Yellow teeth: causes and methods of whitening

Yellow teeth: causes and methods of whitening
Yellow teeth: causes and methods of whitening

Yellow teeth are the norm. Many people are embarrassed by their ivory shade, but few people know that a snow-white smile is found in only 20% of the population.

But if a light, not very conspicuous yellowness is considered the norm, then bright and unnatural - no. She needs to be fought. And not just for aesthetic reasons. Yellow teeth usually indicate he alth problems. What exactly? But this is worth telling in more detail.

Cigarette smoking is the main cause of yellow teeth
Cigarette smoking is the main cause of yellow teeth

Reasons: habits and nutrition

Most often, the appearance of yellowness is provoked by the following factors:

  • Smoking cigarettes. Due to hot smoke, microcracks appear in fragile enamel. Subsequently, they are filled with tobacco tar and other waste products. It is they who form yellowness, and later unpleasant brown spots. In such cases, it is very difficult to restore the teeth to their former attractiveness. Since they have to be cleaned of both tar and tobacco smoke bacteria.
  • Products containing dyes. Specifically sugary sodas, wine, carrots and beets.
  • Sweet, consumed in too much quantity. It is sugar that contributes to the creation of a harmful acidic environment for enamel in the oral cavity. As a result, bacteria form in microcracks. They are the cause of yellowness.

Residents of villages and polluted cities are at risk. There is no proper water control. It is not properly cleaned of impurities, including iron. Metal particles settle on the enamel, and yellowness becomes the result. But in this case, there is a way out - the use of filters.

How to whiten yellow teeth?
How to whiten yellow teeth?

Other factors

Often yellow teeth are the result of mechanical impact. Suppose a person was careless and accidentally hit his teeth hard on a cup while drinking tea. This will cause cracks in the enamel. They will be filled with bacteria in the future. As a result - yellowness. Serious trauma can damage the pulp. In severe cases, the tooth dies over time.

Age is another reason. Enamel wears out with age. And if in young people it is restored naturally, then in the elderly it is not.

Also, yellow tooth enamel occurs due to wearing braces and dentures. This is because food gets into the places where these products (plates or devices) are attached. As a result, plaque forms, bacteria multiply. No matter how carefullyNo matter how much you brush your teeth, you won't be able to completely get rid of them. The result is reflected on the enamel.

Proper nutrition has a positive effect on the color of teeth
Proper nutrition has a positive effect on the color of teeth

Natural yellowness

Often the shade of the teeth, perceived by many as problems, is a sign of he alth. If a person has naturally yellow teeth, then this indicates a high level of enamel mineralization. This allows you to effectively resist various microorganisms that provoke the appearance of caries.

Mineral-rich enamel is strong, so it protects internal cavities perfectly. Snow-white matte teeth are not a reason for pride, but for concern. Most likely, the enamel is sorely lacking in minerals. As a rule, the owners of the "Hollywood smile" suffer from either increased sensitivity of the teeth or from caries.

Many are still interested in the question of why the lateral molars grow yellow. Everything is explained by the individual structure of the teeth. The fangs are stronger and contain the most dentin, the hard tissue that gives the tooth its shade.

Ultrasound whitening

What to do with yellow teeth? Bleach them if this problem is very annoying. Thankfully, there are many ways. And ultrasound whitening is one of the most effective and modern.

This is an abrasive treatment that gives the same effect as daily brushing, only much stronger. Because ultrasound is able to get into even the farthest and deepest corners.

The result is visible after the first procedure. Effectachieved due to the high abrasiveness and due to the frequency of exposure to the enamel. Needless to say, ultrasound can even remove age spots. An important nuance: the surface of the tooth is not damaged. The procedure is absolutely harmless.

True, there are contraindications. These include caries, dangerous diseases (AIDS, tuberculosis, sarcoma), periodontitis and periodontal disease, oral infections and high enamel sensitivity. The simplest ultrasonic cleaning costs about 4,000 rubles

Ultrasonic whitening of yellow teeth
Ultrasonic whitening of yellow teeth

Laser whitening

Many people say: “I brush my teeth regularly and thoroughly, but they are yellow! What to do? As an option, sign up for laser whitening.

The procedure will take about an hour. A special composition is applied to the patient's teeth. To speed up the impact and be more effective, the teeth are exposed to a light beam.

The laser makes the procedure not only shorter, but also safer. Plus, UV radiation helps prevent tooth decay and other infections that the oral cavity is prone to.

This procedure can even improve aesthetics of naturally yellow teeth. Lightening in 40 minutes up to 12 tones - isn't that amazing? True, such a procedure will not be cheap. The exact price depends on the means used and the modernity of the laser device. The cost varies from 8 to 30 thousand rubles.

Hydrogen peroxide whitening

Perhaps the most famous method by which at home you can make yellow teeth more aesthetic and whiter. In fact, it is hydrogen peroxide that is the basis of many medical gels intended for this purpose.

There are two methods. The first is as simple as possible - you need to wet a cotton pad with peroxide and wipe your teeth with it several times, then rinse your mouth with clean water.

The second method is also not difficult. You need to mix a third of a glass of water with 25 drops of pharmacy 3% peroxide and rinse your mouth thoroughly with this solution. Use all. Once it is finished, rinse your mouth with clean water. This method is better than the first, because the solution covers the entire oral cavity. Even the inside of the teeth.

Whitening yellow teeth with hydrogen peroxide
Whitening yellow teeth with hydrogen peroxide

Activated carbon

This substance, which everyone probably has at home, can also whiten yellow teeth. Activated charcoal has a double effect:

  • Being an abrasive, it perfectly removes plaque from enamel.
  • As an absorbent, neutralizes putrefactive bacteria and toxins accumulated under cracks.

You just need to take a few tablets and grind them well. Should be a powder. So fine it's more like dust. And with this composition, you need to additionally brush your teeth every day for 2-3 minutes. You can immediately after using the paste. Although some just add it to it.

If you don't feel like making the powder, you can take 2-3 whole tablets and chew them for the same amount of time.

Baking soda

You can try to use it forwhitening if the teeth have become yellow. Baking soda provokes abrasive abrasion of plaque and provides antiseptic treatment of the oral cavity. You can not use this method often, otherwise the enamel will become thin and sensitive. A person simply will not be able to painlessly eat sour, sugary, hot and cold.

So, you need to take a wet toothbrush, dip it in baking soda and brush your teeth thoroughly. No need to collect more powder later! Too much baking soda can cause your gums to bleed. There is also a high probability of allergic redness and swelling inside the mouth.

A gentle alternative is rinsing. Pour a teaspoon of soda into a glass of warm water and stir to dissolve it. Such rinses will have the desired effect, but will not destroy the enamel.

They say that this method is the most effective if you want to whiten yellow teeth that have become so from smoking.

Whitening yellow teeth with baking soda
Whitening yellow teeth with baking soda

Tea Tree Oil

Talking about how to whiten yellow teeth, you should pay attention to this tool. Tea tree oil is a natural antiseptic. It has a whitening effect of medium efficiency. Oil is not able to remove the top contaminated layer of enamel, but it has three other properties, namely:

  • Gradual recovery of the oral cavity.
  • Plaque Removal.
  • Restoration of microflora.

You need to rinse your mouth with oil every day and do this for 3-4 weeks. After this time, the effect will be noticeable. If hewill suit the person, then you can continue. Plus, some of the oil, one way or another, gets inside. And this is useful for many - it improves immunity, has an antiviral effect, normalizes digestion, strengthens the central nervous system, stimulates memory, etc.

Pastes and gels

If you do not want to experiment with folk remedies, you can go to the pharmacy for medical ones. Buy, for example, whitening toothpaste. It does the following:

  • Removes plaque by dissolving it. The enamel is not destroyed.
  • Suppresses the mineralization of old plaque and prevents the formation of a new one.
  • Strengthens the enamel due to its constituent nutrients.

You can also buy a special mouth guard that comes with a whitening gel. It is filled with it and put on the teeth before going to bed. Due to the long exposure, the whitening effect becomes visible quickly in just 5-10 days.

However, mouth guards and pastes cannot be used every day all the time. You need to take regular breaks. Daily exposure to bleaching agents can contribute to the destruction of enamel. Mouthguards, for example, can be worn 10 nights in a row, and then take a break for 20. And brush your teeth with whitening paste every three days, at other times using the usual one.

Whitening yellow teeth with paste
Whitening yellow teeth with paste


So, the above was about how to whiten yellow teeth. But the result of any procedure, even if it is home use of soda or peroxide, must be maintained. For this it is necessaryobserve the following measures:

  • Brush your teeth thoroughly at least morning and evening. The procedure takes three minutes.
  • Stop smoking and limit your sugar intake.
  • Remove canned foods from your diet.
  • Avoid temperature fluctuations (drink ice cream with hot coffee, etc.).
  • Contact a specialist for advice. Everyone needs professional advice on which hygiene products to use.
  • No coloring products.
  • Eat foods rich in trace elements and calcium.
  • Filter the water.

And, of course, self-treatment should be avoided. If you want to eliminate yellowness, you first need to contact your dentist. He will establish the cause, make recommendations and prescribe a competent treatment that will save the patient from complications.
