Celiac disease is a disease of the small intestine caused by protein (gluten) intolerance. The clinical picture of this disease is most pronounced in childhood, while adults and adolescents have less pronounced symptoms.
Celiac disease: what is it?
This is a hereditary disease in which, against the background of genetic breakdowns, the tolerance of the main component of cereals - gluten is disturbed. Outwardly, people with such a pathology look absolutely he althy. As soon as they eat a piece of bread or other flour product, the immune system begins to attack the intestinal cells, destroying their structure. Such a pathological process leads to a violation of the absorption of nutrients from the intestinal lumen, obtained as a result of the breakdown of products. As a result, the body loses the existence of energy material, which directly affects its functioning.

Inflammation of the mucosa lasts as long as a person eats foods containing gluten. If we take into account how widely wheat flour is used today, one can understand the danger of the disease. For startinflammation is sometimes enough a few milligrams of this substance, that is, just a couple of bread crumbs.
Until recently, it was believed that celiac disease is an exclusively hereditary disease, so its symptoms should appear in the first months of a child's life. It is for this reason that in adults and adolescents the occurrence of this disease was extremely unlikely. However, recent research has fundamentally changed the approach to celiac disease. Symptoms in adults can manifest themselves throughout life under the influence of a number of adverse factors.
Main reasons
The causes of this disease are still poorly understood. Experts put forward several hypotheses to explain the occurrence of the pathological process.
- Genetic. In 97% of patients, certain markers are found that indicate a change in genetic material.
- Enzymatic. It is assumed that the disease develops against the background of a deficiency of certain enzymes responsible for the breakdown of gluten.
- Viral. The protein contains a fragment with a specific sequence of amino acids identical to the E1B type of adenovirus.
Each of these theories has its drawbacks. It is believed that in adults, celiac disease can occur on the background of stress, intestinal infections or surgical procedures.

Clinical manifestation of the disease in children
Typical form of the disease has three characteristic symptoms: frequent stools, bulging abdomen and lag in growth/weight. Kal is differentmushy consistency, smells bad, shines due to the presence of fat. Insufficient weight gain usually worries parents after the introduction of complementary foods, when the child should grow and develop normally.
Doctors identify other signs of celiac disease. In children, the symptoms of pathology are usually associated with a lack of nutrients entering the body and a deficiency of certain vitamins.
- Fatigue.
- Frequent bone fractures.
- Poor condition of the skin and hair (dryness, peeling, atopic dermatitis).
- Hypotension.
- Bad posture.
- Anemia.
- Bleeding gums, stomatitis.
In each case, celiac disease manifests itself differently in children. The symptoms listed above can appear both in a complex and be single. In the future, girls have problems with menstruation, and boys are diagnosed with sexual dysfunction.

Symptoms of celiac disease in adults
The clinical picture of the disease in adults characterizes atypical and latent forms. The first option appears in 30-40 years. It represents one of the three signs of a typical form and two accompanying ones. As a rule, extraintestinal symptoms (migraine, atopic dermatitis, arthritis, nephropathy, and others) predominate.
In clinical studies, 8% of women who have been treated for infertility for a long time were diagnosed with celiac disease. Symptoms in adult women practically did not appear, that is, theydid not know about the existence of such a disease. After the dietary restrictions were imposed, they all managed to try on the role of a mother.
The latent form may not appear for a long time, only occasionally disturbing the patient with intestinal disorders. The disease is usually diagnosed by a random examination.

Possible Complications
People diagnosed with celiac disease are at increased risk of developing bowel cancer. According to statistics, this form of a malignant tumor occurs in 8% of patients over the age of 50 years. Doctors suspect oncology if signs of the disease resumed against the background of a gluten-free diet.
Another likely complication is ulcerative jejunoileitis. This is a disease characterized by inflammation of the wall of the ileum. It is accompanied by fever and acute pain in the abdomen. Lack of timely treatment threatens with multiple bleeding, as well as perforation of the intestinal wall.
Infertility, fertility disorders are the result of malabsorption syndrome. Also, celiac disease can lead to protein deficiency, a violation of mineral metabolism. Lack of vitamin D contributes to a gradual decrease in bone density. In 30% of cases, the spleen decreases in patients, in 70% of patients, doctors diagnose arterial hypotension.

Examination for the diagnosis of celiac disease
You can determine the presence of the disease on the basis of a characteristic clinical picture and test results. Today, there are many informative methods to detect this mysterious disease.
Usually, patients are prescribed genetic tests, serological analysis for celiac disease. Also, morphological evaluation of biopsies of the upper parts of the small intestine taken during endoscopy is carried out.
Diagnostic testing is usually scheduled before dietary restrictions are introduced. Serological tests in children under 5 years of age are not very informative, therefore, instead of blood, a biopsy is taken for research.
A year after the start of treatment, a re-examination is usually prescribed. It should show positive dynamics. A year later, a second biopsy is done. By this time, the intestinal villi are almost completely restored.
Drug therapy
Complex therapy is recommended for all patients with a disease such as celiac disease. What it is? It pursues several goals at once: restoration of normal bowel function, correction of mineral deficiency.
Pathogenetic therapy involves the observance of a special diet, which provides for the exclusion of the disease-provoking factor - gluten. This is not just a restriction in nutrition for a while. It must be followed for many years to finally overcome celiac disease. What is this diet, we will tell later in this article.
In 85% of cases, this measure leads to the disappearance of symptoms and the normalization of bowel function. The final recovery from the disease is usually observed 3-6 months afterstarting a diet. If necessary, patients are prescribed saline solutions, folic acid and iron preparations, vitamin complexes.
If a change in diet does not bring the desired results, signs of celiac disease persist, patients are prescribed hormonal drugs (Prednisolone) as an anti-inflammatory treatment. The lack of dynamics in treatment against the background of the exclusion of gluten from the diet indicates that the diet is observed with some violations, or there are comorbidities (Addison's disease, giardiasis, lymphoma).

Gluten-free diet - the basis of the treatment of celiac disease
Patients with this diagnosis should understand that now their he alth directly depends on discipline and patience. Treatment involves following a so-called gluten-free diet for several years.
Celiac disease is gluten intolerance, so all foods containing this substance must be excluded from the diet. These include cereals, cereals, pasta and baked goods.
In addition, you should limit the consumption of hidden sources of gluten (prepared foods, ready-made spices and sauces, frozen vegetable and fruit mixes, canned food, alcoholic beverages). If you do not have the opportunity to eat at home, you need to carefully study the composition of dishes in the menu of a restaurant or cafe.
The diet should mainly consist of fresh fish/meat, vegetables, fruits and rice. In addition, today you can find special gluten-free products on sale that are absolutelysafe for people with celiac disease.

Disease prevention
In the materials of this article, we told why celiac disease occurs, what it is. How can you prevent its occurrence?
Doctors cannot offer specific preventive measures. To prevent the development of dangerous complications, experts recommend following a gluten-free diet for several years. In the presence of hereditary diseases in the next of kin, it is necessary to regularly undergo medical genetic testing in order to clarify the possible development of celiac disease in future generations. Women in a position with such a diagnosis are at risk of developing pathologies of the cardiac system in the fetus. Pregnancy management in this case should be carried out under the constant supervision of a physician.