Computed tomography of teeth: diagnostic features, advantages of the method

Computed tomography of teeth: diagnostic features, advantages of the method
Computed tomography of teeth: diagnostic features, advantages of the method

Not so long ago, the most effective way to get an idea of the state of bone tissue in the oral cavity was a two-dimensional panoramic image. Currently, dentists are increasingly using computed tomography of the teeth. The method allows to form three-dimensional images of the jaw for examination by a specialist of visible and hidden areas of tissues from all sides.

Research principle

computed tomography of teeth
computed tomography of teeth

Computed tomography of teeth is based on differences in the passage of X-rays through individual tissue structures (bones, muscles). During the study, the radiation flows through the human body, after which it is captured at the output by a special detector. The result is a whole series of images, on the basis of which the 3D computed tomography of the teeth is actually built.

The generated three-dimensional model is stored in the computer's memory. Subsequently, these resultsdiagnostics can be used by other doctors when developing methods of therapy.

Diagnostic options

The use of innovative CT devices contributes to the following research in the field of dentistry and jaw surgery:

  • Detecting defects in teeth and anomalies in the structure of bone tissue.
  • Formation of ideas about the nature of focal infections.
  • Collecting information to prepare for surgery.
  • Control over the growth of pathological tissue in the maxillofacial region.

Application areas

computed tomography of the teeth
computed tomography of the teeth

Computed tomography of teeth is indispensable primarily in surgical dentistry. The application of the research method opens up the possibility for complex dental implantation, bone grafting, and tumor diagnosis.

As for periodontology, here computed tomography of the teeth helps to identify tumor-like and sclerotic periodontal defects. Using the method, specialists also determine the level of bone resorption.

In the field of orthodontics, computed tomography of teeth (photos of tomographs are presented in this material) makes it possible to find out the state of hard and soft tissues, to form an idea of the curvature of the dentition in preparation for prosthetics.

Obtaining three-dimensional, detailed images eliminates errors in the diagnosis. The effectiveness and safety of the method allows the therapy to be carried out within a short period of time.time.

How is a CT scan done?

computed tomography of teeth in moscow
computed tomography of teeth in moscow

3D imaging with a state-of-the-art CT machine is a simple, fast and painless procedure. To begin with, the patient needs to find where computed tomography of teeth is performed in Moscow, the addresses of medical institutions that have such equipment. As for the actual conduct of the study, it is carried out as follows:

  1. The patient places their chin on the CT stand. The head is fixed in a static position. During the imaging, the patient is asked to remain completely calm and not to move. Such preparation for diagnostics excludes obtaining low-quality images.
  2. The specialist activates the CT machine. After a few moments, the first images are formed on the monitor connected to the tomograph.
  3. When performing diagnostics, the doctor monitors the patient's condition. The equipment turns off as soon as the device produces enough images to create a three-dimensional model.

As a rule, computed tomography of the teeth lasts no more than a minute. During this time, the patient does not have time to experience discomfort. Among other things, the degree of short-term exposure is so small that critical harm is not caused to human he alth.


3d computed tomography of teeth
3d computed tomography of teeth

Who is not recommended to undergo a CT scanteeth? Despite the general safety of the method, X-rays still affect tissues and organs during the study. Therefore, it is necessary to make a decision on the procedure on a purely individual basis.

Refuse research recommended:

  1. Pregnant women - even minimal exposure has the potential to harm an unformed fetus.
  2. Nursing mothers - X-rays have a negative effect on the structure of milk. In the case of a study, women are advised to refrain from breastfeeding for several days.
  3. People who suffer from claustrophobia - not only the limited space in the diagnostic room, but also the rotation of the movable part of the apparatus, with which three-dimensional images are formed, can cause panic in such patients.
  4. Patients who find it difficult to remain completely still for physiological reasons.
  5. Allergy sufferers and people suffering from diabetes. The need to inject a contrast agent into the body to take pictures in this case can cause a whole host of unpleasant consequences and be harmful to he alth.

In closing

computed tomography of teeth photo
computed tomography of teeth photo

As you can see, dental computed tomography is an extremely effective, safe diagnostic method that eliminates medical errors. The ability to create a three-dimensional model of the area under study makes it possible not only to form an idea of the state of the deep bonetissues, but also to detect various pathologies at early stages of development.
