Receding gums: treatment, photo

Receding gums: treatment, photo
Receding gums: treatment, photo

Receding gums or recession is not only an obvious external defect, in the presence of which it is impossible to smile without shame, but also a pathology that causes he althy teeth to fall out. In addition, such a disease is among the processes that are progressive in nature, since over time it can spread to the entire jaw.

Recession essentially means the omission of soft fibers caused by the destruction of bone tissue, as a result of which the roots of the teeth are exposed. It is entirely possible to prevent this. However, for this it is necessary to establish the cause of the receding gums. Treatment will be discussed below.

gum disease treatment
gum disease treatment

Reason for omission

It is not worth restoring the gum without establishing the exact cause of its omission, since treatment in this case may become useless, since the defect will eventually return. One of the reasons that can affect the occurrence of a symptom are periodontal pathologies:

  • periodontal disease;
  • gingivitis in a severe stage;
  • periodontitis.

In addition to soft tissue diseases, another factor is poor oral hygiene, resulting in the accumulation of deposits in the periodontal pocket, creating a favorable atmosphere for pathogenicmicroorganisms. As a result, the recess expands, and the toxins that are released by the bacteria corrode the tissues around them, including the bone, and then gingival prolapse occurs. Treatment must be timely.

Other triggers

In addition, the defect also appears due to other factors:

  • Incorrect flossing.
  • Incorrect brushing of teeth resulting in soft tissue damage.
  • Using hygiene products that are not suitable for a person, such as toothpaste containing a lot of abrasive particles or an old brush.
  • gum disease treatment at home
    gum disease treatment at home
  • Abnormal structure of the oral cavity.
  • Descent of the alveolar process due to tooth loss. Since there is no load on this area, a metabolic and blood supply disorder occurs, leading to prolapse.
  • Tooth anomalies.
  • Incorrect closure of the jaws, such as a deep bite, when the lower arch overlaps the upper and the gums touch;
  • Designs improperly fitted by the dentist.
  • Caries in the area of the root of the tooth or neck.
  • Age-related predisposition, such as those over 60.
  • Due to uncontrollable grinding of teeth (bruxism), predominantly during sleep.
  • Due to hormonal disruptions that occur in women.
  • Ascorbic acid deficiency.
  • Various bad habits such as smoking, nail biting.

Afterthe reason for the omission has been eliminated, the next stage of therapy can begin, during which it is necessary to lift the soft tissues, thus covering the roots of the teeth. Treating receding gums is not an easy process.

Symptoms of drooping

At the beginning of the disease, it is very difficult to notice the omission, unless the tooth or gum starts to hurt. That is why most patients detect the development of pathology already when the roots of the teeth are exposed.

Gingival prolapse, the photo of which is presented below, is recognized by the following signs:

receding gums treatment medications
receding gums treatment medications
  • full or partial exposure of the tooth root;
  • gradual lowering of the gum level;
  • increased tooth sensitivity to cold and hot food (this symptom appears after a while);
  • development of caries on the tooth root, which can be accidentally noticed during a preventive visit to a specialist.


Recession is divided into such types as:

  • Physiological. It is the most common and is found in older people (from 60 years old), that is, the disease is caused by the aging process. At the same time, inflammation does not develop, the teeth are stable, and the roots are clearly visible.
  • Traumatic. It is caused by soft tissue injuries of a mechanical type, for example, due to a brush of high rigidity or hard pieces of food. In this case, inflammation does not occur, bleeding of the gums is not observed, exposure of the roots isinsignificant character. This variety can occur in patients of any age.
gingival prolapse photo
gingival prolapse photo

Symptomatic. It is caused by poor hygiene, as well as chronic gingivitis and periodontitis. Most often, the omission affects the anterior teeth of the lower row. However, they are loosened, and the gums can bleed and swell

Depending on the degree of severity, prolapse is divided into mild (no more than three millimeters), medium (no more than five) and severe (five or more). Consider how the treatment of receding gums is carried out.

Surgical method of therapy

To successfully treat prolapse, you must first find out what is causing the disease. The gums need to be raised not only for aesthetic reasons, but also to prevent the risk of caries on the roots of the teeth. As their sensitivity increases, there are problems with eating and drinking. Acute pain can occur even while inhaling air through the mouth.

Surgical treatment is predominantly chosen as it brings the most effective result. The operation is performed under local anesthesia (if the case is complex, then general anesthesia can be used) and includes the following manipulations:

  • in the place of the gum where there is a pathology, a pair of parallel incisions are made, as a result of which a flap of soft tissue is formed;
  • treatment of a bare root with drugs that help cleanse bacterial plaque;
  • a tissue flap is fixed with sutures so that the gumwas able to get up;
  • if the case is severe, and the gums are not enough to lift, then a piece of tissue is taken from the palate, and then it is sewn to the right place.
prolapse of the lower gum
prolapse of the lower gum


Such a transplant makes it possible to correct even a strong prolapse of the lower gums. However, this method also has certain disadvantages:

  • in the region of the palate where the tissue is taken from, discomfort will be felt, and healing will occur after a while;
  • due to color differences between the palate and gums, there are disadvantages from an aesthetic point of view;
  • It takes time for the new tissue to settle in.

What to do during the recovery period?

After the operation, the patient must follow the instructions given by the doctor. Most often, recovery takes no more than two weeks. During this period you need:

  • use mouthwashes that fight bacteria and promote faster healing of soft tissues;
  • toothpaste for receding gums, which has an anti-inflammatory effect;
  • when brushing your teeth, use only a soft brush and bypass the area that has been operated on;
  • do not engage in high physical activity;
  • do not drink alcohol and do not smoke;
  • do not eat hot or cold foods;
  • if the pain is severe, then you can apply a cold compress on the cheek or lip, but not on the gum;
  • eat soft foods to avoid gum injury.

First time after soft tissue surgerythere will be swelling, the patient may feel pain. This is normal and will soon pass. If the symptoms do not disappear for a long time, you need to contact a specialist, and he, in turn, will prescribe additional therapy. Is it possible to treat receding gums at home? More on that later.

gum disease toothpaste
gum disease toothpaste

Other treatments

When detecting omission, you must immediately go to the doctor, who will advise how best to treat the pathology. It all depends on the results of the inspection. The following methods may apply.

  • Lateral flap. With this method, the gums can be lifted. However, it is used quite rarely, since it is necessary to shift he althy tissues to damaged areas. If the defect affects almost the entire jaw, this method is very difficult to apply. But still, this type of treatment has significant advantages. So, you do not need to wait for its result for a long time - it will appear immediately. If you follow all the preventive norms, then the chances of the problem returning are minimized. What other remedy for receding gums is there?
  • Collagen membrane. It is placed on the cortical plate of the alveolar process in order to restore tissues. As soon as its functions are completed, it must be removed. There are also absorbable materials that dissolve themselves within a certain time, but they are much more expensive. Thanks to the membrane, about 80% of tissues are regenerated. Are there medications to treat receding gums?
  • Therapy withmedicines. This method is suitable for those patients who are very afraid of surgery. Treatment in this case is aimed at activating the recovery process by injecting enzymes that affect the growth of amelogenin, that is, the protein in tooth enamel. Thanks to this, the restoration of dental roots and connective tissue begins. At the same time, soft tissues are treated with an enamel matrix, which slows down the development of pathology. However, you will have to wait a long time for the result. Although it is worth it, the fabrics will look neat after restoration.

If the gum has sagged, experts believe that these methods will solve the problem. In addition, the effect of therapy can be enhanced by combining traditional and folk treatments.

So, if gingival prolapse is noted. How to raise? A gel with an anti-inflammatory effect can help (Asepta, Metrogyl). It is necessary to regularly massage the gums with your fingers using these products.

Folk treatments

It is impossible to raise the gum with the help of folk methods. But they can eliminate inflammation and speed up the healing process. The most popular are the following recipes.

Tincture of calamus root and propolis. It is necessary to pour 10 g of propolis 0.5 l of alcohol, and then leave the mixture for 2 weeks in a dark place. Then you need to crush the calamus root and perform the same procedure with it. After both mixtures are infused, they are combined in a ratio of 1 to 1. You should rinse your mouth with this tincture no more than three times a day.

Decoctions of various herbs. Are usedchamomile, yarrow, mint, lemon balm and other plants that have an anti-inflammatory effect. For one tablespoon of the crushed ingredient in dry form, a glass of water is taken. Then the broth is boiled for 15-20 minutes, and after it has cooled down, you need to rinse your mouth after all meals. Receding gum medicine should be used regularly.

The use of herbal infusions will have a beneficial effect on the condition of tissues. However, the instructions must be followed exactly to avoid receding gums. And, of course, you need to be examined by a dentist 2 times a year for preventive purposes in order to immediately prevent such pathologies.

remedy for receding gums
remedy for receding gums

Disease prevention

To avoid such an ailment as gum recession, you need to follow a number of simple rules. So, if there is an abnormal bite, it should be corrected as soon as possible. This can cause not only receding gums, but also many other serious pathologies.

You can treat malocclusion with a huge range of braces, from which you can choose the right one for each patient after an appropriate consultation with an orthodontist.

The next step is constant oral hygiene. It is necessary to brush your teeth twice a day, while the brush should be soft. Do not forget to clean the accumulated plaque from the tongue and cheeks.

In conclusion

It is not recommended to eat a lot of sweets and foods that contribute to the destruction of tooth enamel. If possible, avoid getting into the cavitymouth of germs, since the mucous membrane has no protection and becomes inflamed due to infection in almost all cases, and this can lead to gum prolapse.

It is also necessary to have in your diet foods that contain zinc, calcium, vitamins E, D. Elements prevent the development of periodontal disease.
