Swollen gums - what to do?

Swollen gums - what to do?
Swollen gums - what to do?

Problems with teeth and gums had or have almost every person on our planet. Improper nutrition, lack of vitamins, poor oral hygiene, hereditary factors - all this greatly affects the he alth of teeth and gums. It happens that we start sounding the alarm already when it becomes too late, and it is no longer possible to help a sick tooth - all that remains is to pull it out. But if you undergo an examination by a dentist at least once every six months, then you will not encounter such a problem.

swollen gums
swollen gums

One of the first signs of dental disease can be swollen and bleeding gums. If you do not respond to such a signal in time, it can lead to the loss of even he althy teeth. If your gums swell, see your doctor immediately. Of course, it happens that swelling and redness may appear due to a burn or injury to the gums. Then you just need to rinse your mouth with a disinfecting soda solution for a while. However, if the gum has been swollen for a long time, but it still does not go away, and rinsing does not help, then this may indicate periodontitis and gingivitis. Such diseases are most often accompanied not only by swelling, but alsobleeding, and redness of the gums. See a periodontist if your gums are bleeding. When you ask yourself the question in advance: “Why do the gums bleed?”, Then this is already good. After all, if you take care of your he alth before you get sick, be sure that this problem will not bother you.

what causes gums to bleed
what causes gums to bleed

If your gums swell for no particular reason, then you may just be cutting a tooth. The so-called wisdom teeth can erupt at a fairly mature age and cause significant pain. It happens that these teeth are removed even before they erupt, because most often they appear already sick, and, growing up, they only torment. Your gums may also swell because you brushed them too hard. The gums are made up of soft tissues that are very easy to damage. Choosing a toothbrush with medium hardness or soft bristles, you will protect yourself from damage.

When the gums swell up sharply, and you can only get to the doctor tomorrow, then you need to save yourself for now. You can rinse your mouth with tincture of calendula, a solution of soda or furatsilina. Special antiseptic gels are also sold in pharmacies.

if the gums are swollen
if the gums are swollen

Even if you manage to relieve the pain and swelling of the gums, still visit the dentist. He must determine the cause of the disease and prescribe, if necessary, treatment.

To maintain the beauty and he alth of your teeth, do not forget about the rules of hygiene. Floss and chew gum after meals. When choosing a toothpaste, focus not on hertaste and smell as well on the testimony. It is better when the dentist selects the paste for you.

It is important to remember: if the gums swell, in no case should you put a warm compress. Heat at the site of inflammation can provoke the appearance of pus. Take care of your teeth and gums, visit a doctor on time, do not drink too hot and cold drinks, do not eat a lot of coloring foods. And then you will delight yourself and others with a he althy and dazzling smile.
