Dentistry 2024, October

"Pentalgin" for toothache: instructions for use, dosage, reviews

"Pentalgin" for toothache: instructions for use, dosage, reviews

Toothache is the most unbearable because it does not give rest day or night. It is impossible to get rid of it with folk remedies, and the only way out is medications. Today, there are a huge number of products on the market that promise fast and effective relief from toothache. "Pentalgin" is one of them

White Glo Toothpaste: reviews, recommendations, manufacturer, composition, instructions for use and dosage of the paste

White Glo Toothpaste: reviews, recommendations, manufacturer, composition, instructions for use and dosage of the paste

Whitening toothpastes are quite popular on the Russian market. But when choosing, you should pay attention to the composition, because the action, that is, how the paste whitens the enamel, can be different. Consider the features of White Glo toothpaste, reviews, nature of use and dosage. After all, it is known that therapeutic agents, which include whitening pastes, cannot be used constantly

White Glo toothpaste: he althy and radiant smile

White Glo toothpaste: he althy and radiant smile

The days when whitening toothpastes cost fabulous sums and were used only by pop stars are over. Now everyone can become the owner of a dazzling smile. And all thanks to the unique paste of the Australian company. White Glo - toothpaste on a natural basis, contains vitamins and carefully cares for the oral cavity

A baby's milk tooth is loose - what to do? Tips from dentists and age-related features of tooth growth

A baby's milk tooth is loose - what to do? Tips from dentists and age-related features of tooth growth

When this happens, the whole family gets worried. It is not surprising, because this is the beginning of a new stage in the life of the baby, his growing up and development. In addition, everyone knows how important it is to have a correct bite and he althy teeth. Therefore, I want to do everything right: and not to harm with unnecessary care, and not to miss the moment when something goes wrong

Dabur Red toothpaste: composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

Dabur Red toothpaste: composition, application, effectiveness, reviews

In the modern rhythm of life, we are often inattentive to our he alth, this also applies to brushing our teeth. It is very important to properly and regularly care for the oral cavity, because teeth are also an important component of the human body, like any other organ

Chinese toothpastes: review, composition, rating, reviews

Chinese toothpastes: review, composition, rating, reviews

When choosing a toothpaste, you should pay attention to the condition of the oral cavity. It will also be important to consult a dentist and study reviews about a particular product. Recently, a lot of oral hygiene products made in China have appeared on the Russian market. Consider Chinese toothpastes, their features and varieties

Removal of an impacted tooth: what is it?

Removal of an impacted tooth: what is it?

Wisdom teeth in seventy percent of cases grow dystopic in people, that is, they occupy an extremely wrong position in the row. There are also cases when the crown erupts only partially, then this is called retention. Such problematic eights must be removed, as they become the main cause of inflammatory diseases, and, in addition, they strongly distort the dentition

Is there a nerve in the wisdom tooth, features of treatment and removal

Is there a nerve in the wisdom tooth, features of treatment and removal

These teeth are the most distant, they usually erupt in a person already in adulthood. Despite the fact that they do not differ in appearance from others, their appearance can often be accompanied by various complications, in connection with this, patients often have to remove them

Restorative teeth whitening: description of the procedure, pros and cons, reviews

Restorative teeth whitening: description of the procedure, pros and cons, reviews

Recently, a new kind of whitening smile has emerged in the field of aesthetic dentistry. We are talking about restorative teeth whitening, which is also called lamination. This technique is an excellent alternative in situations where traditional methods (home, oxygen, laser) cannot cope, and more serious methods are not suitable for patients for a number of reasons

Manual protapers: description, application procedure, structural features

Manual protapers: description, application procedure, structural features

Protapers are a modern version of nickel-titanium instruments that are actively used during root canal preparation. They are ultra-flexible, so they work in hard-to-reach areas for traditional tooling. Consider the structural features of manual protapers, their advantages and disadvantages, as well as the procedure for use

Sealing material "Estelight": properties, manufacturer, reviews

Sealing material "Estelight": properties, manufacturer, reviews

The most common oral problem faced by 90% of people is caries. He is treated with a filling. There are a lot of varieties of filling composite now. Consider the modern high-quality Japanese-made material "Estelight". These are light-curing filling materials that are used by dentists for filling and restoring the dentition

Dental treatment for hepatitis B: treatment features and doctor's recommendations

Dental treatment for hepatitis B: treatment features and doctor's recommendations

The need for dental treatment for breastfeeding with the use of anesthesia often occurs, since the body of a young mother is weakened by pregnancy, and milk production requires additional trace elements and calcium. If these substances are supplied in insufficient quantities, the body begins to use the reserves that are contained in the teeth and bones of a woman

Innova toothpaste: manufacturer, composition, instructions for use, dosage of paste, declared properties and customer reviews

Innova toothpaste: manufacturer, composition, instructions for use, dosage of paste, declared properties and customer reviews

The purpose of toothpaste is not only in daily hygiene, but also in treatment, whitening, strengthening. It should be suitable for this and be as safe as possible. Innova toothpastes are specialists in oral hygiene products that have made a breakthrough among the products in this direction. They are produced on the basis of natural ingredients. These products, actively influencing the treated surface, at the same time delicately clean and do not cause negative reactions

Laser cleaning of teeth from stone: contraindications to the procedure

Laser cleaning of teeth from stone: contraindications to the procedure

What is laser tartar removal? How is the procedure carried out? Advantages, disadvantages and contraindications of laser tartar cleaning

Bleeding after tooth extraction: causes, treatment methods, tips on how to stop bleeding

Bleeding after tooth extraction: causes, treatment methods, tips on how to stop bleeding

If there is bleeding after tooth extraction, this is a natural process that usually does not require medical intervention. However, in some cases, such a phenomenon indicates significant tissue damage or other diseases, and it will be almost impossible to stop the blood on your own. What to do with severe bleeding and when is a doctor's consultation required? How much blood flows after a tooth extraction is normal?

Gingival retraction: indications for the procedure and methods

Gingival retraction: indications for the procedure and methods

Gingival retraction is a simple process of moving soft tissues away from a tooth for treatment, whitening or prosthetics. There are different methods for doing it

If the gum swells, what should I do? Causes and Treatments

If the gum swells, what should I do? Causes and Treatments

Swollen gums cause a lot of trouble to a person. The resulting pain does not allow chewing normally, and after a while the pathological process leads to a violation of the outline of the face and diction. All this can be accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms. And what if the gum swells up? What to do in this case? Let's try to figure it out

Nylon prosthesis: advantages and disadvantages

Nylon prosthesis: advantages and disadvantages

Today there are many options for creating artificial teeth. All of them have their advantages, features and even disadvantages. Particularly popular is the practical and comfortable nylon prosthesis

Pulpitis: classifications, types, clinic. Classification of methods of treatment of pulpitis

Pulpitis: classifications, types, clinic. Classification of methods of treatment of pulpitis

At the dentist's appointment, patients often hear the diagnosis of "pulpitis". Classifications of this disease are numerous and varied. This article proposes to familiarize yourself with the most common methods for characterizing neurovascular inflammation of the teeth

How many channels are in the tooth of the upper and lower jaw?

How many channels are in the tooth of the upper and lower jaw?

It is possible to determine exactly how many canals are in a tooth only with the help of an x-ray. Of course, their number depends on the location. For example, the teeth in the back of the jaw bear the greatest chewing load. Therefore, they require a stronger holding system. They themselves are much larger than the rest of the teeth, have more roots and canals

There was a bump on the gums of a child: causes and methods of treatment

There was a bump on the gums of a child: causes and methods of treatment

Teeth are a weak point. What if the child has a bump on the gum? From what it can happen? How can this disease be cured?

What to do when a tooth hurts? How to get rid of toothache

What to do when a tooth hurts? How to get rid of toothache

What to do when a tooth hurts? Many people ask this question. In fact, neutralizing the pain is quite easy. To do this, you must follow the recommendations

What are braces and how do they work? Kinds

What are braces and how do they work? Kinds

Not everyone can boast of naturally beautiful and even teeth, so bracket systems have been developed to align them, which eliminate malocclusion. They quickly gained great popularity, and every year they are more and more improved. Let's try to figure out what braces are, what types and methods of installation of these structures exist. Their advantages and disadvantages will also be considered

Dentist-surgeon - main tasks and features of work

Dentist-surgeon - main tasks and features of work

In dentistry, there are situations when a simple therapeutic treatment of the oral cavity is not enough. In order to prevent undesirable consequences of dental diseases and avoid serious complications, the intervention of a surgeon is required

Brackets: before and after. Result, reviews, photos

Brackets: before and after. Result, reviews, photos

The article is devoted to the relevance of orthodontic treatment and focuses on what kind of result after braces people with malocclusion or crooked teeth can get

Inflammation of the dental nerve (pulpitis): causes, symptoms and treatment

Inflammation of the dental nerve (pulpitis): causes, symptoms and treatment

Even more serious case at the opening of the pulp. Dislocation of the tooth, fracture of the root or crown, exposure of the pulp accidentally when grinding the tooth before installing the crown or in the treatment of caries often causes post-traumatic pulp necrosis or acute inflammation. In the most severe situations, the patient is diagnosed with complete necrosis within a week

How to floss correctly, how often?

How to floss correctly, how often?

It is only important to properly take care of the oral cavity, regularly visit your dentist for preventive purposes and choose modern means of caries prevention. One of these is dental floss, or floss. It remains only to understand what dental floss is, how often to use it, and whether its use is justified at all

What does an impacted tooth mean and should it be removed?

What does an impacted tooth mean and should it be removed?

What is an impacted wisdom tooth? This is a formed figure eight that cannot break through the gum and jaw. This is a common case, not only a wisdom tooth can be impacted. Sometimes small molars and upper canines get stuck in the bone

How and how to whiten teeth at home? Ways

How and how to whiten teeth at home? Ways

How to whiten teeth at home? The simplest and most effective remedy is simple baking soda. The abrasive properties of this substance allow you to thoroughly clean the surface of the teeth. The effect of using soda can be compared with the effect of some dental procedures

Treatment of periodontitis at home with folk remedies (reviews)

Treatment of periodontitis at home with folk remedies (reviews)

Periodontitis is a dental disease of the soft tissues around the teeth. This problem arises due to internal disorders of the body. Periodontitis occurs in people of different ages and develops in different ways. Medications and treatment of periodontitis at home are effective

The network of dental clinics "Zub 33": the best place for dental treatment in St. Petersburg

The network of dental clinics "Zub 33": the best place for dental treatment in St. Petersburg

The "33rd Tooth" network of clinics has been operating in St. Petersburg since 2001. During this time, many citizens were treated by professional doctors of this medical institution. Therefore, the clinic "33 Zub" remains one of the most popular in St. Petersburg

How a child's teeth grow: scheme, order, symptoms and features

How a child's teeth grow: scheme, order, symptoms and features

The rudiments of milk teeth are formed long before the birth of the baby - the process takes time. It will be many months before the first of them erupts. It is logical that parents have questions about when the teeth will appear and how the child's teeth grow. Although there are no clear answers, it is worth knowing about the most important points of this important period

The order and pattern of teething in a child

The order and pattern of teething in a child

Teeth play a big role in a person's life, because with their help he is able to grind food. The process of their growth is especially important for children, it is a new stage in the development of the child. Teething in babies, the scheme of their appearance is of interest to all young parents

Bleeding gums during pregnancy: causes

Bleeding gums during pregnancy: causes

Many future mothers complain that their gums began to bleed during pregnancy. Only a dentist can find out the cause and solve this problem. Do not self-medicate

What is the best filling on the front teeth? Material selection

What is the best filling on the front teeth? Material selection

What kind of filling do you have on your front teeth? Cement is one of the oldest generation of materials still used by dentists. This substance is used by doctors mainly in public hospitals. Cement fillings are sometimes referred to as zinc phosphate or polycarboxylate fillings

Does Kamistad help with teething?

Does Kamistad help with teething?

Quite often, teething in children is accompanied by many unpleasant symptoms. Mothers try in any way to relieve the pain of the child. Quite often, Kamistad gel is used for teething. It helps the baby cope with pain

Children's dentistry: Murmansk, st. Sofia Perovskoy. Reviews

Children's dentistry: Murmansk, st. Sofia Perovskoy. Reviews

There is an opinion among parents of toddlers that children do not need dental care. After all, the frequent problems with the teeth that children have are the loss of milk teeth and caries. Some adults mistakenly believe that these he alth problems go away with age, but according to qualified dentists, this is far from the case

Boston Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry (Moscow, Michurinsky Prospekt). Comprehensive dental treatment

Boston Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry (Moscow, Michurinsky Prospekt). Comprehensive dental treatment

Boston Institute of Aesthetic Dentistry is one of the top best dental clinics in Moscow. Why did he deserve such popularity among patients?

Black classes: location of carious cavities, classification and treatment of caries

Black classes: location of carious cavities, classification and treatment of caries

Why classify caries? This is only at first glance a simple disease known to everyone. For dentists, there is a distinction between its various types, and each of them requires its own special approach to treatment

Non-carious lesions of the teeth: types, causes, treatment

Non-carious lesions of the teeth: types, causes, treatment

Non-carious lesions of the teeth are a frequent occurrence in dental practice. This concept includes a wide range of diseases with different etiologies and clinical manifestations