The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease: reviews

The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease: reviews
The most effective folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease: reviews

Everyone wants to have a beautiful smile. The main condition for this is he althy teeth. Some of them are naturally good, and some have to visit a doctor often to maintain their he alth. One of the problems that can deprive us of a beautiful smile is periodontal disease. Treatment with folk remedies is very popular. Next, consider which folk remedies for periodontal disease are the most famous.

What does "periodontal disease" mean

Periodontosis refers to dental diseases. It differs from periodontitis in that it is not accompanied by an acute inflammatory process. The danger of the disease is the destruction of the tissue around the tooth. The process is rather slow and due to the absence of the inflammatory process, it may not bother you for a long time. But the process of destruction will proceed. Appearance will deteriorate noticeably. Cosmetic defects over time will cause discomfort and complicate the condition of the dentition.

periodontal disease treatment with folk remedies is the most effective
periodontal disease treatment with folk remedies is the most effective

If left untreated, the bones of the jaw are affected, usually leading to tooth loss.

The disease often develops in matureand the elderly, but also occurs in young people. The sooner therapy is started, the greater the chance of saving teeth.

Many recognize that in the treatment of a disease such as periodontal disease, the treatment of folk remedies is the most effective.

Causes of periodontal disease

A few words about what can cause the development of the disease:

  • Lack of personal hygiene.
  • Poor dental care.
  • Vitamin C deficiency, P.
  • Increased load due to tooth extraction.
  • Failures in the work of the endocrine glands.
  • Excessive blood sugar.
  • Atherosclerosis.
  • Hypertension.
  • Use of certain drugs.
  • Insufficient amounts of vitamins and trace elements in the diet.
  • Lack of fruits, greens, vegetables in the diet.
  • folk remedies for periodontal disease
    folk remedies for periodontal disease

Several other factors play an important role:

  • Frequent stress.
  • Long-term smoking and drinking.
  • Decreased immunity due to serious illnesses.
  • Heredity.

If at least one of the above items suits you, you automatically fall into the risk group of those who can get periodontal disease. Or maybe the disease is already slowly progressing? Consider her symptoms.

Signs of periodontal disease

You can not call the disease completely asymptomatic. Every day, when brushing your teeth, you should carefully examine the oral cavity. Symptomsincipient periodontal disease are:

  • Blood when brushing teeth even with a soft brush.
  • Very light gum color.
  • The appearance of itching and burning in the gums.
  • The presence of mild pain.
  • Increased gum sensitivity.
  • The appearance of blood when eating hard foods.
  • Gum swelling.
  • An unpleasant smell comes out of the mouth.
  • Profuse bacterial plaque is observed on the teeth.
  • Receding gums, exposing the roots of the teeth.
  • Poor tooth stability.
  • Gap between teeth gets bigger.
  • Misaligned teeth.

The process of development of periodontal disease occurs in several stages:

  1. Early stage. Virtually no visible changes. But they have already started inside due to lack of proper care or lack of trace elements. A number of other reasons could be listed.
  2. At the second stage, the teeth begin to move, become sensitive, the gums recede. The appearance of the teeth noticeably deteriorates.
  3. folk remedies for periodontal disease
    folk remedies for periodontal disease
  4. At the third stage, the shakiness of the teeth appears. The risk of losing them increases significantly.

If you do not carry out therapeutic measures, severe consequences appear after 10 years or more. In the early stages of the disease, effective folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease can help. But first, what the doctor can offer us.

Modern Therapy Methods

If you see any violations, you should consult a doctor. Nowthere are the following ways to treat periodontal disease:

  • Using medicines, gels to improve blood circulation.
  • Physiotherapy treatments.
  • Electrophoresis course.
  • UV treatment.
  • Processing using ultrasound.
  • Surgical intervention pursues the following goals: acceleration of regenerative processes and plasticity of gum tissue.

In the initial stages, the doctor may advise resorting to folk remedies for periodontal disease.

Efficiency of folk recipes

Before you start therapy with folk remedies, you should consult with your doctor. He can tell you how to cure periodontal disease with folk remedies and which recipes will be more effective in your case.

how to treat periodontal disease folk remedies
how to treat periodontal disease folk remedies

It is worth noting the advantages of traditional medicine in the treatment of periodontal disease:

  • No difficulty in application.
  • Components are inexpensive.
  • No chemical ingredients.
  • Therapeutic effect is not worse than that of synthetic drugs.

The only negative in folk recipes is the possible intolerance of the constituent components. But it is worth noting that there are so many recipes that anyone can pick up. And many begin with periodontal disease treatment with folk remedies. The most effective is difficult to choose from a variety of recipes. But we will consider them.


Folk remedies for periodontal disease primarily include recipesmouth rinses. It's efficient and simple.

Here are some recipes:

  • It is necessary to take calendula flowers at the rate of 1 tbsp. l. for 250 ml of water. Pour boiling water, after 20 minutes of infusion, strain and use to rinse the mouth. Use the solution warm.
  • Decoction of oak bark is used fresh, after it has cooled. Repeat the rinse procedure every hour.
  • periodontal disease and periodontitis treatment with folk remedies
    periodontal disease and periodontitis treatment with folk remedies
  • Propolis tincture is used in a ratio of 5:50 (take 50 ml of water for 5 drops of propolis).
  • Decoction of celandine is prepared as follows. 100 g of grass is poured with an alcohol-containing liquid and left to infuse for 14 days in a dark place. Rinse 10 minutes after eating.
  • Use strawberry leaves. A handful of leaves is poured with boiling water in an amount of 200 ml, infused for 5 minutes. Rinse two to three times a day.
  • Fir oil is used at the rate of 5 drops per half glass of water. It is necessary to carry out at least 3-4 rinses per day.

After a full course of rinsing is completed, the condition of the gums will improve. But it is recommended to use not only rinses. The approach should be comprehensive in periodontal disease. Treatment with folk remedies is most effective if medical applications are used in combination with rinses.

Healing applications

Several recipes for treating periodontitis with folk remedies using gum applications:

  • Moisten a sterile cloth with propolis tincture and apply to the gums overnight.
  • Aloe leaf cut lengthwise and apply the pulp to the gums also at night.
  • Very good results with lingonberry juice. They moisten a cotton swab and apply to the gums during the day. The tampon must be changed every 3 hours.
  • Golden mustache plant is effective in the fight against periodontal disease. Cut the sheet and apply to the gums for a while before going to bed.
  • Rosehip oil stops bleeding gums well. Berries must be chopped and poured with olive oil. After 15 days, the solution is ready. Use in the form of applications for 30-40 minutes.
  • Beets may help. It is rubbed on a grater and applied on the outside of the gums. The application is best done at night. If you complete a course of 15 days, you can forget about bleeding gums.

It is impossible to bypass folk remedies for periodontal disease based on garlic:

  • Prepare the following liquid. Garlic is crushed and sent to unrefined olive oil. The mixture should be kept in a sealed container in the sun for 10 days. After that, the liquid is filtered and used. Turundas are moistened and put into the cavity of periodontal pockets for 40 minutes.
  • folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease in adults
    folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease in adults

Effective folk methods

To get rid of periodontal disease, not only rinses and applications are used. Treatment of periodontitis at home with folk remedies is also considered effective.gum massage. This method normalizes blood circulation, relieves pain, eliminates bleeding.

For massage you can use:

  • Sea buckthorn oil.
  • Eucalyptus oil.
  • Fir oil with sea buckthorn.
  • Oils of lemon, orange, mint.
  • Honey with fine s alt.
  • Hydrogen peroxide in proportion: 20-30 drops per 50 ml of water.
  • Sea s alt.

Massage technique:

  • First of all, you need to brush your teeth and rinse.
  • Hands must be clean.
  • Start with strokes and finish with them.
  • Movements should be rhythmic, without strong pressure on the gums.
  • Start with the he althy area and work your way up to the painful areas.
  • Perform circular movements, then move to spiral.
  • Movement should be in the direction of the lymph flow.
  • They use squeezing movements, as if squeezing out the contents of stagnant pockets.
  • Compression massage is done with two fingers, squeezing the gum at the same time from the inside and outside. No more than 7 seconds of exposure.
  • Massage should last no more than 5-10 minutes.

Proper massage using the products we have listed above will increase blood flow, clear periodontal pockets, and eliminate congestion.

You can also massage your gums with a toothbrush, pre-apply any therapeutic composition or oil on it.

A few more folk remedies for the treatment of periodontal disease inadults:

  • After brushing your teeth at night, you can treat the gums with birch tar.
  • Phytoncidal remedy for the reproduction of microbes. Grind the onion into a gruel and add a leaf of aloe, mix. Then chew in your mouth for a few minutes, but do not swallow.
  • Plantain leaves have proven themselves well. The sheet is washed and chewed for 5-7 minutes. Do not swallow. It is advisable to repeat the procedure several times a day.
  • treatment of periodontitis with folk remedies reviews
    treatment of periodontitis with folk remedies reviews

It's easy to make a medicated toothpaste at home. Such treatment of periodontal disease with folk remedies leaves only good reviews.

  • Add crushed calamus root to toothpaste. Based on 0.5 g of root at a time.
  • Toothbrush can be prepared as follows. We use 1 tsp. s alt, 2 tsp. soda, 3 tbsp. l. birch ash. Dilute with the required amount of water to the desired consistency. Use instead of paste.

It is not always enough for a disease such as periodontal disease, treatment with folk remedies. The most effective remedy will not be effective if you do not follow the rules of nutrition.

Eating rules for periodontal disease

As you know, one of the reasons for the development of periodontal disease is the lack of vitamins and minerals in the diet. Therefore, we can list a number of products that are necessary for periodontal he alth:

  • Apples.
  • Spinach.
  • Sauerkraut. It is also used in the treatment of periodontal disease.
  • Sea fish.
  • Nuts.
  • Currant.
  • Cowberry.
  • Spring greens.
  • Sour-milk low-fat products.
  • Kolrabi cabbage.

The following are foods that contribute to the formation of plaque and the destruction of periodontal teeth:

  • Milk chocolate.
  • Candy.
  • Soda drinks.
  • Taffy.
  • Fatty meals.
  • Sour foods.
  • Fun products.
  • Sweets.
  • Spices.

You need to stick to a balanced diet high in fiber. If you have signs of periodontal disease, you should not switch to foods that are subject to heat treatment, as well as liquid cereals. Do not reduce the chewing load at an early stage of the disease. Otherwise, you will give even more chances of illness.

Prevention of periodontal disease

Treatment of periodontitis is a very long process. As a rule, the disease can be stopped, but it is very difficult to restore the previous condition of the teeth and gums.

Preventive measures:

  • Regularly, every six months, visit the dentist.
  • Keep hygiene and brush your teeth properly. Use herbal mouthwash, good quality toothbrush and toothpaste regularly.
  • Eat properly and rationally.
  • Minimize sweets, carbohydrates, pastries.
  • Stop smoking.
  • Treat chronic diseases.
  • Prevent tooth decay.
  • Take vitamins with calcium and phosphorus.

Doing these simple thingsrules, you will be able to keep your teeth for years to come.

Reviews on folk methods of treatment

Probably, each of us has tried at least once a folk method in the treatment of toothache. Many believe that the methods of treating periodontitis with folk remedies are the most effective. Reviews are usually only positive. Herbs relieve swelling well and strengthen the gums. Bleeding gums can be eliminated.

One has only to remember some rules of treatment:

  • Do not use herbs that cause allergic reactions.
  • Before use, test for tolerance.
  • Gum massage should not be performed at the time of an exacerbation of the disease with an exacerbated inflammatory process.
  • For rinsing, use only warm solutions so as not to burn the mucous membranes.
  • Constantly resort to preventive measures of periodontal disease.

No need to use traditional medicine recipes as a panacea. They are effective only in the early stages of the disease. Very complex and dangerous dental diseases such as periodontitis and periodontitis. Treatment with folk remedies in this case can only relieve exacerbations of the disease or its symptoms. But the main treatment should be prescribed by a specialist who chooses drugs based on the severity of the condition.

If you observe oral hygiene and regularly visit the dentist for examination, you can not be afraid that periodontal disease or any other dental disease will develop. The smile will always be beautiful and snow-white, and you will never be disturbed by a toothache.
