What causes a snapping jaw?

What causes a snapping jaw?
What causes a snapping jaw?

Some people experience the most unpleasant symptom when the jaw clicks when chewing or when opening the mouth. Many try to ignore it. However, the crunch or clicks of the jaw indicate dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint. The correct shape and position of the teeth is the key to the normal functioning of the lower jaw joint.

snapping jaw
snapping jaw

So why does the jaw click when chewing? The reasons for this symptom can be different:

  • Increased abrasion of teeth, leading to a change in their anatomical shape.
  • The presence of artificial crowns, selected without taking into account the individual characteristics of the patient.
  • Facial injuries that led to damage to the jaw.
  • Misaligned teeth that form the wrong taste.
  • Inflammation of the temporomandibular joint.
  • Incorrect treatment by a dentist or orthodontist.
  • Wear of cartilage in the joint of the lower jaw.
  • Subluxation of the jaw joint due to a violent yawn or a quick bite of a hard vegetable or fruit.

The snapping jaw causes a lot of inconvenience. What to do? First, you should contact the orthodontist, who will help assess the situation andidentify the causes of an unpleasant symptom. If necessary, he will refer to other specialists to conduct a complete examination of the function of the temporomandibular joint. The same specialist will create a personalized treatment plan.

jaw clicks when opening mouth
jaw clicks when opening mouth

Signs of dysfunction of the temporomandibular joint can also be:

  • Erasing the enamel on the teeth.
  • Increased tooth sensitivity.
  • Visible defects in teeth.
  • Pain when chewing in the muscles or jaw, radiating to the ear.
  • Tension in the muscles of the head or neck.
  • Pain when closing the jaw.

If you see a doctor late, a snapping jaw and other symptoms can lead to irreversible consequences, such as limited mouth opening or impaired speech and facial expressions. It is not uncommon for a person to open his mouth, but he could no longer close it. Therefore, a snapping jaw is a reason for urgent medical attention.

How to deal with this problem? If there is no pain, then ordinary gymnastics helps a person well, for example, move the jaw to the sides and forward. Often, treatment consists of restoring missing teeth or placing them in the correct position. Tooth abrasion is treated according to the method of Rudolf Slavicek. The method is quite time consuming, but very effective. In complex treatment, an important role is played by analgesics and sedatives, which eliminate symptoms. Chewing gum is contraindicated for patients, they are advised to wear a protective pad between their teeth at the time of sleep.

why does jaw click when chewing
why does jaw click when chewing

When the snapping jaw brings severe pain, you should attach a damp warm towel to it and drink painkillers. Also help with pain is self-massage of the muscles of the neck and head. The outcome of recovery depends on timely seeking help. Advanced cases sometimes cannot be cured completely, leading the patient to lifelong problems. Remember that disease is easier to prevent than to cure.
