Dentistry 2024, October

Dental implantation: contraindications and possible complications (reviews)

Dental implantation: contraindications and possible complications (reviews)

The article describes absolute and relative contraindications for dental implantation, possible complications, their causes and consequences. The importance of choosing a specialist and complying with all requirements is also considered

Composite veneers give a luxurious smile

Composite veneers give a luxurious smile

Composite veneers - what is their difference from analogues? How composite veneers are installed, indications and contraindications for their use

Gum recession: causes and treatment. Classification of gum recessions

Gum recession: causes and treatment. Classification of gum recessions

Gum recession is an insidious and rather unpleasant disease. Timely detection of the cause of the pathology, its competent treatment makes it possible to return a dazzling smile and forget about the problem forever

Receding gums: treatment, photo

Receding gums: treatment, photo

What causes receding gums? Signs, causes, consequences, methods of therapy and prevention of the disease

Prosthetics of teeth in the complete absence of teeth. Dental prosthetics: types and prices

Prosthetics of teeth in the complete absence of teeth. Dental prosthetics: types and prices

A beautiful white-toothed smile will certainly cause its owner a feeling of obvious or secret pride. However, this is not the main thing for a person. He althy teeth allow not only to look good, but also to digest food. They are also needed for articulate speech

What causes a snapping jaw?

What causes a snapping jaw?

Why should the snapping jaw alert us? This unpleasant symptom speaks of problems of a large scale, so you should not put off going to the doctor on the back burner

Advantages of the bracket system: types and cost of braces

Advantages of the bracket system: types and cost of braces

A malocclusion is usually detected at the age of 10-12 years, when the child's molars grow. And the sooner dental braces are installed, the easier it will be to fix the problem. Their cost depends on the type of braces

Anesthesia in the upper jaw: methods of anesthesia

Anesthesia in the upper jaw: methods of anesthesia

Anesthesia in the upper jaw can be performed in several different ways, it all depends on the characteristics of the procedure, as well as which area needs to be anesthetized

Inflammation of the wisdom tooth hood: causes, treatment

Inflammation of the wisdom tooth hood: causes, treatment

Wisdom teeth are popularly called chewing teeth (large molars) located on the edge. They appear, as a rule, at the age of 16-36 years. In total, a person can have four wisdom teeth, one dental practice is faced with situations where only 1 or 2 extreme molars erupt. At the same time, the rest continue to grow under the gum, being under a strong slope or in a supine position

First aid for toothache at home

First aid for toothache at home

Toothache often strikes a person at the most unexpected moment. She unsettles during an important meeting, at work or at home. All important areas of life are automatically relegated to the background. The pain is debilitating and debilitating. But what if a trip to a specialist is not possible in the near future? And what first aid for toothache should be provided?

Teeth lamination: description of the procedure, reviews

Teeth lamination: description of the procedure, reviews

Tooth lamination is a procedure that belongs to aesthetic dentistry. During its execution, a composite material is applied to the teeth, which hides minor defects in the oral cavity and makes the tooth enamel snow-white

Crest (toothpaste): description, features, composition and reviews

Crest (toothpaste): description, features, composition and reviews

Crest - toothpaste, which is one of the most effective in the pursuit of a snow-white smile. Every person has a desire to have beautiful and he althy teeth without a visit to the dentist, which is why it is especially important to pay attention to products that meet all the necessary characteristics. The most correct decision in this matter is to purchase the most preferred American Crest toothpaste in all countries of the world

How much does it cost to get braces? Braces installation technology and their types

How much does it cost to get braces? Braces installation technology and their types

Bracket systems are the most effective mechanically acting non-removable devices. They are different from the movable plates worn by children at a young age

Types of dental implants: description, pros and cons, photos

Types of dental implants: description, pros and cons, photos

Types of dental implants from different manufacturers may vary in price. Moreover, this is a rather expensive method of treatment, which confuses most patients. However, if you decide on this procedure, then you definitely will not regret it

Types of dentures: description, classification, care rules

Types of dentures: description, classification, care rules

Our life is full of stress, various loads, the environment has deteriorated greatly. All this inevitably leads to the fact that our teeth begin to deteriorate, collapse and fall out. Some people are not very affected by this problem, but some have to think about the aesthetic appearance of their smile

Odontogenic periostitis (flux): stages, causes and features of treatment

Odontogenic periostitis (flux): stages, causes and features of treatment

What is odontogenic periostitis? What are its reasons? First and main symptoms. Varieties of the disease - acute, acute purulent form, periostitis of the jaw. Features of the course in children. Diagnosis of the disease, medical and surgical treatment

Do milk teeth hurt: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

Do milk teeth hurt: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

Toothache is an unpleasant symptom that occurs in adults and children. It appears for various reasons, including due to diseases of the oral cavity. To improve the condition, various means are used. Do milk teeth hurt, described in the article

Chronic caries: causes, signs, treatment methods, prevention

Chronic caries: causes, signs, treatment methods, prevention

Caries in dentistry is a common pathology. This disease has 2 forms - chronic and acute. In both types, extensive damage to the teeth develops. Without treatment, proper care and diet correction, chronic caries is incurable. The causes of the appearance of pathology and treatment are described in the article

Dental floss: types, pros and cons, recommendations for use

Dental floss: types, pros and cons, recommendations for use

Gum and teeth he alth is ensured by good oral hygiene. But often one cleaning is not enough. It is necessary to eliminate the remnants of food from the interdental spaces. In addition, it is not always possible to brush your teeth. To do this, dental floss is used, which serve for oral hygiene. Their other name is floss. You need to know how to properly use dental floss. This is discussed in the article

Chronic catarrhal gingivitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Chronic catarrhal gingivitis: causes, symptoms, diagnosis and treatment

Article about the features of the occurrence of chronic catarrhal gingivitis. The main causes of the development of pathology, methods of diagnosis, treatment and prevention are considered

Dental handpiece and its varieties

Dental handpiece and its varieties

Today, a dentist, having opened the catalog of any company that produces a dental handpiece, can easily get lost in a huge assortment of tools. But how to choose reliable dental instruments in this sea of offers?

Tooth cement caries: classification, diagnosis and treatment

Tooth cement caries: classification, diagnosis and treatment

Causes of dental caries. Description of the lesion and features of its development. Carrying out diagnostic measures and choosing an effective and efficient treatment for dental caries. Disease prevention

Why Colgate toothpaste is popular

Why Colgate toothpaste is popular

Everyone starts the day with toothpaste. Therefore, it is so important to choose one that meets all the requirements for proper oral care. In addition, for many, the price and taste of pasta play an important role. Based on the results of market research, scientists have found that the leader in sales in Russia, and throughout the world, is Colgate toothpaste. It not only perfectly freshens breath, but prevents many diseases of the teeth and oral cavity

How much does teeth whitening cost in dentistry. Features of teeth whitening in modern dentistry

How much does teeth whitening cost in dentistry. Features of teeth whitening in modern dentistry

Find out how much teeth whitening costs in dentistry will be interesting not only for those who want to sign up for procedures, but also for those who want to keep abreast of the main trends in the world of fashion, beauty and he alth

Tooth extraction without pain: traditional method, application of anesthetics, removal with ultrasound. Pros and cons of methods, contraindications and reviews

Tooth extraction without pain: traditional method, application of anesthetics, removal with ultrasound. Pros and cons of methods, contraindications and reviews

The main way to reduce pain during tooth extraction is local anesthesia (injections). On the upper jaw, a blockade of a specific tooth is made. In the lower jaw, this is not so important: the main thing there is to anesthetize the desired nerve ending. If the tooth is inflamed, then anesthesia, of course, will help, but will not relieve the pain completely (by about 80 - 90%)

Bleeding gums and bad breath: causes, treatment

Bleeding gums and bad breath: causes, treatment

Many people have probably encountered such a problem when, when brushing their teeth, the gums suddenly began to bleed. This is a rather unpleasant phenomenon, especially if it causes bad breath

Plaque on teeth in children: types, causes, treatment and prevention

Plaque on teeth in children: types, causes, treatment and prevention

Plaque on the teeth of children is the result of the vital activity of harmful microflora of bacterial origin. The oral cavity is a natural habitat for many different pathogens. Almost all types of bacteria are benign and are directly involved in the process of digestion of food, and are also responsible for maintaining sterility in the oral cavity

Oral B irrigator: description

Oral B irrigator: description

Irrigators have appeared on our market relatively recently. Therefore, it is not surprising that many do not fully understand what this thing is. We invite you to find out what Oral B accessories are, which model of irrigator is better, and how to use the device correctly

Oral irrigators: which is better to choose? Oral hygiene products

Oral irrigators: which is better to choose? Oral hygiene products

Snow-white teeth and a beautiful smile, perhaps, this is the dream of any girl. But not only women care about dental he alth, men are also actively interested in this topic. Recently, oral irrigators have appeared. Which is better to choose? For what purposes are they intended? We will talk about these and other issues in the article

How is stomatitis treated in adults?

How is stomatitis treated in adults?

Stomatitis in adults is not as rare as it might seem at first glance. And in order to effectively deal with it, first of all, you should know about the causes of this disease

Ligature braces: description and reviews

Ligature braces: description and reviews

Ligature bracket system is a popular way to create the perfect dentition. There is a classification according to the material used as the basis for the design, as well as a distinction according to the method of attachment. Ligature braces - the classic system preferred by most patients

How a denture is repaired

How a denture is repaired

Dentures are installed with absolute or partial loss of teeth. This is especially true for the loss of a chewing tooth. The arsenal of modern dentistry is large. Doctors make all kinds of dentures, which are distinguished by wear resistance, convenience and aesthetic properties

Herpes stomatitis in a child: symptoms and treatment

Herpes stomatitis in a child: symptoms and treatment

The child began to eat poorly and is constantly naughty, and a rash appeared on the oral mucosa? Most likely, it is herpes stomatitis. In a child, this disease requires an integrated approach to treatment. Otherwise, the risk of complications increases

Where is the wisdom tooth, structural features and indications for removal

Where is the wisdom tooth, structural features and indications for removal

An adult has 32 teeth, but not all appear in childhood. Four of them erupt no earlier than 17 years. Often this process is accompanied by severe pain. But many do not notice it and do not even know where the wisdom tooth is. These last molars, which look no different from neighboring teeth, actually have some features

White pimple on the gum: causes and methods of treatment

White pimple on the gum: causes and methods of treatment

What can be a white pimple on the gum: wen, cyst, abscess, flux or stomatitis. Causes, symptoms and prevention of diseases. What are the dangers of pustules in the oral cavity for human he alth and life. Therapeutic rinses at home

Does it hurt to remove tartar? Removal of tartar by ultrasound: reviews

Does it hurt to remove tartar? Removal of tartar by ultrasound: reviews

When plaque on the teeth has already turned into stone and there are no medical indications against it, it is permissible to use cleaning of plaque by means of ultrasound therapy. Is it painful to remove tartar with ultrasound? Most patients will answer this question in the negative. The procedure will not cause pain to the patient

Stomatitis in children: symptoms and treatment

Stomatitis in children: symptoms and treatment

When a baby cries, indicating pain in the mouth, many parents think it's teething. But this is not always the case. Your child may have stomatitis. How to determine the type of disease and cure it, we will tell you in this article

Removable dentures. Which is better to choose?

Removable dentures. Which is better to choose?

A beautiful smile is very important for a person. Knowing that everything is in order with our teeth, we feel more confident, we are not afraid to smile, we do not know any embarrassment. But it happens that your own teeth need to be replaced with removable dentures. Which are better and how to choose the right ones? We will prompt

The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease: reviews

The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease: reviews

Folk remedies for periodontal disease of the teeth will provide significant assistance in the treatment of the disease. Can be used in conjunction with medical therapy

How is stomatitis treated in adults and children?

How is stomatitis treated in adults and children?

Many factors affect oral he alth. Often, neglect of hygiene procedures or some kind of malfunction in the body leads to stomatitis. Depending on the pathogen, the disease is classified by type. Let us consider in more detail what factors provoke the disease and how stomatitis is treated. After all, everyone knows the saying that any disease is better to prevent than to treat later. In this situation, it will be useful to know what are the causes of the disease