Do milk teeth hurt: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

Do milk teeth hurt: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews
Do milk teeth hurt: causes, possible diseases, methods of treatment, reviews

Toothache is an unpleasant symptom that occurs in adults and children. It appears for various reasons, including due to diseases of the oral cavity. To improve the condition, various means are used. Do milk teeth hurt, described in the article.

Tooth Shaping

From the age of 6 months, the first teeth erupt. By 2.5 years, this process is completed, but the timing is individual. It is believed that milk teeth do not have roots. But these teeth are arranged in the same way as permanent teeth, except for slight differences in structure.

do baby teeth hurt
do baby teeth hurt

The shape of a milk tooth is similar to a permanent one: it has a crown, a neck and a root. First, a crown is cut into the cavity through the gums, this is helped by the sharp shape of the tubercles and cutting edges, as well as strong chewing movements performed during meals or using a special silicone teether.

Then, within 1, 5-3, 5 years, the formation of the root of each tooth occurs. This is followed by a period of rest, when the structure of the tooth hardly changes. This periodlasts 3-4 years. From the age of 5, the roots of milk teeth dissolve, and then permanent teeth appear. This process is considered natural and painless if there is no caries and its complications. Do milk teeth hurt with caries in children at 2 years old? Most often this happens when the state of the disease is running.

Does it hurt?

Do baby teeth hurt? Some parents are surprised if a child develops a toothache. These sensations are often observed. Milk teeth also have roots, which are only located differently compared to adults - wider. Under them, the rudiments of permanent teeth are hidden.

Do baby teeth hurt?
Do baby teeth hurt?

Going to the dentist is necessary after the eruption of the first milk teeth. In the year of the child, a pediatric dentist should examine. Then you need to go to the dentist at least 3 times a year. Parents should take into account that at the beginning of the destruction of milk teeth, pain may be absent. Caries manifests itself when cavities form. And pain can occur due to pulpitis and periostitis, when you need to urgently see a doctor.


The pain of milk teeth appears due to various reasons. This is affected by a complication of pregnancy, the use of sweets, insufficient oral hygiene.

Most kids eat a lot of goodies, and not everyone brushes their teeth. Usually, pain appears due to diseases that require diagnosis and treatment. According to dentists, in each case, the method of therapy may differ depending on the condition of the teeth.

Does a baby tooth hurt whenstaggering? In this case, pain may appear, but it may not be. Often tooth loss occurs without unpleasant symptoms.


This disease on milk teeth is detected in ¾ of children. Caries destroys the hard tissues of the tooth. If you do not go to the dentist in a timely manner, then the disease affects the oral cavity of the child. It causes pulpitis and periostitis.

do milk teeth hurt in children with caries 3 years
do milk teeth hurt in children with caries 3 years

Do milk teeth hurt with caries? These sensations can manifest themselves, especially when the disease is running. In order to identify problems in a timely manner, you need to pay attention to the following symptoms:

  • matte spots appear first - white or yellowish;
  • dark spots appear with progression:
  • recesses are formed - holes in the teeth;
  • pain from hot, cold, sweet food;
  • bad breath.

There is such a thing as "bottle caries". It suggests the development of caries in infants. An ailment develops due to the fact that children are given bottles with a sweet drink before bedtime - juice, compote, milk or a mixture. Sucrose is a food source for bacteria that lead to tooth decay.

Why should caries be taken seriously and go to the dentist? Teeth in children are vulnerable and cavities in them form quickly. The infection affects the oral cavity. Do milk teeth hurt at the beginning of the pathology? There may not be such sensations, caries can only be detected by holes. According to doctors, the pain manifests itself with complications– pulpitis and periostitis.

Caries treatment

Do baby teeth hurt with caries in children at 3 years old? Such a symptom is likely with complications. At the initial stage, the silvering method is used - silver nitrate is applied to the teeth. The procedure is painless and stops the destruction. But the tooth becomes black after treatment, which is considered a disadvantage from the aesthetic side.

The method of remineralization is applied - the affected areas are ground off, and then fluoride varnish is applied. This serves to protect the tooth enamel and prevents the spread of caries. The procedure does not take much time and does not cause pain.

If the disease has not caused cavities, the dentist may use Icon. The substance tightly covers the enamel in the affected part. The UV lamp is used for polymerization and caries is blocked. This method does not require a drill or anesthesia.

At the later stages, filling is applied. Painkillers are used, first the carious tissues are removed by the doctor, and then the cavities are sealed with the help of special materials. They are called prophylactic, they secrete substances that strengthen dental tissue. Caries appears due to reduced immunity. Tooth decay in children is often observed after colds and other infectious diseases.


Caries in a complicated form is called pulpitis. This is a disease that destroys the pulp - the soft inner tissues of the tooth. They include blood vessels and nerve endings. Infection from hard tissues enters soft tissues, inflammation of the pulp occurs and this leads to severepain.

does a baby tooth hurt when it wobbles
does a baby tooth hurt when it wobbles

The development of the process is fast. Do milk teeth hurt in this case? At first, the child may complain of slight pain, and then it may turn into crying. In this case, you need to urgently go to the dentist. He will choose the appropriate ways to treat pulpitis.

Treatment of pulpitis

Whether baby teeth hurt or not, they need to be treated. Different methods are used for this:

  1. Conservative. The carious cavity is opened, cleaned and disinfected. Then it is sealed using special high-tech materials.
  2. Electrophoresis. After the injection, the drugs accumulate in the painful tooth and have a healing effect.
  3. Surgical method - the pulp is removed partially or completely. Then there is the processing of dental tissues, the application of medicines and the filling of root canals and teeth.

For the treatment of pulpitis, the doctor may suggest one of the following methods:

  1. Vital amputation. The procedure involves the removal of the coronal pulp, and a disinfectant is applied to the root pulp.
  2. Devital amputation. First, the nerve is removed with arsenic preparations. Then the inanimate pulp is removed, a medical paste is introduced into the cavity, thanks to which the infection cannot spread.

Pulpitis in milk teeth is treated with modern methods of anesthesia. The treatment uses safe, hypoallergenic products. anesthesia is local and general. Pulpitis needs to be treatedin a timely manner, otherwise the infection passes into the tissues surrounding the milk tooth.


This term suggests inflammation of the periosteum. In the usual language, this is a flux. Inflamed gums swell, pus accumulates there. The disease is considered dangerous because the infection can spread quickly and can lead to death. According to reviews, this ailment is painful.

do milk teeth hurt in children and how to soothe this pain
do milk teeth hurt in children and how to soothe this pain

In this case, do milk teeth hurt and how to soothe this pain? The affected area will hurt, the temperature will still rise, the cheek will swell. With periostitis, urgent medical attention is required. If the disease manifests itself at night, you need to call an ambulance. Do not rinse your mouth and apply compresses. Self-medication can lead to serious complications. Treatment is through surgery, medication and physiotherapy.

First Aid

All parents need to know if baby teeth hurt in children and how to soothe this pain at home? First aid is provided as follows:

  1. You need to examine the oral cavity, probably the pain appeared due to the remnants of food stuck between the teeth.
  2. It is necessary to brush your teeth, rinse your mouth with a warm decoction of sage, calendula, chamomile. A s alt or baking soda solution is used as a rinse.
  3. It will be possible to eliminate pain with children's analgesics - Nurofen, Panadol.
  4. Get rid of pain with caries with propolisor oil - clove or mint.
  5. Pain relief is carried out by massaging the ear in the upper part, near the diseased tooth. The procedure lasts at least 5 minutes.
  6. You need to distract the child by any means - play with him, read, watch cartoons.
  7. See a doctor as soon as possible.

Do I need to visit the dentist?

Many parents do not want to treat baby teeth, believing that they will fall out anyway. This is considered irresponsible. After that, serious complications are likely. According to dentists, if there is no timely treatment, it will be necessary to remove diseased milk teeth, which is why the jaw develops incorrectly.

do baby teeth hurt in children and how to soothe this pain at home
do baby teeth hurt in children and how to soothe this pain at home

Permanent teeth will appear out of place, resulting in malocclusion. Due to the lack of part of the teeth, food is poorly chewed, which leads to problems with the gastrointestinal tract. The rudiments of the permanent ones are located under the milk teeth, and if the infection has penetrated into them, the destruction will begin and the molars will grow sick.


Tooth decay and pain is easier to prevent than to treat. Prevention is:

  • regular brushing;
  • oral examination by parents and dentist;
  • preventing injury and chipping;
  • control diet.

From the age of 1.5, parents should teach their child to brush their teeth regularly. It is important to explain how to do it right. Not only the dentist, but also parents can examine the oral cavity. If you suspectfor some kind of oral ailment, you should immediately go to the pediatric dentist.

do milk teeth hurt with caries
do milk teeth hurt with caries

Mechanical damage leads to tooth diseases. In order to prevent diseases, it is necessary to prevent the fall of the child. If this happens, you need to examine the oral cavity. The diet is also important. Before going to bed, do not feed your child sugary foods. At night, saliva washes less of the teeth, and sugar residues in the mouth are food for harmful microorganisms.

The condition of milk teeth affects the formation of a he althy jaw in children. Therefore, a visit to the dentist is a must. It does not matter whether milk teeth hurt during caries in children aged 1.5 years and older or not. Preventive check-ups will never be superfluous.
