Gingivitis in a child: causes, treatment, drugs

Gingivitis in a child: causes, treatment, drugs
Gingivitis in a child: causes, treatment, drugs

Parents are obliged to carefully monitor the he alth of the child. It often depends on the attentiveness of adults whether it will be noticed in time that children have dental problems. One of these problems can be gingivitis in a child. This disease is difficult to attribute to asymptomatic, but parents should listen to the first complaints of a baby or teenager in order to seek help in time.

hypertrophic gingivitis
hypertrophic gingivitis

Gingivitis: what is it?

Gingva means gum in Latin. Gingivitis is an inflammatory process in the tissues of the gums, in the place of their attachment to the neck of the tooth. Although the disease does not affect the strength of the bond between teeth and gums, it can cause a number of other problems that lead to tooth loss. That is why it is necessary to start treatment in a timely manner and use all available means.

What could be the cause?

Gingivitis in a child can be diagnosed at any age, but most often this disease affects babies older than five years. Cases of earlier disease are also known, but they are no more than 2%. What is it connected with? The fact is that the main cause of the disease is insufficient oral hygiene. On the child's teeth beginsa soft plaque accumulates, which gradually causes inflammation, that is, gingivitis. Very young children do not yet have teeth, but inflammation of the gums can begin at the time of their eruption. It is during this period that children pull all available objects into their mouths to relieve itching and pain in the gums. Together with these objects, pathogenic microflora enters the mouth, and in addition, microtraumas (scratches) may appear.

gum gingivitis
gum gingivitis

To protect a child from gingivitis or start treatment on time, you need to understand the reasons why it could develop:

  1. The main cause of gingivitis is plaque. If a child refuses to brush his teeth or performs it poorly, then the likelihood of gum inflammation is very high.
  2. A common cause of gingivitis is an injury to the lining of the mouth. Various burns, cuts or scratches can cause inflammation.
  3. Often gingivitis in a child develops due to the fact that parents did not take the baby to the dentist on time and allowed caries on milk or permanent teeth. In this case, the infection becomes the impetus for gum disease.
  4. The cause of the disease in a child may be an incorrect distribution of the load on the jaw system. This happens when an abnormal bite is formed, chewing function is disturbed, and the frenulum of the lips and tongue are not attached correctly.
  5. Gingivitis in a child can begin at the time of eruption of milk or molars. In this case, pain in the gums leads to the fact that children are worse at brushing their teeth.plaque and allow the accumulation of pathogenic microflora.
  6. Gingivitis can be caused by orthodontic appliances or poor-quality fillings.

Having understood the causes of the disease, it is easier for parents to eliminate them and protect their child in the future.

gingivitis of the teeth
gingivitis of the teeth

Associated factors

The immunity of a he althy child allows you to quickly overcome the inflammatory process while improving hygiene procedures and following the doctor's recommendations. But there are a number of factors that reduce the protective functions of the body, including gums. The risk of gingivitis is higher if the child is diagnosed with the following conditions:

  • xerostomia, that is, insufficient salivation;
  • hypovitaminosis, that is, vitamin deficiency;
  • infectious diseases of various kinds (SARS, tuberculosis, tonsillitis);
  • allergy;
  • dysbacteriosis;
  • cholecystitis, that is, inflammatory processes in the gallbladder;
  • diabetes mellitus;
  • rheumatism;
  • blood diseases.

Each of these diagnoses should be the cause of increased gum control to prevent problems from occurring.

stomatitis gingivitis
stomatitis gingivitis

Gingivitis: forms and symptoms

Gingivitis in a child, as in an adult, can occur in acute or chronic form. More often in children, an acute form is observed, the symptoms of which look like this:

  • gums become red and inflamed;
  • soft tissues around teeth become painful;
  • tissues swell;
  • gingival sulcus deepens;
  • bleeding occurs, especially when brushing teeth;
  • child complains of difficulty chewing and swallowing food.

Responding to the complaints of the child, parents should make an appointment with the dentist as soon as possible, since the focus of the disease may increase. Be aware that gingivitis can be localized or spread throughout the mouth.

In addition to the acute form with obvious symptoms, children may develop chronic gingivitis with a sluggish process. In this case, the possible severity of the course of the disease depends on parental attention to the condition of the child's oral cavity.

Doctors differentiate between mild, moderate and severe gingivitis.

Gingivitis in the first year of a child's life

There is a mixed form of the disease - stomatitis-gingivitis. This problem manifests itself in children of the first year of life and is the primary manifestation of herpes, complicated by inflammation of the gums in the baby.

maraslavin instructions for use
maraslavin instructions for use

Usually the disease is acute. It may be accompanied by fever, weakness and general lethargy. Rashes appear on the mucous membranes of the oral cavity, causing pain. The child becomes whiny, refuses to eat.

The doctor will give the baby symptomatic treatment, reduce the soreness of the rashes and prescribe water-soluble remedies for herpes.

Types of disease. Catarrhal process

Usually catarrhal gingivitis is diagnosedat the very beginning of the inflammatory process. This type is most common among children and adolescents. The main symptoms of catarrhal gingivitis are itching and discomfort in the gums, bleeding while chewing food and brushing teeth, changes in taste perception, increased odor, increased sensitivity. The temperature may rise while the process is running.

Hypertrophic gingivitis

This type of gingivitis refers to chronic processes. A characteristic symptom is the growth of gum tissue. The process may be fibrous or edematous. Hypertrophic gingivitis is most often the result of advanced catarrhal inflammation.

May be caused by malocclusion, plaque buildup and heavy medications such as those used to treat epilepsy. With strong tissue growth, in addition to fighting plaque and taking medications, surgical excision of hypertrophied tissues can be performed.

Ulcerative gingivitis

This type of disease also develops against the background of a chronic catarrhal process. In addition, ulcerative gingivitis can occur with SARS, dysbacteriosis, acute viral processes and a general decrease in immunity.

ulcerative gingivitis
ulcerative gingivitis

The disease is complicated by the fact that severe pain makes it impossible to self-hygiene the oral cavity. Ulcerative necrotizing gingivitis requires a serious approach. Complex treatment with antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory drugs is prescribed. Besides,the dentist anesthetizes the ulcerated tissues, conducts their antiseptic and hygienic treatment. One of the means for the treatment of the oral cavity can be "Maraslavin", used to restore he althy gum tissue.

"Maraslavin". Instructions for use

Despite the fact that this preparation is of plant origin, it must be used strictly following the manufacturer's instructions. Due to its pronounced antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and anesthetic action, the agent is often used in the professional treatment of various forms of gingivitis and other dental diseases.

Before using the drug, the doctor must clean the stones and plaque, after which he puts tampons soaked in the combined agent into the oral cavity. The holding time of tampons in the gum pockets is up to 6 minutes. At one time, the doctor repeats the treatment 5-6 times. The last time the tampons are left until the next appointment. The treatment time can be up to three months.

"Maraslavin", the instructions for use of which prescribe a clear control over the procedures, allows you to restore the structure of the gums, stop their bleeding and restore their natural size. This reduces pain, reduces swelling and restores contact between the gum and the neck of the tooth.

This drug is not recommended for use in children under 14 years of age as it may cause fever and other reactions that are not well understood. However, upon reaching the specified age, the drug givesvery good result.

Prevention of gingivitis in children

Gum gingivitis diagnosed in time can be completely cured. To prevent diseases of the child's oral cavity, the following preventive measures should be followed:

  1. Twice a year, bring children, including teenagers, to preventive check-ups at the dentist.
  2. Supervise daily and thorough dental and oral care.
  3. Adjust your diet and eliminate snacking, especially sweets.
  4. Choosing and replacing your child's toothbrush correctly.
  5. Picking the right toothpaste for your child or teen.
gingivitis in a child
gingivitis in a child

What to do if the baby is sick?

If the child is still sick, but the parents want to conduct a course of treatment on their own after consulting with a specialist, then first of all it is necessary to remove plaque, and only after that, anti-inflammatory rinses, treatment with gels and ointments or treatment with folk remedies.

However, one must be prepared for the fact that the symptoms will temporarily decrease or disappear, but will return after stopping treatment. The reason for this may be that the main factor causing gingivitis has not been eliminated. We are talking about plaque that appears on the teeth.

This is why dentists recommend a professional approach to treating gingivitis to avoid it progressing to periodontitis. All additional home measures can be included in the complex treatment and carried out under supervisiondentist.

Remember! A timely visit to the doctor will help keep your children's teeth and gums he althy for many years.