The name "horse" speaks for itself. In its pure form, fat can be found in food markets, stud farms, healers and pharmacies. This is a product that is obtained by heating the carcass of a horse. No matter how sad it sounds, but this is the most common method of extraction. Asians were the first to discover the beneficial properties of the product. The horse's body contains natural beneficial substances that help a person restore his shaky he alth.

What is rich in horse fat?
It contains valuable amino acids and keratin. The latter is successfully used in cosmetology. It is a dense elastic protein that is a component of the hair, mane and hooves of horses. Keratin protects the tissue from the adverse effects of the environment and promotes its growth.
Modern people are looking for just such cosmetics that contain horse keratin and often fall for dubious products. Beauticians consider it their duty to warn that the advertised Horsepower shampoo does not contain horse oil, as expected, and is intended specifically for animals.
This is the remedy thatused to shine the mane and due to its ingredients are not suitable for humans. But creams, masks and shampoos made on the basis of horse fat are really able to nourish the human body, enriching it with valuable substances. Such products are not cheap and are used to improve nails, hair, skin of hands and feet.

Where to find and how to apply?
Horse fat in the pharmacy is sold refined, odorless and colorless. It can be found both in a semi-liquid state and in a solid state. It is also successfully used in the manufacture of creams, ointments, gels, balms for various diseases. Horse fat itself has regenerative properties. Where is this product used?
Treatment with horse fat provides for the presence of skin ailments: burns, eczema and other diseases. Natural raw materials are able to restore the synthesis of ceramides in the human body, which help to increase the protective barrier of the skin. Traditional medicine has long recognized horse fat as one of the useful remedies and advises treating an intervertebral hernia with it. To do this, make such a compress:
- Cut a wide strip of polyethylene and cover it with chopped horse fat.
- Cover the resulting “stuffing” with a cloth and put it on the spine.
- Fix the compress with adhesive tape so that it can be left for a day.
Another option: apply liquid horse fat directly to painful areas, then wrap yourself in a sheet and lie there for 2 hours. Patientsnote that after a few hours, the pain syndrome decreases, and overall well-being improves markedly.
Therefore, the treatment of hernia with horse fat should be adopted! In addition, the animal product helps to remove cholesterol from the body, is used to cleanse the intestines and liver. Horse fat is useful for indigestion. Reviews of its beneficial effects on the human body are numerous.

To help chiropractors
Healers correct chronic dislocations with the help of horse fat. To do this, melt a piece, then pour the resulting oily liquid into a dark-colored bottle and let it lie in the refrigerator for 2 hours. Rub therapeutic fat into the diseased joint should be within 14 days in the morning and evening. It is also recommended to make a compress using gauze pads. Usually 2 nights are enough to feel the pulling pains in the affected joint. But do not be afraid! Such signs indicate that the fat has penetrated the interarticular tissue, and it's time to smoothly and painlessly return the joint to its place.
Beauty area
At the beginning of the topic, we touched on the field of cosmetology and how horse fat is used in it. What is it good for? For example, in Japanese cosmetology in its pure form, this product is rarely used. Fat is processed into oil, which perfectly regenerates areas of withered skin.

Along with this, urea is used in lotions and ointments, the formula of which coincides with horse urine. But be embarrassedit's not worth it! After all, Japanese experts take synthesized urea, and not animal, which is a waste product.
Korean women are also closely following the trends of the cosmetics market. When it comes to the beauty of the body and hair, they are ready to experiment with various new products. Korean cosmetologists equate the properties of horse fat with olive oil and cannot do without it.
This is interesting
To get the best quality products, manufacturers use the subcutaneous fat of the horse, which is deposited under the mane. Animals are kept in an ecologically clean part of Korea and fed with feed containing alpha-linoleic acid. After the fat is collected and processed, it is used in its pure form without extraneous additives. It has been proven that fat-based creams have an excellent moisturizing effect and slow down cell aging. Use this cream regularly to eliminate redness and promote healing of existing wounds.

Where else is fat used?
In Tibetan medicine, not a single rubbing and kneading can do without it. Of course, oils are also well suited for these purposes: sesame, butter, fats of other animals. But horse fat is most preferable. It has a more beneficial effect on human skin and joints.
In addition, Tibetan healers successfully treat eye inflammation with horse fat. As you know, everything in the body is interconnected. Therefore, the soles of the feet of the sick person are rubbed with slightly melted fat mixed with cumin. Shouldmost carefully massage the fold of the third and second fingers, since it is these zones that affect the eye area. After the end of the procedure, the patient must put on socks and walk for 30 minutes.
Skin diseases
From the strongest itching, this remedy will help: melt 100 g of horse fat, let cool. Then add 2 tablespoons of wine sourdough and 2 teaspoons of sour milk to it. Keep the mixture in the refrigerator for 15 minutes, then lubricate the affected areas, leave overnight.
For eczema, shingles, Tibetan monks prepare the following mixture: melted horse fat is mixed with a decoction of gentian flowers, mahogany wood powder, melt water are added and the healing mixture is rubbed into problem areas for a month.
Abscesses, abscesses, abscesses are recommended to be treated with gruel: take equal parts yellow volcanic sulfur, wine sourdough and melted fat. Pour into a bottle with dark glass and let the mixture brew for 14 days in a cold place. After that, use the mixture for its intended purpose.

Other diseases
With frequent fainting, weakness and headache, you should take a piece of one-year-old horse fat and rub it into the area of the 1st vertebra (that is, the 7th cervical). You should start counting from it, and also massage the area located in the middle of the chest. The rubbed areas are then dusted with toasted barley flour.
A little more complicated in terms of technology is the preparation of the composition for gout. First you need to buy white and black sesame flour for 100gram, cook it in 500 milliliters of cheese whey, combine with a glass of melted horse fat. Wait for the mixture to thicken, rub into sore spots 2 times a day for a month.
In case of kidney failure, it is recommended to take liquid fats in equal parts: horse, beaver, otter and shake well. Then let it harden in the refrigerator and apply for 15 minutes on the affected areas.
As you can see, horse fat is quite effective in many diseases. It can be used by all people, except for those who are allergic to this product. We advise you to adopt our recipes and get rid of diseases forever!