Plaque on teeth in children: types, causes, treatment and prevention

Plaque on teeth in children: types, causes, treatment and prevention
Plaque on teeth in children: types, causes, treatment and prevention

Plaque on the teeth of children is the result of the vital activity of harmful microflora of bacterial origin. The oral cavity is a natural habitat for many different pathogens. Almost all types of bacteria are benign in nature and are directly involved in the process of digestion of food, and are also responsible for maintaining sterility in the oral cavity.

There is plaque on milk teeth in children, as well as on indigenous ones.

dental plaque in children
dental plaque in children

However, in addition to beneficial bacteria, there are also harmful ones that provoke deposits and stains on the child's tooth enamel. On milk teeth, plaque forms much faster. Non-compliance with hygiene standards and rules for caring for the oral cavity forces the destruction of the upper coating of the tooth and contributes to the appearance of such an unpleasant phenomenon as caries.

Why does a child have a dark plaque on the teeth?Let's take a closer look at this issue.

Reasons for appearance

The occurrence of plaque on the teeth in children is a fairly common phenomenon, but not every parent has sufficient information about the factors that provoke this phenomenon. Dental plaque is a large accumulation of food debris, bacteria and epithelial particles that eventually settle into pockets under the gums and on and between the surfaces of the teeth.

As long as the amount of deposits is minimal, they are invisible to the eye and do not have a detrimental effect on the he alth of the child's teeth. However, if hygiene procedures and rules for oral care are not followed, plaque becomes a favorable environment for activating the reproduction of pathogenic microflora, which begins to systematically destroy natural tooth enamel.

Provoking factors

Factors that can lead to the pathological development of harmful bacteria and the appearance of plaque on the front teeth of a child are:

brown plaque on teeth
brown plaque on teeth

1. Diseases of a fungal nature.

2. The wrong composition of saliva, formed at the stage of intrauterine development of the child.

3. Intestinal dysbacteriosis.

4. Abuse of sugary drinks from a baby bottle.

In adolescence, plaque on the teeth of children may appear for the following reasons:

1. Non-compliance with hygiene procedures when caring for the oral cavity, the wrong choice of brush or toothpaste.

2. permanenteating foods that do not require chewing.

3. Intestinal dysbacteriosis, as well as pathological processes in the biliary tract.

4. Dental diseases, pathologies of the oral mucosa, malocclusion that interferes with chewing food.

There are several variants of plaque on the teeth, which differ from each other in color characteristics and some features.

Classification of plaque on the teeth in children is based on its color.


All light tones of plaque are classified as soft. If the child's oral hygiene is complete, then it does not pose a danger, especially for milk teeth. The formation of this type of plaque occurs slowly and is eliminated even by minimal impact of a mechanical type.

The appearance of this plaque is not due to specific age limits, it can occur at any stage of a child's development, starting from the period of the introduction of complementary foods after breastfeeding. White plaque on the teeth of a child under the age of one year is the result of milk or formula residue. Mixing with the cells of the epithelium of the mucous membrane of the mouth, as well as with bacterial organisms, a mass is formed that covers the outer surface of the tooth.

why does a child have dark plaque on the teeth
why does a child have dark plaque on the teeth


The structure of the plaque is identical to the previous version and such deposits occur as a result of non-compliance with the rules of oral hygiene. When a child is a year old, yellow plaque on the teeth alarms many parents. If it accumulates inover a long period of time, this can lead to the formation of caries. Like white plaque, yellow can occur regardless of age, as it is a complication of the first option. The invasion of harmful bacteria deep into the plaque leads to the transformation of its color from white to yellow. In this case, the color acquires intensity over time, up to shades of orange and brown. Such transformations are a worrying sign.

Brown patina

Brown plaque on the teeth of a child is formed after the age of one year. This is a consequence of a more complete and varied diet of the child. The dark palette of brown in plaque on the teeth is an occasion for an immediate visit to the dentist's office. It is these shades of deposits that are considered harbingers of the formation of caries.

Brown plaque indicates the activation of the reproduction of pathogenic microflora in the child's oral cavity and its penetration into the tooth enamel. The waste products of bacteria penetrate the enamel and lead to its gradual destruction. The reason for the appearance of brown plaque may be a violation in the work of the glands responsible for the secretion of saliva. This leads to an increase in the concentration of iron in saliva. Metal particles interact with sulfur, which occurs against the background of the breakdown of proteins obtained from food. All this leads to the formation of brown plaque on the teeth of the child.


Appears in children from the age of five, and affects the entire oral cavity, not limited to the surface of the teeth. Peakgrowth of green plaque accounts for school attendance. Most often, specific treatment for this type of plaque is not required, since in most cases it is eliminated on its own when the child goes through puberty. But visiting a dentist to find out the cause of the raid is definitely worth it. Removal of plaque is not required, as it cannot provoke periodontal tissue damage. The main reason for the appearance of green deposits is the presence of a special type of fungus that secretes a specific pigmenting substance called chlorophyll. This substance is responsible for the greenish tint of plaque and staining of tooth enamel.

plaque on molars in a child
plaque on molars in a child

Gray or black

This plaque appears in children of any age and gender. The most common cause of its appearance is caries. Initial symptoms are typical for children of any age group. It should be borne in mind that without a visit to the dentist, it is almost impossible to get rid of caries. Only qualified help from a specialist can restore the whiteness and attractiveness of a smile to a child. The presence of caries deposits is indicated by persistent layers from gray to deep black. The appearance of such a plaque can be due to both external and internal influences. Without a dentist, it is quite difficult to identify risk factors. It can be malnutrition, imbalance of hormones in the body as a whole or in the digestive system in particular. Scientists also consider the hereditary factor important for education.caries. The best option is to visit a specialist at the first sign of such a manifestation on the teeth. What else is plaque on the teeth of a one-year-old child?

Priestley Raid

The consequences of the formation of such a plaque are aesthetic discomfort. Plaque is in no way capable of provoking the appearance of pathologies in children. Most often, dark spots are localized on the back surface of the tooth and are removed using special tools in the dental clinic. The most common cause of plaque is considered to be incorrect functioning of the gastrointestinal tract. If the pathological processes in this area of the body are not eliminated, plaque will form again after removal.

Each of the listed types of deposits on the teeth can cause a lot of trouble not only for children, but also for parents. It should be borne in mind that not all of these variants of plaque lead to damage to periodontal tissues and require special treatment. Most of these plaque patterns do not lead to serious consequences for dental he alth, but are only an aesthetic problem.

What is plaque indicator for kids?

Plaque Agent is available for sale. She needs to rinse her mouth for 30 seconds, and the areas with plaque will become visible. They will turn blue. Then you should brush your teeth again with a brush and test again. With proper brushing of the teeth, there should be no blue zones. If there are again stained areas on the teeth, it may be an old hardened plaque,for the removal of which the help of a dentist is already needed.


It is not always possible to remove plaque at home. To eliminate the layers of white or yellow, you need to use a toothbrush and toothpaste regularly. Mechanical action in most cases is enough to remove the problem. The deposits are soft and can be easily scraped off.

plaque indicator for children
plaque indicator for children

The situation is different with the removal of hard deposits. It is almost impossible to eliminate brown or black plaque on permanent teeth in a child at home. As a rule, qualified dental care is required. The most common methods for cleaning teeth from plaque in the dental office are:

1. Ultrasonic exposure.

2. Sandblasting bleaching option.

3. Mechanical cleaning.

Ultrasonic exposure is considered the safest and most effective way to clean tooth enamel from plaque. This method is suitable for removing all types of deposits. It allows not only to remove pigmentation and darkening of the enamel caused by food dyes and fungus damage to the teeth, but also to clean off the accumulated stone. The principle of action is a directed high-frequency effect on the surface of the tooth, through which plaque is destroyed and easily removed.

Exposure to ultrasound is allowed when the child reaches the age of seven years. This limitation is due to the fact that the enamel of milk teeth is fragile.and fragile, it is easily destroyed by ultrasonic waves.

Sandblasting whitening consists in the use of abrasive microelements, which are delivered from a small dispenser in a directed jet to each tooth in turn. Sodium bicarbonate acts as an abrasive component, which provides the stiffness of the flow. Mixed with water, bicarbonate forms a cleaning solution that gently and gently cleans the outer surface of tooth enamel. Thus, it is possible to eliminate not only the deposits on the inner and outer parts of the teeth, but also to clean the space between them.

It is also possible to clean dental plaque by mechanical action. This method is considered obsolete and is not used in all cases. The method consists in the manual processing of each tooth using special tools and cleaning agents. At the final stage, the teeth are treated with a special toothpaste, which fixes the result of cleaning, creating a protective layer on the enamel and making it stronger.

How to prevent the appearance of plaque on the molars in a child?

plaque on the teeth of a one-year-old child
plaque on the teeth of a one-year-old child

Preventive measures

To completely eliminate the harmful microflora that forms in the oral cavity, it is necessary to regularly and carefully conduct dental hygiene. Quite often, it is not enough to clean your teeth regularly with a regular brush. To prevent a situation in which a child develops plaque on the teeth, other preventive measures may also be needed.methods including:

1. The use of a toothbrush using special children's pastes daily is the most effective way to prevent deposits on the teeth. It is recommended to brush your teeth in the morning and in the evening. Dentists also recommend brushing after every meal. The use of irrigators is allowed. However, they must be appropriate for the age of the child.

2. Making the right diet for the child. Limiting the consumption of sugary foods, as well as various food colorings, will help prevent the formation of plaque.

3. The diet should be enriched with solid foods, plenty of vegetables and herbs. It is solid foods that help clean off plaque while chewing food.

plaque on the front teeth of a child
plaque on the front teeth of a child


There are quite a few factors that can affect the formation of plaque in children. Not all of them require urgent elimination and treatment. In some cases, it is enough to find out the cause of the plaque and cure it. Good oral hygiene, as well as regular visits to the dentist, significantly reduce the risk of plaque formation.
