How a denture is repaired

How a denture is repaired
How a denture is repaired

Dentures are installed with absolute or partial loss of teeth. This is especially true for the loss of a chewing tooth. The arsenal of modern dentistry is large. Doctors make all kinds of dentures, which are distinguished by wear resistance, comfort and aesthetic properties.

What modern dentures look like

Modern prosthetic designs are distinguished by lightness. They are created in accordance with innovative technologies. High quality materials are taken as the basis for manufacturing. But even this does not guarantee eternity. When exposed to external factors, prostheses can be partially or completely damaged.

Denture repair
Denture repair

Modern dentistry has several types of removable dentures:

  • Full detachable look. It is based on records. Such prostheses are used for complete loss of teeth. The basis of such a product is pressed acrylic plastic. The model for the upper jaw covers the palate and is fixed on the gums by means of a suction effect or specialadhesive pastes. The basis for the manufacture of teeth is ceramic or plastic.
  • Designs that are not completely removed. They are installed with partial loss of a row of teeth or one tooth. Such a prosthesis replenishes chewing teeth.
  • Immediate prosthesis is a temporary construction based on plastic. It is worn until the permanent construction is made.
  • Model based on clasp. It is fastened with clasps.
  • Nylon-based structures are used to replace one or more teeth.

Causes of damage

In fact, there are quite a few factors that contribute to damage to prostheses:

  • material has low flexural, impact and tensile strength;
  • denture base becomes obsolete;
  • when chewing food, zones of increased tension appear;
  • The rules of oral hygiene are not observed;
  • structure broke from falling;
  • inaccurate extraction or placement of a prosthesis in the oral cavity;
  • service life over 5 years;
  • poor material quality;
  • loss of a support tooth that needs to be corrected;
  • defects in use.

Repair of a denture or its complete replacement should be carried out as soon as possible. As a rule, such a question is solved by a dental technician.

Timely repair of the structure will stop the development of a number of possible complications. A faulty prosthesis can damage the soft tissues of the mouth. There is also a risk of swallowing its fragments, which can cause asphyxia. Throughcracked mouths allow harmful bacteria to enter, causing bad breath.

Bridge Repair

Chipped and cracked fixed structures (crowns, ceramic bridges, etc.) are rare. Repair of a denture of a similar model is impractical. If there are defects, it is recommended to replace it.

Removable denture repair
Removable denture repair

The following bridge failures can be listed:

  • formation of cracks and chips on the surface of crowns;
  • artificial teeth enamel changes color;
  • crown falls out of the bridge row;
  • fasteners damaged;
  • live abutment defective.

Repair of a bridge denture involves restoring the integrity of the crown structure. In the event of a damaged support, a complete replacement of the prosthesis is resorted to, since its structure in this case will be completely new. After all, the technician chooses a new tooth to fix the bridge.

How a removable denture is repaired

Removable structures are subject to simple restoration. This is because sending to the technician in the laboratory is not difficult.

Before starting the repair of a removable denture, it is thoroughly examined and the degree of damage is assessed. An additional check is also carried out, which reveals the presence of the smallest cracks. By means of special devices, they begin to clean the stone and plaque formed on the prosthesis. The use of innovative methods in this process protectshim from damage.

When the preparatory stage is completed, the technician glues the broken prosthesis together with special resins. They securely connect the parts of the structure. As a result, she acquires a beautiful appearance. With a good level of repair, adhesions are invisible.

The cost of dental technician services

In dental clinics, dentures are repaired, the price of which depends on a number of factors:

  • view of the structure itself (removable or non-removable);
  • denture base (plastic, nylon, acrylic);
  • degree of functional impairment (presence of small cracks, breakages, etc.).

Today for the repair of dentures in Moscow, as a rule, the cost does not exceed 3,500 rubles.

Repair of dentures in Moscow
Repair of dentures in Moscow

If you are interested in the price of repairing the structure, it is recommended to contact the clinic and sign up for a free consultation.

Experts will be able to solve any problem. A high level of doctor's preparedness and modern troubleshooting methods are the key to the success of the work performed. A high-quality service by a technician will ensure a long service life of the prosthesis, saving the patient from worries.

Denture repair price
Denture repair price

Restoring a broken structure is tantamount to making a new prosthesis. It should look flawless and have good functionality.
