Children are mischievous fidgets, before you have time to look back, he already has a bump or a bruise. Young parents often grab their heads: how to monitor injuries and he alth if the kids are trying to crawl everywhere and try everything. Also, swelling of the entire face or one side of it causes panic in mothers. Indeed, in some cases this is evidence of injury, and sometimes - retention of excess fluid in the body. From this article, you will learn about the causes of swelling of the face in a child and the treatment of diseases associated with it.
Common causes of the phenomenon
The first step is to rule out the most common cause. Swelling of the face in a child most often occurs after a long cry. Young children are very fond of crying for a long time with or without it - this is the most common cause of swelling of the eyelids, lips and cheeks. An experienced parent always recognizes whether the face is swollen after tears or due to injury,maybe the child drank too much soda?
But young parents, due to lack of experience in caring for children, cannot always distinguish the causes of facial swelling in a child.
- Kidney diseases of an inflammatory or infectious nature are most often accompanied by fluid retention in the body. Favorite places of localization of excess water are the face, the area around the eyes, wrists and ankles. Please note: if you remove the socks, will there be a trace on the baby's legs from the gum. If yes, then the swelling of the body and face of the child is most likely caused by impaired functioning of the kidneys.
- Diseases of an allergic nature: these are urticaria, Quincke's edema, tearing, nasal discharge. If the child has swelling on one side of the face, then most likely this is a manifestation of an allergic reaction. Below is an algorithm of what to do and how to help the baby in such a situation.
- The parotid salivary glands are usually inflamed due to mumps. In the people, this disease is called "mumps". Pathology is most often observed in children older than five years and younger than ten.
- Features of the formation, growth and development of the body, in some cases, can also provoke some swelling. Young parents can start to panic for any reason. But sometimes swelling of the face in a child after sleep can simply be associated with the wrong position of the pillow and, accordingly, the head of the child.
- In babies, facial swelling can be caused by teething. This process in some cases is accompanied not only by fever and swelling of the gums. Sometimes the child's cheeks and even the nose swell.
- Infectious diseases of the eyes can cause swelling of the eyelids and the area around the eyes. At the same time, the eyes itch strongly, pus remains on the eyelids in the morning, and painful tearing begins. Sinusitis, sinusitis, adenoiditis and other infectious diseases of the nasopharynx often have similar symptoms.

Professional help: which doctor to contact
Confused, parents can't always figure out where to go to get help and pinpoint the cause of their child's facial swelling?
If the baby himself reported that there was an injury, you should contact the emergency room. There, if necessary, they will suture the wound (if any) and check the child for the presence of a craniocerebral injury. Note to parents: if there was a short-term loss of consciousness after a bruise or nausea and vomiting, most likely, a CBI (closed craniocerebral injury) occurred.
If a child has a fever, and there is swelling not only on the face, but also on the body, you need to call an ambulance. Most likely, this is a manifestation of acute pyelonephritis. In some cases, these symptoms indicate an infection in the ureter or bladder. Severe swelling, accompanied by fever, may indicate an inflammatory process in the lungs. Ambulance doctors will take the child to the hospital, where they will provide the necessary assistance and conduct studies to identify an accurate diagnosis.
Swollena red face in a child is a serious symptom, and if the parents are concerned about the well-being of the baby, do not hesitate, it is better to immediately call the attending doctor. An independent visit to a nephrologist or an allergist can take a long time and the disease has time to develop into a chronic form.

Pathologies of the urinary tract
Kidney edema is a serious condition. They occur when the work of the kidneys is disrupted - not endocrine, not hematopoietic, but excretory, which is closely related to iono- and osmoregulatory.
If the kidney function is impaired, edema can be of the following types:
- nephrotic - soft to the touch, extensive in area (begins with the eyelids, go down the face, down the arms, hands and fingers swell). Such edema is a complication of membranous nephropathy, amyloidosis of the kidneys, glomerulosclerosis, and they are also characteristic of patients with diabetes mellitus.
- nephritic edema is characterized by the parallel development of pressure jumps, the presence of blood in the urine, severe weakness and the inability to get out of bed. This condition is a medical emergency.
- retention edema of the face and body occur most often in chronic renal failure and are characterized by the fact that they first appear on the face and then on the legs. There is practically no accumulation of fluid on the arms and torso.

Treatment methods and advice from nephrologists
The fastest and easiest way to rid a child of edema is to give himdiuretic, i.e. diuretic drug. Instructions for use for tablets "Furosemide" reports that this drug is contraindicated in children under three years of age. Older kids, he can get rid of puffiness in a short time.
The use of diuretics affects the accumulation of fluid, facilitating its rapid removal. But it does not treat the cause of the puffiness - the inflammatory process in the organs of the urinary system does not disappear, so literally the next day the child's condition will worsen.
In addition, almost all diuretics for children have many contraindications. Among the side effects are dehydration, depression of the central nervous system. So it is better to refrain from taking diuretics or give them to the child only in emergency cases, on the recommendation of a doctor.
Which drugs are better to use
Here is a list of diuretic drugs that have an anti-inflammatory effect on kidney tissue:
- "Kanefron" is a homeopathic remedy, has a mild diuretic effect and promotes the discharge of sand and stones (if any), is effective as an independent remedy and as part of complex therapy for chronic and acute pyelonephritis and cystitis;
- "Renel" - a drug, the positive result of which is achieved through the action of herbal ingredients. It has a healing effect on the tissues of the kidneys and bladder, helps to relieve swelling of the face and body due to the diuretic effect.
The desired result is achieved differently for all children. The swollen face will acceptthe former outlines are literally two or three days after competent drug therapy. In some cases, the child may need a course of antibiotics (in case of an infectious process in the organs of the urinary system).

Allergic reactions
Allergic reactions (angioneurotic edema) and obstruction (blockage) of the superior vena cava are the causes of local swelling of the face. This term means that any one side or area of the body swells.
Swelling of the eyelids in children or the nose alone, or only the cheeks and one finger on the left side - all this speaks precisely of the allergic nature of the problem. Insect stings are also included, since the toxin injected under the skin by bees or mosquitoes provokes local allergies.
Allergy most often does not pose a threat to life (except for some rare pathologies, such as Quincke's edema). It is advisable to show the child to an allergist and conduct the necessary studies, the so-called tests, to identify the exact allergen and check its sensitivity to pharmacological treatment.
If a child is prone to developing allergic reactions, it is worth visiting an immunologist for advice. Most often, an increased tendency to rashes and swelling due to substances foreign to the body appears due to the weakness of the immune system. Taking immunomodulatory drugs can help reduce the severity of allergic reactions.

Methodstreatment and advice from allergists
The most effective drugs for the treatment of facial swelling in children provoked by an allergic reaction:
- "Pilpofen" - used to relieve allergy symptoms in children older than two months. Release form - solution for injections, dragees, tablets. It has a number of contraindications, before use, parents should definitely read the instructions.
- "Fenistil" is available in the form of drops, tablets and solution for injection. Approved for children from one month and older. It is better for kids to take the remedy in the form of drops, for teenagers and adults - in the form of tablets.
- "Diazolin" is used to treat the manifestation of allergies in children from one year and older. Release form - tablets. The drug has a number of contraindications, before use, parents should definitely read the instructions.
Infectious diseases
The following infectious diseases often cause facial puffiness in children:
- Measles is a serious disease, the virus of which, moving with air currents, can easily enter the body of a child. The disease has a rather long incubation period - up to three weeks. At the same time, she will not manifest herself in any way, then symptoms similar to the flu will appear. In the early days, the temperature rises, conjunctivitis develops. Next comes the rash in the mouth. After a few hours, the rash may cover the entire face and gradually move to the body.
- Scarlet fever is an infectious disease thattransmitted by airborne droplets. Symptoms: swelling of the eyelids and face, severe sore throat, temperature rises up to forty degrees, painful enlarged tonsils, vomiting and a small rash over the body are possible. The nasolabial triangle turns pale with scarlet fever.
- Meningitis is one of the most dangerous diseases of an infectious nature, in which there is swelling of the face and body of a child. Meningitis is characterized by a high temperature, hemorrhagic rashes appear on the 2-3 day. Small hematomas begin to appear under the skin. Bleeding, loss of consciousness, severe headaches - these are the symptoms of meningitis. The child needs to be hospitalized urgently.

Face and head injuries
Children, because of their restlessness, often injure their faces. When the nose is bruised, a strong swelling of the area around the eyes appears, after a day a hematoma (bruise) usually develops in this place, i.e. accumulation of blood in the subcutaneous tissue.
For treatment, Heparin ointment, Troxevasin or Troxerutin gel are most often used. Even without special treatment, swelling and bruising will subside in about ten days.
If you urgently need to get rid of puffiness in the area around the eyes, you should use "Veroshpiron" (the dosage for edema in children is prescribed by the attending physician, depending on the weight and height of the child) and "Badyaga" gel to prevent the manifestation of hematomas on the face.
If a child has a serious head injury, you need to take him to the emergency room for examination. Thereif necessary, they will stitch the wound (if any) and check the child for the presence of a traumatic brain injury. If immediately after the impact there was a short-term loss of consciousness or severe nausea, vomiting, most likely, a closed craniocerebral injury occurred. It is advisable to consult a neurologist and, if necessary, do an MRI of the brain.

Is it advisable to use diuretics
Children are prohibited or partially limited to almost all pharmacological preparations. Diuretics are no exception.
Here is a list of diuretics that are approved for use in children (should be used with caution as drug addiction may develop):
- "Furosemide". This remedy is prescribed with caution. The instructions for use for Furosemide tablets provide a wide list of contraindications. However, there are situations when this medication is indispensable. It can be used both in the form of tablets and in the form of a solution for intramuscular injections. Able to get rid of the accumulation of excess fluid in the body in just an hour, it will be released through the kidneys and bladder;
- "Diacarb" is a diuretic, which is often prescribed to children by neuropathologists as part of complex therapy in the treatment of intracranial pressure. Tablets quickly and effectively promote the release of excess fluid from all parts of the body and from subcutaneous fat;
- "Hypothiazide" - tablets with a strong diureticeffect. Used for severe liver failure in children aged three years and older.

Side effects and contraindications to the use of diuretics in children:
- chronic renal failure;
- liver diseases of various etiologies;
- violation of the water-s alt balance in the body;
- diabetes mellitus;
- diseases of the endocrine system;
- taking cardiac glycosides;
- hypercalcemia;
- sulfonamide intolerance.