Arthrotic lesions of the joints are often accompanied by such a phenomenon as a synovial cyst. In modern medicine, vast experience has been accumulated in the fight against this disease - from conservative therapy to surgical intervention. In this case, the operation is much more preferable. After all, it protects against subsequent relapse. But since surgery is a tissue injury, such a procedure is undertaken as a last resort.

So, let's figure out what is a synovial cyst? How to deal with it? And why does it occur?
Characteristics of the disease
A synovial cyst is an exceptionally benign formation. It is a cavity filled with fluid, often with blood impurities. Such a pathology grows from the capsule of the joints or the synovial sheaths of the tendons. The disease manifests itself both as a cyst and as a tumor. And the mechanism of the formation of the disease resembles the formation of intestinal diverticula.
Similar pathologycan be observed on a variety of joints: knee, hip, carpal. Sometimes it is localized on the spine.
Causes of pathology
To this day, doctors continue discussions, trying to establish the sources leading to the onset of the disease.
It is known that a synovial cyst is formed against the background of the following factors:
- osteoporosis;
- congenital disorders;
- arthritis;
- articular instability;
- previous injuries;
- inflammation of an infectious nature.
Symptoms of disease
A synovial cyst of the joint is a tumor-like formation that rises above the surface of the skin. Sometimes the pathology grows under the tendon. In this case, education does not manifest itself in any way. But it causes the patient some discomfort during movement.

Most often, the only complaint that appears in a patient is an aesthetic defect. After all, a small cyst does not cause pain or an inflammatory reaction. Therefore, it does not bother a person at all. If the formation reaches a large size, then symptoms of compression of the main vessels and nerves appear.
In this case, there may be such signs of illness:
- noticeable pain in the area of the cyst;
- limited mobility of the affected area;
- tissues swell;
- a spherical bulge becomes noticeable on the diseased joint.
Synovial cyst of the spine may manifestsymptoms like this:
- in a sitting position, the patient gets pain very quickly;
- numbness of the lower extremities;
- an upset of the digestive tract may occur, the functioning of the bladder, kidneys (in the chronic stage) may be disrupted.
Pathology of the knee joint
The synovial cyst of the popliteal fossa is known in medicine as Becker's cyst. Pathology is a dense tumor-like formation, which is localized in the popliteal fossa. It is quite painful to the touch.
The tumor is formed against the background of inflammation occurring in the intertendon bag. If cystic pathology develops, then such a bag becomes inflamed, significantly increases in size. The patient experiences pain and severe difficulty in moving the knee joint.

Methods of treating pathology completely depend on the stage of the disease. If the tumor has formed recently, then a puncture is quite enough for the patient. With this procedure, the fluid accumulated inside the cavity is pumped out with a needle. Instead, a special corticosteroid solution is administered.
If the pathology is running, then conventional methods of treatment will not give a favorable result. In this case, the help of a surgeon is indispensable. During the operation, as a rule, inflamed tissues are removed. The prognosis after surgery is quite optimistic.
Arm joint cyst
Often there are lesions of the joints of the wrist joints. Such pathologies are called in medicinehygromas. The synovial cyst of the finger (the photo allows you to get acquainted with the pathology) is characterized by painful discomfort, which tends to increase with stress. Such a tumor has an extremely unsightly appearance.
Experts are completely divided about treatment. Some believe that this tumor should not be touched. These doctors are confident that over time, education will resolve itself. Other doctors suggest, without opening the outer tissues, to crush the tumor. This procedure is extremely painful. In addition, it does not completely eliminate the risk of relapse.
The optimal method of treatment is the puncture of the hygromous formation. After pumping out the liquid, an anti-inflammatory solution is introduced into the cavity. As a rule, the puncture is performed using ultrasound guidance.

But, unfortunately, sometimes it is impossible to do without surgery. It should be said that only the surgical method of treatment almost completely eliminates the risk of recurrence. The operation takes place under local anesthesia.
Pathology of the hip joint
The hip joint is the most complex structure of the human body. Very often, with such a pathology, there is no pain discomfort and external manifestations.
Pathology can manifest itself with the following symptoms:
- painful discomfort;
- feeling of numbness in the thigh area;
- loss of sensation in the affected area.
Most often, such pathologies develop as a result ofinflammatory and degenerative processes in the body. To identify the disease, the patient is assigned an x-ray examination. With the help of MRI, a synovial cyst of the hip joint is perfectly diagnosed.
How to treat the disease? Methods of dealing with the disease can only be recommended by the attending physician. Treatment options range from medication to surgery and are virtually the same as those described above.
Spinal cyst
Sometimes the tumor can be localized on the spine. This formation is a type of periarticular cyst.

This formation can appear for a variety of reasons. Pathology is congenital. In this case, the tumor is formed during the development of the embryo. But most often the cyst is acquired. The development of the disease is based on the difference in trauma, as well as degenerative, inflammatory processes occurring in the vertebrae. In addition, the strongest physical activity can also become a source of development of such an ailment as a synovial cyst.
Treatment of this form of the disease is practically no different from the tactics of dealing with formations on other joints described above. Doctors recommend resorting to a puncture that removes fluid from the cavity. In a severe course of the disease, the help of a surgeon is necessary, since the only method of treating a neglected disease is surgery.
Medicated treatment
This therapy is prescribed to a patient with inflammation of the surrounding tissuessynovial cyst. The tumor itself almost never becomes inflamed. However, only a doctor should prescribe medication, since such therapy can only be used for aseptic inflammation. If the process is purulent, then only one treatment is possible - surgery, which should be undertaken as soon as possible.
Aseptic inflammation is treated with the following drugs:
- NSAIDs: Nimesil medicine, Diclofenac ointment.
- Antihistamines: Gistan cream, Clemastine.
- Anti-inflammatory corticosteroids: topical drug Diprosalik.

Healing Methods
Treatment of a synovial cyst with folk remedies is a rather dubious therapy. Therefore, you should not fully rely on its effectiveness. However, in combination with a doctor's prescription, it is quite capable of bringing relief.
The following recipes are effective:
- Within 30 days it is necessary to consume fresh cabbage juice 100-150 ml before meals. The drink is taken twice a day.
- At night, apply lotions with alcohol (70%) to the cyst area. You can use strong moonshine for the procedure.
- Prepare a mixture of equal parts of honey, rye flour and aloe pulp. Such a remedy must be applied in the form of a compress to the affected area at night.
- Apply a cabbage leaf richly smeared with honey on the cyst. Such a compress should remain on the bump allnight.
- Take sea s alt (2 tablespoons), dry clay (1 tablespoon). Mix the ingredients. Dilute the mixture with warm water (100 ml). Apply the product to the affected area. Wrap tightly with a bandage on top. Such a compress must be repeated for 10 days. According to healers, this time is enough for the patient to feel a significant improvement in his condition.
- Vishnevsky's ointment can have an excellent therapeutic effect. The agent must be applied in an even layer on gauze. Such a compress is applied to the area of the synovial cyst. Top wrapped with polyethylene and fixed with an elastic bandage. This event should be repeated 2 times a day. It is recommended to continue treatment until complete healing.

A synovial cyst is a rather unpleasant formation that has an unsightly appearance. However, such a tumor almost never becomes malignant. If we talk about methods of treatment, then the most effective is surgical intervention, which protects the patient from relapse.