Hepatomegaly of the liver is a serious pathology characterized by an increase in its size. Its occurrence is accompanied by many diseases that affect this organ.
What is this pathology fraught with? What symptoms indicate its presence? How is the diagnosis carried out? What is needed for treatment? Now these and many other questions should be answered, since everyone should know what it is - hepatomegaly of the liver. And about the treatment, too, since this pathology is not rare.

Causes of occurrence
Hepatomegaly of the liver can become a complication of many serious diseases, the signs of which a person ignored (or if the treatment turned out to be of poor quality). Reasons are listed as follows:
- Processes of an infiltrative nature. These include fat accumulation, leukemia or lymphoma, amyloidosis, extramedullary hematopoiesis, diabetes, cytomegalovirus, glycogenosis,Gaucher disease, etc.
- Vascular congestion. It usually results from Buddy-Chiari disease or right ventricular failure.
- Inflammatory diseases. Typically cirrhosis and drug-induced/viral hepatitis.
- Tumor formations. The most dangerous are liver adenoma, primary carcinoma, nodular focal hyperplasia and metastatic cancer.
- Polycystic.
- Liver disease.
- Congestive heart failure.
- Chronic infections and intoxications.
- Tumor infiltration of the liver.
- Leukemia and other hemoblastoses.
In any case, the exact cause of the pathology is determined by the doctor. Although, since the liver does not enlarge on its own, the patient probably guesses what exactly was the prerequisite.
Be that as it may, you need to be treated, and as soon as possible. In advanced cases, the liver sometimes reaches a gigantic size, occupying more than half of the abdominal cavity. The weight of such an organ reaches 10-20 kilograms.
The presence of liver hepatomegaly can be indicated by various signs. The overall clinical picture is usually represented by the following symptoms:
- Discomfort in the right hypochondrium.
- Painful sensations that increase with movement.
- Dyspeptic complaints, manifested in flatulence, stool disorders and nausea.
- Bad breath.
- Eruptions and itchy skin.
- Condensation of the parenchyma (structural cells) of the liver.
- Yellowing of skincovers and sclera.
- Signs of intoxication.
The list goes on. In fact, the symptoms depend on what was the cause of the liver enlargement. With cirrhosis, for example, the skin becomes earthy and tends to bleed. And with benign formations in humans, an asymmetric increase in the abdomen is often observed.
The most meager symptoms are observed with degenerative changes and toxic damage. And the liver can reach the most impressive size with amyloidosis - a violation of protein metabolism.

Most often, patients have moderate hepatomegaly of the liver. That is, its insignificant change in size. It is impossible to identify it on your own, since at this stage the symptoms are not specific. And to visually notice an increase in the volume of the body is completely unrealistic.
Diagnostic needed. Without it, it will not be possible to find out how to treat hepatomegaly of the liver, since the cause of the pathology will not be clear. Diagnosis includes the following procedures:
- Biochemical and clinical blood tests.
- Collecting a liver sample.
- Testing for cancer markers.
- Coagulogram.
- Immunogram.
- X-ray.
- Fecal analysis.
- Computed tomography.
- Liver ultrasound.
Signs of hepatomegaly using these methods can be confirmed, in addition, it turns out to find out the exact reasons for the formationsyndrome. After placing all the dots over i, the doctor describes the most effective treatment regimen for his patient.

What is revealed in the course of research?
Continuing to consider the topic of diagnosis, it is worth paying attention to the issue of liver ultrasound.
Hepatomegaly appears on the scan as a focal lesion. Near it, it is possible to notice zones characterized by a reduced accumulation of radionuclides. Topographic changes in position, changes in the structure of the segments of the organ and, of course, its increase are also noticeable.
The advantage of the ultrasound method is that it can be used to identify focal lesions of any nature. After conducting a study, the doctor determines not only the degree of enlargement of the liver, but also the state of the spleen and other neighboring organs.
However, this is not enough. And then you have to resort to echohepatography. This method involves sending ultrasonic pulses into the depth of the organ under study, which are reflected from it and form an image of its density on the screen.
And echoes of hepatomegaly of the liver, in fact, play a crucial role in determining the diseases that caused the enlargement of the liver. Here are the results of the procedure:
- Homogeneous echostructure of the organ. Seen in heart failure, parasitic disease, and acute hepatitis.
- Heterogeneous echostructure. She points to cirrhosis, fatty liver and chronic hepatitis.
- Disrupted echostructure. Says that there may be an abscess, cyst or tumor in the liver.
Plus, echohepatography helps to determine the degree of pathology. It can be expressed, moderate and unexpressed.
Today, modern medicine offers a lot of effective methods, resorting to which, you can get rid of a particular disease. If we talk about the treatment of hepatomegaly of the liver, then the first thing to talk about is hepatoprotectors.
What is this? Drugs that protect the liver from the destructive effects of other medicines, as well as preserving its he alth and helping to restore normal functioning. The most popular hepatoprotectors are:
- "Essentiale N" and "Essentiale Forte N". The basis of these drugs are essential phospholipids. The price starts from 500-1500 rubles
- "Essliver Forte". The composition of this medication includes vitamins of the PP, E, B groups, as well as phospholipids. The drug costs from 250 rubles and more.
- "Phosfonciale". The main active ingredients of these capsules are lipoid C-100 and silymarin. The price of the drug starts from 300 rubles
- "Chepagard". This drug is made from phospholipids and vitamin E. Its price starts from 300 rubles.
- "Phosphogliv". This medication includes the trisodium s alt of glycyrrhizic acid and phospholipids. Price starts from 500 rubles
- Rezalyut. This product contains phospholipids, soybean oil, vitamin E, glycerol mono/dialconate, medium chain triglycerides andlipoid PPL 600. The price is 600 rubles.
There are also two types of hepatoprotectors of animal origin - Sirepar and Hepatosan. They are made from a hydrolyzate of the organ and cells of the porcine liver, respectively. Such a specific "raw material" determines the presence of amino acids, low molecular weight metabolites, cyanocobalamin in the preparations.
There is also a medicine called Progepar. It is prescribed both for moderate hepatomegaly of the liver, and for more severe conditions. The drug helps to activate blood circulation in the organ, restore the structure of hepatocytes and inhibit the formation of connective tissue. In addition, the drug has a positive effect on liver function and increases diuresis.

This is the name of diuretic drugs that help purify the blood and reduce the load on the liver. Their reception is also indicated for the treatment of this disease. Here are the most famous drugs from this group that can be prescribed for hepatomegaly and diffuse liver changes:
- Saluretics that remove potassium and sodium ions from the body: "Diakarb", "Fonurite", "Furosemide", "Priretanide", "Dekidratin", "Indapamed".
- Osmotic drugs that normalize plasma pressure in the shortest possible time: Urea, Manit and Sorbitol.
- Potassium-sparing drugs: Triamur, Spironolactone, Amiloride, Aldactone, Triamteron.
- Calcium-sparing drugs: Indyur, Arindap, Gigroton, Pamid, Retapres, Indap.
If there is no desire to use diuretics, then you can pay attention to substances of natural origin. Of these, you can make diuretics yourself:
- Lemon juice just saves from swelling. It is enough to dilute it with water and drink it for preventive and therapeutic purposes.
- Cranberry juice is an instant diuretic that also has a positive effect on the functioning of the kidneys and the genitourinary system. It can be drunk neat.
- Weak tea with the addition of natural ginger or an infusion of this root cleanses the body of toxins.
- Decoctions of dandelion, nettle and cranberry leaves also have diuretic properties.
- Apple cider vinegar, cabbage, eggplant, cucumbers, watermelons - all of these also belong to the list of effective diuretics.
But even natural remedies must be used with care. Otherwise, you can overdo it and bring the body to dehydration.
Carsil drug
I would like to talk about this medication separately, since we are talking about the treatment and signs of hepatomegaly of the liver. What is Karsil? This is a herbal preparation based on milk thistle fruit extract. The most active substance is silibinin, which has a hepatoprotective effect.
It is believed that Karsil is one of the most effective medicines that can fight signs of hepatomegaly diffuse liver changes.
You need to take it three times a day, one capsule with water. How long the course will last, the doctor will decide, but usually the treatment is about 1 month.
This drugIt has an antioxidant, membrane-stabilizing and anti-inflammatory effect. By the way, there is also Karsil Forte, and this remedy differs from the usual version in the greater concentration of the active plant substance contained in it.

Folk remedies
Continuing to consider the topic of what hepatomegaly of the liver means, it is necessary to pay attention to non-traditional methods of treatment. Here are some popular recipes:
- In equal proportions, mix chicory, peony, May dandelion roots, motherwort and sage. Take 3 tbsp. l. collection and pour boiling water (0.5 l). Bring to a boil, and then simmer for about 30 minutes. Let it rest for another half an hour. Strain and drink throughout the day in small portions.
- Mix equal amounts of motherwort, immortelle flowers, St. John's wort and mint leaves. Mix all. Take 2 tbsp. l. the resulting collection and pour boiling water (0.5 l). Cover the container with a towel, wait 40 minutes. Then strain. Drink 100 ml before meals.
- Mix St. John's wort, coltsfoot, calendula, plantain, celandine and cat's paw grass in equal proportions. Follow the steps in the previous recipe. Drink three times a day 20 minutes before meals, 100 ml. The course lasts 3 weeks. Then - a break for half a month. During this period, eat a small amount of milk thistle seed powder daily.
- In the morning and in the evening you need to dilute honey (2 tsp) and lemon juice (2 tsp) in a glass of warm boiled water, stir thoroughly and drinkon an empty stomach.
- Squeeze juice from ripe green apples (should make 0.5 l) and mix it with honey (no more than ¼ cup). Drink the resulting drink during the day in equal portions for 6 times.
- Five large walnuts, peeled, crushed and mixed with an identical amount of honey. There is this mixture for 1 tbsp. l. daily.
There are many other folk remedies that help smooth out the symptoms and signs of hepatomegaly diffuse changes in the liver parenchyma.
Supporters of alternative medicine claim that you can even cope with the disease if you eat 100-150 grams of boiled beets or pumpkin every day (it can be more). And it's better to have one or the other. These vegetables contain substances that contribute to the speedy restoration of liver function.
But in general, of course, it is better to combine therapeutic methods. The basis should be the treatment prescribed by the doctor, and to consolidate the result, you can resort to traditional medicine. But before that, you need to consult a doctor.

Of course, a balanced diet is one of the conditions necessary to eliminate hepatomegaly. Diffuse changes in the liver will not disappear if a person drinks drugs, but at the same time abuses alcohol and illegal foods.
So, here is what is allowed to eat in the presence of this pathology:
- White dried bread or croutons made from it.
- Soups in vegetable broths with well-boiled cereals.
- Diet veal and beef, turkey, chicken and rabbit meat.
- Low-fat fish. These varieties include cod, pollock, bream, hake, perch, pike perch.
- Porridge with water or low-fat milk.
- Small pasta.
- Vegetables. They can be eaten boiled, baked, or in salads.
- Low-fat fermented milk products, homemade cheeses, non-acidic cottage cheese.
- Sweet fruits and berries.
- Fresh juices (must be diluted with water).
- Compotes, jelly, jelly.
- Small amount of honey, marmalade, caramel, marshmallow, jam, marshmallow. But in small quantities.
- Fruit, herbal and berry teas, mineral water, rosehip infusion.
But what is forbidden:
- S alt and sugar in loose form.
- Fatty meat and fish, waterfowl, offal.
- Animal and cooking oils. A maximum of 40 ml of oil is allowed per day.
- Confectionery (pastries, cakes, chocolate, butter and puff pastry).
- Sour sauerkraut.
- Marinades and pickles.
- Rough vegetables and legumes.
- Sorrel, onion, spinach, radish, garlic, mushrooms, radish.
- Shop-bought sauces (ketchup, mayonnaise, mustard, etc.).
- Spicy and s alty cheeses, whole milk, full-fat cottage cheese, cream, sour cream, glazed curds.
- Eggs. Maximum 3 per week allowed.
- Ice cream, cocoa, strong coffee and tea.
- Alcohol, packaged juices and soda.
- Everything is fried, spicy and hot. Food should be neutral and cookedby boiling/baking or steaming.
As you can see, the diet for hepatomegaly is not very strict. There is something to make up your diet. Proper nutrition and consumption of foods enriched with vitamins, macro- and microelements will help support the body's immunity and contribute to the rapid recovery of the liver.

Forecast and prevention
Much has been said above about the symptoms, signs, causes and treatment of hepatomegaly. What it is is clear. And how to deal with it, too. Therefore, in the end, I would like to talk about forecasts and preventive measures.
In general, if a person goes to the doctor in time, the treatment does not take much time. In most cases, a month is enough for the patient to feel better. During this time, the liver really decreases, its functions begin to recover, and progress is generally visible.
However, it all depends on the cause of the syndrome, the degree of damage to hepatocytes and the irreversibility of the process. The worst prognoses are made in the event that a person's liver began to increase due to cirrhosis, toxic damage, as well as in the primary neoplastic process.
If we talk about prevention, the most important thing here is to prevent diseases that can provoke the appearance of this pathology. To do this, you need to take care of your liver: avoid consuming foods that promote gas formation, sometimes “cleanse” with activated charcoal, drink at least 2 liters of clean water daily.
And if poisoning suddenly occurred, from which no one is immune, it is necessary to eliminate intoxication. Drinking a fresh infusion of wild rose, for example, or taking magnesium sulfate, fixing the effect by heating the liver with a heating pad. Holosas can also help, which has a mild cleansing effect on the liver, as well as sodium thiosulfate, which removes s alts and heavy metals.
And, of course, at least once every six months (and upon reaching remission - every 3 months) visit a doctor for examination. And in no case do not ignore the symptoms that may indicate he alth problems. It is easier to prevent a disease than to cure it.