With age, teeth require special care, every six months it is recommended to go to the dentist for prevention. Often, when there is pain in one tooth, other teeth that are next to it begin to hurt, in which case the pain does not need to be endured, but an urgent need to contact a specialist. For most people, tooth extraction is a painful procedure that frightens with one word. Many try to endure, delay the procedure as long as possible.
In the modern world, everything has changed, the technique and qualifications of doctors have changed. Once a terrible tooth extraction has become an absolutely painless process. Special techniques and methods have been developed for removing teeth without pain in the lower jaw.

Traditional method
The procedure for removing a wisdom tooth without pain does not cause discomfort, because during such a procedure, the tooth is pulled outnerves. In order for the process to be painless, all sorts of anesthetics are used. This means that local or general anesthesia is administered. General anesthesia is administered in rare cases. All this happens in a hospital, when the patient has intolerance to local anesthesia drugs or with psycho-emotional overexcitation.
In turn, local anesthesia is distinguished as: injection and application. When using the injection method, an injection is made into the gum, this will anesthetize the desired area. After administering the medicine, a person will not feel pain in a few minutes. This process is short and very fast.
Application (without the use of injections) anesthesia consists in the fact that a special agent is applied to the gum where the diseased tooth is located, which anesthetizes and has the form of a gel. This procedure is great for the removal of milk teeth, in the case of an advanced stage of the disease, when the tooth is severely inflamed, the effect of anesthetics will not be fully. This is due to inflamed tissues, blood supply increases in them, then the effect of the drug will be less effective. If the disease is not treated for a long time, the pain will increase. If any diseases of the oral cavity appear, you should urgently consult a specialist, the sooner this is done, the faster and more efficiently the problem can be eliminated.
Like any other process, the folk method of painless removal of molars has its pros and cons.

Pros of tooth extraction withoutthe pains are as follows:
- Low operation cost.
- No overall effect on the body.
- The method is completely safe, suitable even for children.
The following are the disadvantages of tooth extraction without pain and blood:
- In some cases, there is an allergy to the components.
- In the inflammatory process, pain relief is ineffective.
- Anesthesia has a strong effect on the central nervous system.
It is not recommended to use this technique for people with individual intolerance to the anesthetics used, as well as for those who have a low pain threshold. This technique does not work well in inflammatory processes, it simply becomes ineffective.

Using anesthetics
Many patients are interested in: does it hurt to remove teeth, is there any way to carry out the procedure painlessly? At the moment, these issues are being resolved with the help of anesthetics, because the right medicine contributes to painless removal.
During treatment, anesthetics are selected individually for the patient. There are a lot of medicines, so effective, and most importantly, painless removal is guaranteed. Anesthetics can be used even for pregnant women and children.
With the help of the drug, the sensitivity of the tissue is removed, this is done to lull the dental nerves, and so that the information about the extraction of the tooth does not send a pain signal to the brain. After the end of the work of anesthetics, sensitivityis restored, but the person does not feel pain. In medicine, there are two categories of anesthesia: local and general.
Anesthesia technique:
- Application, in this case, a gel or spray is used for anesthesia, the drug is applied to the surface of the gums. The action happens very quickly, in a few seconds, but for work it will be minimal. This option is most often used to remove tartar, open an abscess and for further injection.
- Intraligamentous. In this case, an injection is made between the root and the hole. Cheeks, tongue and lips do not become numb due to infection, so this technique is most often used in pediatric dentistry. This treatment is used to remove caries, pulpitis and teeth.
- Infiltration pain relief. In this case, anesthesia is injected into the upper region of the tooth root. Anesthesia lasts approximately 60 minutes, during which time you can clean the canal or remove the nerve. In order not to feel pain during the injection, the specialist treats the injection area in advance with a special agent.
- Conduction anesthesia is introduced in the case when infiltration does not work or it is necessary to anesthetize several teeth at once. The injection is given into the trunk of the nerve. The medicine anesthetizes the lower jaw, partially tongue and cheeks, lower lip.
- Superficial sedation is an anesthesia that, by its action, immerses a person in a state similar to sleep. With this action, the patient does not feel fear and anxiety, he only reacts to the words of the dentist. This procedure can also be performed on children from four years old.

Pros and cons
The pluses are as follows:
- One tooth or a small area can be anesthetized for extraction.
- Long duration.
- Safety.
- Minimum side effects.
- Some anesthetics are needed for pain relief.
- Extensive action of the drug on deep structures.
- Soft tissues are not deformed when the drug is injected.
- Anesthetic can be applied outside the area of inflammation.
- Painkillers cause less saliva.
- Nerve endings and large blood vessels can be damaged.
- Inability to penetrate deeply.
- Possibility of intravascular management of the solution.
- Individual drug intolerance.
- After suffering a stroke or heart attack for six months.
- In the presence of a disease affecting the endocrine system.
- For referral arrhythmia, tachycardia, unstable angina.
- It is forbidden to administer drugs for bronchial asthma, which is accompanied by hypersensitivity to the drug.
- During severe liver failure.
- For angle-closure glaucoma.
- The remedy is contraindicated in mental illness.

Removal with ultrasound
Current medicine does not stand still, every year it opens new,unique inventions that help thousands of people. And now a new invention has appeared for painless tooth extraction.
Ultrasonic removal occurs according to this principle: during the procedure, tissues are excised using a special device that looks like a pointer. The pointer makes not only point cuts, but at the same time they turn out to be as thin as possible. During operation, this device does not cause harm to he alth, does not injure the gums, nerves and blood vessels.
The action of ultrasound occurs at a distance from a person, such a solution completely eliminates the possibility of infection with an infectious disease, so the risk of infection is zero. Everything is done for the safety of human he alth. During operation, sound waves cut through hard tissues without any problems, while nearby tissues remain intact.
Worth noting are the main advantages of sonic deletion, which include very fast and accurate deletion. This method is very convenient, especially when you need to remove several teeth at once. Ultrasonic removal is much faster than conventional intervention. Such an operation is allowed even with impacted or dystopic teeth. With the help of ultrasound, remote places are not a problem, because the waves penetrate everywhere. During the operation, there is no pain, so this procedure can adequately replace the extraction of teeth under anesthesia. Most operations are carried out under the influence of an anesthetic, but the work of ultrasound is much faster and at the same time with minimal discomfort, almost withoutblood. When removing, there is no overheating of soft tissues, because the action of high temperature is dangerous for the pulp, which is located deep in the tooth. Too much heat can cause inflammation.
Ultrasonic removal is allowed for patients with vascular dysfunction. This procedure is the only removal option for people with clotting problems. The waves of the device have an antiseptic effect, which is very important for patients with allergic reactions of this action.
After the extraction of teeth, there were no complications, compared with the work of other devices. The laser works in an endless mode, it is because of this that infections do not occur.

Pros and cons
Pros include:
- Quick and virtually painless tooth extraction.
- There is no direct contact with patients, so infection is excluded.
- During the procedure there is no overheating of soft tissues.
- The operation has an antiseptic effect, after it you do not need to take antibiotics.
- The machine's laser works in endless mode.
- Removes teeth in hard to reach places.
- The ultrasonic machine is able to remove even the largest teeth with deep roots.
Expensive procedure

This invention has no contraindications, as it has an accurate and painlessinfluence, while the device works at a distance. After the operation, it has an antiseptic effect, which makes it possible to do without antibiotics. Designed even for various diseases.
Bleeding from socket
After even after the most painless removal of wisdom teeth, the doctor applies a gauze pad to treat the removal area. Do not rush to get it, even if it brings discomfort. This tampon should be kept in the mouth for 20 minutes, for patients with arterial hypertension or simply with poor blood clotting, it is preferable to leave it for 40-60 minutes. Otherwise, bleeding can start again. It is also more correct to refuse to rinse the mouth to keep the clot in the hole, as this contributes to the most effective healing. An empty cavity in the gum is instantly covered with food particles and plaque, becomes infected and inflamed.
The first 2 hours are considered the most painful after tooth extraction, during this period the effect of anesthesia stops. In some, especially susceptible patients, mild pain may be felt for several more days. If there is pain, you can take an analgesic. It must be a medication that is optimally suited to the body, or as prescribed by the doctor. For example: Ketanov, Nurofen, Ketorol, etc.
In general, the application of a cold compress after the usual painless extraction of a wisdom tooth is not considered a need. If the doctor advised cold, then apply a cooling compressthrough a thin tissue napkin, such sessions can be carried out no longer than 25 minutes. Be careful not to get too cold, because prolonged exposure to cold delays healing and vice versa, can cause an increase in pain.
Reviews about tooth extraction without pain in Moscow and other cities are quite diverse. But still, removal under anesthesia or laser is recommended. In this case, the patient will feel minimal discomfort.