How is stomatitis treated in adults and children?

How is stomatitis treated in adults and children?
How is stomatitis treated in adults and children?

Many factors affect oral he alth. Often, neglect of hygiene procedures or some kind of malfunction in the body leads to stomatitis.

children's stomatitis how to treat
children's stomatitis how to treat

Depending on the pathogen, the disease is classified by type. Let us consider in more detail what factors provoke the disease and how stomatitis is treated. After all, everyone knows the saying that any disease is better to prevent than to treat later. In this situation, it will be useful to know what are the causes of the disease.

Stomatitis: causes and precautions

In the first place is the lack of hygiene of both the mouth and hands. For example, a striking example is the use of seeds. They are most often dirty, and their husk injures soft tissues, thereby opening the "gate" for pathogenic microorganisms. Eating food that is too hot or coldvarious diseases that affect the immune system, taking antibiotics can also provoke the appearance of white sores in the mouth. How is stomatitis treated and how quickly can the disease be overcome? It will depend on its variety. Doctors classify it as follows: bacterial, fungal and viral stomatitis. By the way, a fungal infection is most often children's stomatitis. How to treat it, the specialist must definitely decide.

Stomatitis in children

what is the treatment for stomatitis
what is the treatment for stomatitis

Often, children suffer from fungal stomatitis even in infancy, so the mother's breast can become the source of infection. It is necessary to strictly observe the rules of personal hygiene, before feeding, wash the chest with soap and wipe the nipples with a soda solution. The child's mouth is treated with the same solution. Hand washing is mandatory before the procedure. After that, wrap a piece of sterile bandage soaked in the solution on your index finger and carefully remove plaque from the affected areas. The bandage must be changed to treat each new sore. After such procedures, you can begin to apply the pharmaceutical products prescribed by the doctor.

A detailed conversation is being held with parents, the correct treatment is prescribed, mandatory diet and sanitization of all items that the child comes into contact with.

How is stomatitis of viral or bacterial etiology treated?

Most often, these types of inflammatory processes in the oral cavity occur due to other diseases.

stomatitis than to treat photo
stomatitis than to treat photo

Receptionantibiotics and the weakening of the protective functions of the body leads to the uncontrolled development of pathogenic microflora on the mucous membranes. The disease is diagnosed by the doctor during a visual examination, after which he prescribes a complex treatment. This will not only be the treatment of the affected areas, drugs are also prescribed to restore the protective functions of the body. Since people with stomatitis often experience pain that makes eating difficult, doctors may recommend pain relievers. How is stomatitis treated in adults? Today, pharmaceutical companies offer a wide range of medicines. For example, Faringosept, Stomatidin, Nystatin, Fluconazole, which successfully overcome stomatitis, deserved positive feedback. How to treat (see photo of one of the drugs above) such a disease, now it’s clear.