Dentistry 2024, October

Is it possible to treat teeth with a cold, and in what cases

Is it possible to treat teeth with a cold, and in what cases

Many people wondered if it was possible to treat teeth with a cold. In this article, we will consider whether this is allowed or not, and why

Pins in dentistry: installation, reviews, prices

Pins in dentistry: installation, reviews, prices

Today, problems with teeth are found in almost every second person. In some people, they are very pronounced and are characterized by the destruction of the crowns

Stomatitis: prevention, types, causes, symptoms, treatment and recommendations of dentists

Stomatitis: prevention, types, causes, symptoms, treatment and recommendations of dentists

Stomatitis is an inflammation of the oral mucosa, characterized by the appearance of sores on the cheeks, gums, tongue, lips and palate. This is usually a painful condition associated with redness, swelling and bleeding of the affected area. Prevention and treatment of stomatitis are mainly aimed at relieving symptoms and eliminating provoking factors

Dental hygienist: who is he, what does he do, duties. Children's dental hygienist

Dental hygienist: who is he, what does he do, duties. Children's dental hygienist

Do you know what a dental hygienist does? Is there a difference between a child and adult hygienist? In our article we will consider these and other questions

Brace wax: how to use?

Brace wax: how to use?

To have perfectly straight teeth, many put braces. The installation procedure is painless. But soon discomfort and even pain may occur in the oral cavity. The design begins to put pressure on the gums, and wounds form. To prevent this from happening, use wax for braces

Teeth whitening White Smile: reviews, opinions of dentists, description, pros and cons of the application

Teeth whitening White Smile: reviews, opinions of dentists, description, pros and cons of the application

A snow-white smile is one of the components of the image of a successful modern person, because through a smile you can not only express emotions, but also win over people. However, not every person can boast of beautiful white teeth, and darkened teeth cause a lot of inconvenience. In the modern world, when the professional activity of people takes up most of their lives, the requirements for appearance are becoming increasingly stringent

Plasty of the frenulum of the upper lip in a child: purpose, types of surgery, indications and results before and after

Plasty of the frenulum of the upper lip in a child: purpose, types of surgery, indications and results before and after

In the article, we will consider how plastic surgery of the frenulum of the upper lip is performed in a child. The ability of the baby to speak clearly, smile and many other functions depend on it. To date, the possibilities of medicine have become much wider, and such manipulation can be carried out in several ways

Denture "Quadrotti": description, advantages, performance features, photos, reviews

Denture "Quadrotti": description, advantages, performance features, photos, reviews

Quadrotti dentures are a patented development from a company called Quattro Ti. They are classified as removable prosthetics, which are distinguished by a high level, compared with other analogues that are removed from the oral cavity. The product "Kvadrotti" is considered an ultra-modern design, which is used for partial dental replacement

Extended fangs: description of the procedure, contraindications, photo

Extended fangs: description of the procedure, contraindications, photo

This extension is not only a necessary medical procedure, but also a modern fashion trend among young people and adolescents. In Russia, she gained popularity after the film adaptation of the well-known saga about vampires "Twilight"

Give your teeth joy: Curaprox toothpaste and brush

Give your teeth joy: Curaprox toothpaste and brush

Beautiful white teeth always adorn a person's face. A snow-white smile gives positive emotions to others. To maintain the original whiteness of the teeth, as well as their he alth, it is necessary to choose the best offers among oral care products. Curaprox is the best choice

Irrigator Aquajet LD A7: reviews, instructions and specifications

Irrigator Aquajet LD A7: reviews, instructions and specifications

Aquajet LD A7 nozzles are designed for use with oral irrigators exclusively of this model. For any other devices, they are no longer suitable. The nozzles are made in accordance with medical standards and requirements and have a special shape, characterized by a curved head, which is able to reach the most inaccessible places

Gel toothpaste: types, description with photo, difference from classic toothpaste, composition, pros and cons of use, customer reviews

Gel toothpaste: types, description with photo, difference from classic toothpaste, composition, pros and cons of use, customer reviews

The oral hygiene industry is expanding day by day as new technology emerges to force people to focus on a particular manufacturer. In this regard, the development of gel toothpastes, which are designed for a narrow target segment - pastes for children and pastes for sensitive teeth, is very promising

Miswak toothpaste: composition, application features, review of analogues, reviews

Miswak toothpaste: composition, application features, review of analogues, reviews

Everyone wants to have strong teeth and he althy gums. Toothpaste "Miswak" will help to fulfill this desire. It has bactericidal properties, prevents the development of caries, eliminates bad breath, strengthens the gums and has the most favorable effect on the condition of the oral cavity

Silca toothpaste: manufacturer, types, properties, composition, instructions for use and customer reviews

Silca toothpaste: manufacturer, types, properties, composition, instructions for use and customer reviews

RusDent produces goods that appear under the Silca trademark. The purpose of this product is high quality oral care. Developers work on projects every day, creating modern tools, and one of them is Silca toothpaste

Means for teething in children: review, rating, instructions, reviews

Means for teething in children: review, rating, instructions, reviews

To choose a remedy for teething in children that will help to quickly and effectively eliminate soreness, you need to study the available instructions, indications and contraindications, and also consult a pediatrician

Dental gel "Solcoseryl": composition, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

Dental gel "Solcoseryl": composition, indications, instructions for use, contraindications, reviews

Hematological gel "Solcoseryl" should be in every person's medicine cabinet, as this tool helps to effectively restore the tissues of the damaged area. Before using the drug, you should consult with your doctor. Damaged tissues after chemical or mechanical exposure are quickly restored due to the active substances and the film that forms on the wound

Toothpaste "Splat Biocalcium": composition, description, instructions for use, analogues and customer reviews

Toothpaste "Splat Biocalcium": composition, description, instructions for use, analogues and customer reviews

It is necessary to choose a toothpaste that would have a complex effect. It should not only clean your teeth from dirt and plaque. A good toothpaste protects the gums, prevents the growth of bacteria and strengthens the enamel. To do this, it should contain as many useful natural ingredients as possible. These requirements are met by the toothpaste "Splat Biocalcium"

Chewing efficiency according to Agapov: methods of determination, principles of calculation, interpretation of results

Chewing efficiency according to Agapov: methods of determination, principles of calculation, interpretation of results

This concept reflects the most important indicators of the condition of the teeth and jaw structure. This is the strength of the muscle endings of the lower jaw, carrying out chewing movements. It is necessary for crushing, biting and crushing food. This indicator is measured in separate parts of the dentoalveolar system

Modern dentures: features, types and reviews

Modern dentures: features, types and reviews

Missing teeth or defects in the dentition can provoke serious diseases of the digestive system and worsen a person's well-being. But thanks to innovations that have not passed by the field of prosthetics, it is possible to eliminate all aesthetic shortcomings and functional features without any problems, avoiding he alth problems. Depending on the type of defect, modern dentures are removable and non-removable

Toothbrushes for children: how to make the right choice?

Toothbrushes for children: how to make the right choice?

Oral hygiene is the key to overall human he alth. That is why it is important to start caring for a child's teeth from the moment they erupt, or even earlier. This is necessary in order to prevent the formation of infections in the oral cavity and associated diseases associated with improper dental care

Indian toothpaste: an overview of the best products, features, composition, reviews

Indian toothpaste: an overview of the best products, features, composition, reviews

Ayurvedic products can improve he alth and appearance, thanks to the natural ingredients in the composition. No exception and toothpaste. Indian teaching emphasizes the importance and necessity of proper oral care. Below in the article we will talk about Indian toothpastes

Toothpaste "Apadent": application, indications for use and benefits

Toothpaste "Apadent": application, indications for use and benefits

Today, even far from perfect teeth can be restored. One of the first medicinal pastes is "Apadent". Toothpaste "Apadent", reviews of which are extremely positive, can also be brushed by pregnant women. It is also suitable for those who wear dentures

Structure of periodontium: causes, types of diseases and functions

Structure of periodontium: causes, types of diseases and functions

When one of the signs of the disease occurs, it is important to consult a dentist. Quite often, inflammation of the gums and tooth mobility occurs due to the appearance of a tumor. To prevent the development of serious complications, it is important to carry out treatment in a timely manner

Can I kiss with braces? Recommendations, reviews

Can I kiss with braces? Recommendations, reviews

The most common way to straighten teeth are braces, which can be installed regardless of age. And the most asked question in this case to the dentist: "Is it possible to kiss with braces?" We will try to separate the myth from the truth regarding the wearing of braces, and also consider patient reviews

Gel "Tooth Mousse" (Tooth Mousse): composition, purpose, instructions for use, results and reviews

Gel "Tooth Mousse" (Tooth Mousse): composition, purpose, instructions for use, results and reviews

Effectively and quickly solve many problems associated with teeth in children and adults, will help remineralizing gel "Tus Mousse". It is allowed to be used for the treatment of milk and permanent teeth, lactating and pregnant women, as well as all adults without exception

Stomatitis in the throat of a child: causes, description of symptoms with photos, treatment and tips

Stomatitis in the throat of a child: causes, description of symptoms with photos, treatment and tips

Stomatitis is an infectious disease. The course of the pathology is accompanied by the formation of ulcers on the oral mucosa, which cause pain. In babies, they are often localized in the larynx. When the first warning signs appear, you should contact the clinic. Information on how stomatitis in the throat of a child is treated is presented below

Tooth six: location, order and timing of eruption in children, how teeth are numbered

Tooth six: location, order and timing of eruption in children, how teeth are numbered

Teething is a complex process for both parents and children. In the article we will tell you everything about the anatomy of the teeth: the location, the timing of eruption, the order of eruption. What happens when a six tooth climbs

How to name a dental clinic: principles for choosing a name, examples

How to name a dental clinic: principles for choosing a name, examples

In the current article, we will offer examples of the name of dental clinics. And we will talk about the basic principles and rules for choosing the ideal option. In order to thereby stir up the reader's "reason" and help come up with something of his own. original-ideal

Microimplants in orthodontics: types, installation features, results and photos

Microimplants in orthodontics: types, installation features, results and photos

Microimplants in orthodontics are inherently miniature screws that are installed in the jaw bone during bracket therapy. Mini screws help shorten orthodontic treatment time

Intact tooth: description, feature, preparation for prosthetics, dentists' advice

Intact tooth: description, feature, preparation for prosthetics, dentists' advice

What is an intact tooth? What features does it have? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. The process of chewing food has depended on intact teeth since ancient times. Keeping them intact and he althy with the current variety of foods and drinks containing chemical substances is the most important task for any person. Find out what intact teeth are

Dental prosthetics in Moscow: types, clinics, rating, approximate check and addresses

Dental prosthetics in Moscow: types, clinics, rating, approximate check and addresses

Not every person can boast of good teeth by nature. Wrong lifestyle, nutrition leads to the fact that the teeth hurt and crumble. Someone leaves everything as it is, and someone resorts to prosthetics. We will tell you what it is and where is the best place to do it in Moscow

Is it possible to smear stomatitis with brilliant green: doctor's advice

Is it possible to smear stomatitis with brilliant green: doctor's advice

Is it possible to use brilliant green in the treatment of stomatitis in adults and children. How to properly carry out the procedure for young children. Symptoms and causes of stomatitis. Contraindication to the use of a solution of brilliant green. Treatment "Cholisalom"

Endodontic treatment of teeth. Stages of endodontic treatment

Endodontic treatment of teeth. Stages of endodontic treatment

When the pain in the teeth begins, you should immediately contact a dental specialist, as obvious symptoms may indicate an advanced stage of the disease inside the tooth. In this case, special methods of therapy are used, one of which is endodontic treatment

Tooth flux. Signs. Treatment

Tooth flux. Signs. Treatment

Tooth flux is correctly called jaw periostitis, in which the periosteum becomes inflamed and swelling of the soft tissues of the face or submandibular region occurs

Why do teeth hurt after nerve removal: possible causes and treatments

Why do teeth hurt after nerve removal: possible causes and treatments

There are no people who do not have to visit the dentist. Despite not modern technologies in this field of medicine, dental treatment still remains an unpleasant and often painful procedure

An unusual way to use hydrogen peroxide: teeth whitening

An unusual way to use hydrogen peroxide: teeth whitening

Few people know, however, teeth whitening with hydrogen peroxide is one of the most effective and affordable. How to carry out the procedure correctly? What precautions should be taken in order not to harm the body?

Caps for teeth whitening at home: reviews

Caps for teeth whitening at home: reviews

Nature has not endowed everyone with beautiful snow-white teeth, but every person would like to have a beautiful smile. In the modern world, it is very fashionable to monitor the he alth of the oral cavity. Specialists have developed many techniques that will help make a Hollywood smile. One of the most requested dental procedures is teeth whitening with a mouthguard. This is a very affordable method for many people to make a snow-white smile

Teeth whitening with White Light: reviews

Teeth whitening with White Light: reviews

The White Light system is specially designed for teeth whitening at home. The technology has practically no contraindications. You will have to pay only 400 rubles for the kit. Reviews of such whitening can be heard mostly positive

Resection of the apex of the tooth root: what is it, features and reviews

Resection of the apex of the tooth root: what is it, features and reviews

What is the resection of the apex of the tooth root? What is it for? You will find answers to these and other questions in the article. Resection of the apex of the tooth root is a procedure that is performed with a cyst or granuloma of the root for medicinal purposes

Numbering of teeth in dentistry

Numbering of teeth in dentistry

We've all been to the dentist at least once. Some still in childhood, others visited the dental clinic for the first time already in adulthood, although this is rare. At the same time, the doctor could call two-digit numbers like 36 or 45. Where does this come from, because even children know that there are no more than 32 teeth in the oral cavity, along with “signs of wisdom”! But here it's all about the special numbering of the teeth, and there are several such systems - from the simplest to not very convenient. Each clinic is armed with one or two systems