Facial ulcers are an unpleasant problem that causes a lot of trouble and inconvenience. This formation often causes itching and a burning sensation. The disease must be treated in a timely manner, otherwise large wounds may occur, which will begin to bleed over time.
Ulcers: causes of occurrence

Our skin is one of the most delicate. The upper layer of the skin is constantly exposed to negative factors: frequent changes in temperature, various mechanical damage and other influences that can damage the epidermis. The appearance of ulcers is evidence that some disturbances in work have appeared in the human body. Through these changes, the rate of regeneration of the upper layer of the skin slows down.
The appearance of ulcers on the face can lead to quite a lot of problems for a person.
What are ulcers and what is it?
The human skin tends to recover after a certain time. Unfortunately, there are some factors that can interfere with the normal course of skin regeneration.covers. During this period, various diseases can appear with their visible course. During such diseases, in the event of any wounds, the epidermis recovers either slowly or does not regenerate at all.
Unfortunately, in places where the skin is prone to necrosis, new tissue has not yet appeared - sores appear. Their surface may not heal for a very long time. The visual appearance of the patient worsens, and the skin, covered with ulcerative manifestations, becomes a kind of "gateway" for a large number of infections and bacteria. During the formation of ulcerative wounds, metabolism is disturbed, which helps rapid tissue regeneration.
According to the existing classification, the following types of pathological conditions of the skin are distinguished:
- Facial ulcers that appear after certain injuries. These include mechanical damage - thermal, radiation, chemical, mechanical and electrical.
- The appearance of various tumors (benign or malignant). Such diseases include sarcoma or Hodgkin's disease.
- In case of disturbance of normal arterial circulation. This can happen with the following diseases: anemia, diabetes, scurvy, as well as a variety of blood diseases.
- Facial ulcers can also appear after infections enter the body.
- If the patient already has tumors or progressive paralysis (so-called neurotrophic disorders).
- In the case of Raynaud's disease, as well as in otherdiseases that entail disorders and changes in the tissues of the walls of blood vessels (syphilitic aortitis, obliterating endarteritis, atherosclerosis).
- Ulcer formations may occur in case of penetration. They appear near the organs or can form in the cavity.
Thanks to the existing classification, modern medicine can quickly determine the cause of even weeping ulcers on the face, as well as quickly diagnose and prescribe the right therapy.
Signs of ulcers

Such violations of the skin can begin along with other violations of the normal functioning of the body. The most common symptoms and signs are:
- The appearance of hypersensitivity in a certain area of the body after mechanical impact.
- Change in appearance - skin density, bruising, skin peeling, etc.
- After the skin has peeled off, new skin appears at a very slow rate. Instead, a non-healing and hypersensitive surface may appear.
With the right therapy, the skin will recover much faster: the ulcer is cleared of pus, the recovery rate will be faster than the rate of death of the epidermis.
What diseases cause ulcers on the patient's skin

The fact that there are any disturbances in the functioning of the human body may be evidenced by ulcerative formations on the skin. Whenchanges in the skin condition of the patient may develop the following diseases:
- The appearance of tumors.
- Varicosis, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, vasospasm, arteriovenous fistula, embolism.
- Lymphatic drainage may appear with anemia and diabetes.
- Progressive paralysis.
- Change in the vascular walls.
All diseases can lead to the appearance of additional infections, as well as bleeding with poor-quality and untimely diagnosis and treatment.
Therapy for the appearance of ulcers

Since the appearance of ulcers is a sign of a certain disease, it is necessary to treat them, given the disease. Many are interested in how to treat ulcers on the face? Complex therapy should be aimed not only at removing the external manifestation of the disease, but also at treating the underlying disease. The medicine is prescribed strictly by a doctor. Self-medication can hurt.
All external manifestations are easily and quickly removed using basic hygiene. The doctor can add bed rest, physiotherapy. If necessary, fixation of the limbs is prescribed. The skin must be cleansed of pus. Often people develop lupus erythematosus. Clinical recommendations regarding the treatment of this disease directly depend on the form of the disease and the individual characteristics of the organism. Often, in the presence of such skin problems, dressings with a hypertonic solution are applied to the wounds, which help to draw out purulent secretions and relieve inflammation.
Recommendations from experts

Don't ignore your vitamin intake. Well helps to harden the body. In especially advanced cases, surgical intervention is prescribed, during which the doctor will remove all dead tissue. Self-medication is dangerous to engage in, because it does more harm than good. It is important not to mask unpleasant symptoms, but to eliminate them forever. If a sore does not heal on the face, you should seek help from a dermatologist.
Folk treatments

Folk methods for treating ulcers and basalioma of the skin of the nose include the following: using fresh cabbage and potato juice to wash wounds, applying compresses from strawberry decoction and juice of lilac tree leaves. These methods can help improve visually the skin. Unfortunately, ulcers are a manifestation of an internal disturbance in the functioning of the body, so complex therapy should be aimed at treating the whole organism as a whole.
When contacting a specialist, drugs will be prescribed that will help increase the level of immunity, and will also help protect the body from the penetration of additional infections and bacteria into it. If you lead an unhe althy lifestyle, then a basalioma of the skin of the nose, which is a malignant neoplasm, may appear. Proper nutrition plays a particularly important role. In no case can you independently eliminate problems by squeezing out acne and other formations. can enter the bodya dangerous infection that can greatly harm a person, up to a fatal outcome. During the treatment, it is forbidden to use cosmetics and perform thermal procedures. You can not visit the sauna and bath. It is important to avoid alcohol and tobacco products, as this will only inflame the skin more.