What is periodontal disease? The reasons for its occurrence

What is periodontal disease? The reasons for its occurrence
What is periodontal disease? The reasons for its occurrence

Periodontosis is a disease that leads to dystrophy of the periodontal tissues and atrophy of the jaw. Because of this, pathological violations of the integrity of the interdental areas occur. Microcirculation in the blood vessels is disturbed, the gum becomes pale, sinks, exposing the roots of the teeth. This leads to their loosening and even loss. Parodontosis, the causes of which lie much deeper than other inflammatory processes in the oral cavity, is a chronic disease.

periodontal disease causes
periodontal disease causes

Periodontitis or periodontal disease? Causes and treatment

The causes of periodontal disease are not only the banal reproduction of pathological microorganisms on the tissues of the gums, although this factor also plays an important role in the development of the disease. Insufficient patency of blood vessels causes dystrophic disorders in the tissues. The causes of such disorders can be both hereditary factors and acquired diseases. For example, patients with diabetes mellitus shouldbe attentive to the prevention of periodontal disease.

Despite the fact that the achievements of modern medicine today allow you to work wonders, this disease is often confused with periodontitis. However, this is not the same thing, although such diagnoses very often accompany each other. Undoubtedly, the weakened state of the immune system leads to the most severe disorders in bone tissues.

causes of periodontal disease
causes of periodontal disease

Therefore, the correct approach to the treatment of the disease is an integrated approach: diagnosing the general condition of the body, working to increase immunity and prescribing a treatment regimen.

Many patients themselves contribute to the development of the disease, as they delay visiting a specialist even after the gums begin to bleed. The harbingers of the inflammatory process are frightening, forcing many patients to abandon oral hygiene procedures for a while. Patients mistakenly believe that the mechanical impact of the toothbrush was the reason for bleeding. By stopping brushing their teeth fully and in a timely manner, patients give free rein to pathogenic microbes.

Periodontitis. Causes and treatment
Periodontitis. Causes and treatment

The only and correct solution in such a situation is to immediately contact a specialist, which will possibly prevent periodontal disease. The causes of deviations from the norm should be identified as quickly as possible and, if possible, eliminated. Severe forms of the disease lead to irreversible processes - the loss of dental units.

There are other factors thatlead to the development of a disease such as periodontal disease, the causes line up in a long list. These are incorrectly installed crowns or prostheses, mechanical damage to the gum tissue, bad habits, hormonal failure, unbalanced nutrition, and the presence of piercings in the oral cavity.

But whatever triggered periodontal disease, the causes and consequences often need to be addressed. A comprehensive course of treatment gives significant improvements.

Actions are simultaneously aimed at boosting the immune system, removing stones and plaque, grinding and leveling exposed areas of the tooth roots, as well as applying prescribed medications. Herbal preparations have an effective effect.
