Injuries, excessive exercise and lifting weights in the wrong body position can lead to sharp back pain. Such a biting expression has been entrenched among the people - "broke his back." What to do in this case?

Doctors believe that there are many ways to break your back. A mild case if you have sprained ligaments or back muscles. As a result of infringement of the nerves, an acute, so-called neuralgic pain appears. Such a patient is recommended complete rest, painkillers, as well as warming ointments. You need to walk as little as possible, slowly, do not make sudden movements, try to sit less. Not bad help in such cases, warming massages. Useful if a small child is on the back.
Ripped off my back. What to do if the pain is unbearable?
In a more serious case, a back breakdown will affect the spine. The patient feels a sharp paralyzing pain in his back, which does not allow him to even move. Such pain is the result of pinching and trauma to the nerve endings. If disk damage occurs, the result may not be comforting - the occurrenceherniated disc.

The vertebrae of a he althy person gently enter the muscles, and in the lumbar zone the back bends slightly forward. In this state, back pain does not bother a person. If the back is torn off, the vertebrae arch it in the other direction. And this situation is very painful for a person. By itself, the discomfort will not go away, if the disease is started, the person will constantly be tormented by aching pain in the lower back. In addition, you can get a number of dangerous diseases, ranging from osteochondrosis to herniated discs. You should not try to straighten the vertebrae on your own, except for new pains and new problems, you will not get anything else.
I broke my back, what should I do in this case?
There is only one way out - to urgently consult a vertebrologist and entrust your troubles to a specialist. Usually, in such cases, the medical preparation "Milgamma", "Diclofenac" (injections), rubbing the "Menovazin" ointment into the back is prescribed. Recommended special therapeutic exercises, massage, manual therapy, laser therapy, acupuncture, ozone therapy, hirudotherapy (leeches). All this helps to relieve muscle tension and restore their activity. In severe and advanced cases, doctors resort to surgery.

And while you are waiting for the doctor, you must very carefully put the patient on a hard surface and monitor his condition. If severe pain continues for a very long time, use an analgesic ointment. And try to keep the patient moving as little as possible.
Ripped off my back. Whatwhat to do if the pain does not go away for a long time?
It is necessary to complete the full course of treatment. Otherwise, the pain will torment you for the rest of your life. And no alcohol or nicotine. In addition, you need to know how to lift weights correctly. Before lifting the load, it is necessary not to bend over, as we often do, but to sit down. If you bend over and sharply lift even a small load, you can easily and quickly break your back, and if you do not cure it to the end, you can suffer all your life with aching lower back. There are folk methods of anesthesia. For example, a compress for one to two hours from grated potatoes (raw) with honey, taken in equal parts. For acute pain, you can use an ointment of grated garlic and ginger powder fried in butter, taken in equal proportions.