some types of lean fish and dairy products in your diet.
Dried fruits and jelly can replace sweets and flour products.
Dishes are best cooked, stewed or baked in the oven. To prepare soups, you need to use the second broth. Nutrition should be uniform - 3-5 meals a day.
Alcohol should not be consumed during an exacerbation of the disease.
Because personal hygiene in atopic dermatitis is of the utmost importance, products such as creams, lotions, soaps and shampoos should be purchased in consultation with a specialist.
It is undesirable to wear clothes made of synthetic fabrics and pure wool. Wash things better with laundry soap.
Wash your face and wash your hands in warm water. After that, cosmetic milk or cream should be applied. This will help reduce dryness and flaking of damaged areas. Well-moisturized skin feels less itchy and tight.
Folk methods
At home, you can make an ointment for neurodermatitis based on petroleum jelly. It is combined with substances such as propolis or mummy, in a ratio of 1:10. For this purpose, Vaseline is heated to a liquid state, mixed with one of the above components and cooled.
After the use of such folk remedies, neurodermatitis goes into remission much faster. Mumiye has an antimicrobial effect and eliminates pain. Propolis is an excellent analgesic and is actively involved in the regeneration of affected cells.
Ointments should be rubbed with very light movements. You can also put them on a sterile bandage and cover the affected areas with them.
It is good to use blue clay masks with s alt. It is applied to the foci and kept until completely dry.
Effective remedies in the treatment of neurodermatitis in adults are herbal lotions. To relieve inflammation, infusions are prepared strong. For 1 liter of boiled waterput 15 tablespoons of dry herbs. They are poured with boiling water and infused for about 10 hours. To prepare such a remedy, the following plants are needed: chamomile, mint, marshmallow root, succession, juniper, thyme, oregano, St. John's wort.
It should be remembered that folk methods are not a panacea for the disease. Although their use takes place, they still play an auxiliary role in complex treatment.
In conclusion
Having received specific information about neurodermatitis (a photo of the symptoms in the article) and having studied it carefully, we can draw certain conclusions. However, this does not mean that you need to make a diagnosis yourself. The final word should remain with the attending physician. The specialist must prescribe a qualified treatment and monitor the progress of this process.