A beautiful smile is the dream of millions. This is not only a visiting card of a successful modern person, but also a guarantee of he alth. Fortunately, dentistry does not stand still, and today doctors can offer a wide range of services and procedures to help you get closer to your ideal. Consider the Nobel implant systems, which occupy a leading position and have earned the love of patients from all over the world.

Nobel implant: manufacturer
Nobel Biocare is an advanced implant manufacturer with extensive experience and an unbreakable reputation in the international implantology market. Where is the Nobel implant made? The manufacturer is the country of Sweden. However, the United States, Japan and Israel also take part in the production.

Every second dentist uses the Nobel implant in his work. All of them have an individual registration number, which makes it easy to trace the path of the structure and establish the fact of a fake, if any.
Why should you use them?
The Nobel implant is worth choosi-g.webp
- The patented material used in the production helps to restore bone tissue in the shortest possible time.
- The implant system is reliable and easy to use. During installation, the maximum amount of bone tissue is preserved.
- The success rate of engraftment of Nobel constructions is 99%.
- The Nobel implant is presented in three versions: conical, three-channel and external. In addition, manufacturers offer designs of any size, so they can be used for prosthetics in any patient, regardless of the structural features. The dentist has the opportunity to choose the ideal implant for his client, suitable for the volume of bone tissue, taking into account the density.

Features of prosthetics
The Nobel implant has a number of features:
- The artificial root takes root quickly due to its coating with a substance based on titanium oxide. The unique material promotes the growth and restoration of bone mass.
- Individual identification number allows you to trace the history of the design and exclude falsification.
- When installing the Nobel implant, there is no need to grind adjacent teeth, i.e., a gentle implantation method is used during prosthetics.
- Implantation is possible even for patients with insufficient bone tissue. The looseness of the dentin is also not an obstacle.
- Wide range of orthopedic designs.
- The manufacturer guarantees the product for 10 years.
- Available for all indications.
- Possibility of application in the case of simultaneous implantation, i.e. when implantation is performed immediately after tooth extraction, in one visit to the dentist.
- The presence of a thread with a gradual smoothing of the turns allows you to securely fix the implant.
- Achieving optimal positioning when fixing the abutment due to the triangular shape.
- Possibility of application for all types of adentia.
- Use for fixing a removable prosthesis.
- Easy design to use.
- A wide range of different prosthetic structures for fixation.
- The implant placement process takes no more than 5 minutes.

When does it apply
The Nobel implant system is used in the following cases:
- The need for instant prosthetics in order to achieve the aesthetics of a smile.
- The need for reliable fixation of a removable prosthesis on the implant.
- Using a sinus lift - an operation whose purpose is to lift the mucous membrane of the bottom of the maxillary sinus (it is usually performed in case of bone deficiency in the lateral sections of the alveolar process of the upper jaw, which makes implantation difficult).
- Using Immediate Implantation.
Types of implants
Nobel implant systemscan be divided into several types:
1. Nobel Replay is the most demanded system.
Divided into several subspecies:
- "Replay Groovy" - is used in any clinical case. Such an implant is root-shaped, which makes it possible to achieve high primary stability. The period of engraftment of the system is extremely short. In addition, immediately after installation, you can subject it to stress. The patient is not required to comply with any rules for wearing the implant: immediately after implantation, you can lead a normal life.
- "Replace Select" - in essence, it is the predecessor of the previous considered implantation system, the shape is root-shaped, with an internal connection. However, unlike the former, the implants have a polished neck, which makes it impossible for the implanted structure to fuse with the bone.
"Replay Taiped" is the most popular system in use. It has a standard drilling protocol, which guarantees a successful installation. Color coding and a unique design make it easier to place implants, allowing the dentist to control the process of fitting prostheses onto implants. The unique coating ensures rapid fusion of the implant and jaw bone. In addition, a weighty argument for using this implant system is the release of "Replace Taiped" on various platforms:
- Narrow - used for insufficient bone volume, as well as for small interdental distances.
- Standard - applicablewhen restoring the anterior group of teeth.
- Wide - used with a wide comb, as well as when restoring posterior teeth.

2. "Nobel Active" - implants with parallel walls. Double thread allows you to introduce the design and completely eliminate its micromovement. Using the system gives excellent aesthetic results.

3. "Nobel Speed" - implants with a conical apical part, applicable for bone tissue with low density. Presented with two types of connections: external and internal.

4. "Nobel Direct" - implants connected to the abutment.
Which is better: Alpha Bio or Nobel implants?
Nobel implants are not the only ones on the dental market. In addition to them, Alfa Bio, produced in Israel, is also very popular. Which ones are better? To do this, we will compare the implants "Alfa Bio" - "Nobel".
The advantages of Alfa Bio are:
- Strong due to coarse threads.
- Safety coming from the conical shape of the implant. During installation, due to this, damage to important sections and anatomical structures of the jaw is minimized.
- Short installation time - a dental implant, if necessary, can be used immediately after tooth extraction.
- Easy to install - no preparation required.
- Full biological compatibility of dentalbone and implant due to special design processing.
As you may have noticed, Alfa Bio has almost the same advantages as Nobel. The difference is only in the price and the achieved result: the Nobel implants recognized as the most technologically advanced are slightly better, but also more expensive.
How the installation works
How is Nobel prosthetics made? The installation of implants is carried out in two stages:
- The first step is to take a panoramic x-ray of the patient's mouth. In addition to the dentist, the resulting image must be consulted by an implant surgeon, as well as an orthopedic dentist.
- Implantation. After a certain time, the patient will also need to install a gum former: for the upper jaw - after 5 months, for the lower jaw - after 2.5.

Usually, in addition to a lifetime warranty from the manufacturer, the patient is provided with an additional warranty from the dental clinic where the Nobel implant was installed. Reviews characterize the Swiss implantation system exclusively on the positive side, the quality and aesthetic side do not cause any complaints. The only downside is the high cost. However, everyone has long known that you have to pay for excellent results. Beauty requires sacrifice.